Lamm LL1 Signature - how good?

Fransisco, to make such a conclusion, did you compare the two preamps in exactly the same system, or was this general characteristic consistent across a variety of configurations?

Surely I compared. Do you imagine I could resist such experiment having both side by side? ;)
Also include the conrad johnson GAT2 in the experiment. Only the VTL 7.5 mk3 managed to escape from such test.
When I first got my ML 2.1 I was using an Audio Research preamp. No magic there. Switched to Lamm preamp and will never use another preamp with my ML3. The LL1, ML3 and LP1 are all part of his Signature series. I've said many times here that these will be buried with me as I have no desires to try anything else.
No surprise there Steve, the ML2.1 needs to be fed more gain than the AR preamplifier has onboard. Same with the ML3 Signature …agreed, the LL1 Signature, either one, will be the appropriate fit.

-a…dealer disclosure, I think :)
Thx Micro
Different question
How does the ar ref 10 compare to the ref 40?

Never compared them side by side in my system. However having listened to both in our distributor room in many long sessions I always got the feeling it had more detail and precision but not the spatial and explosive dynamics of the Anniversary (REF40). Or perhaps I was very sensitive to the outstanding performance of the REF40 when I introduced it in my system and once I got used to it created a bias towards this type of sound. :)

The REF40 and the REF10share the same PCBs and signal and power supply circuits - the main differences are the control system, wiring and the output capacitors - the REF10 does not use the four Teflon bottle size capacitors any more.
The REF40 and the REF10share the same PCBs and signal and power supply circuits - the main differences are the control system, wiring and the output capacitors - the REF10 does not use the four Teflon bottle size capacitors any more.
Part of the difference in sound between the two is also due to the REF40s SED Winged "C" versus the Ref 10s Sovtek 6550WE power supply tubes.

Yes, really. It sounds like you are having a tantrum and want attention. You came into a thread about a component that you do not own and have no experience with in order to make a snotty remark about the manufacturer. You already made your same complaint in two other threads - one in which I tried to help you there. Cop a chill dude - Elina gave you an explanation that the business is the middle of relocation, a hectic time - bad mouthing a reputable company is not a solution to your problem.
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Update: I went ahead and purchased an ARC ref 10 phono and 10 LS. Should be here in June. While I was tempted by Lamm, I didn’t want to be tempted to do a full system change before and after the LS component. That is not in the cards currently.
@rich121 don't be bullied here. It's perfectly fair to air legitimate grievances like yours, and you shouldn't feel the need to take them down. You've received good suggestions in terms of working through a dealer and there are a few available on the forum. Let us know how it all works out.

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