Job 225


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2013
Has anyone heard the new JOB 225 amplifier? It is sold only through Amazon for around $1,500.

Reportedly, however, the unit not only uses the same circuit designs as Goldmund amplifiers but also is made by Goldmund. Srajan Ebaen praised the JOB 225 to the skies in a recent review:

Is there any chance that this amplifier compares with much more expensive high-speed, solid-state designs? Does the direct coupled design pose a concern for use with modest front-end equipment and preamplification?
Is there any chance that this amplifier compares with much more expensive high-speed, solid-state designs? Does the direct coupled design pose a concern for use with modest front-end equipment and preamplification?

I think it is quite possible. I wouldn't be surprised if it sounded better than some $5k designs. You are basicly getting it factory direct (forget the tiny Amazon markup) plus the box is very basic.

I would like to try one in my system ... sadly it is 115V only.
I can remember coming across job/stellavox 10 years ago and being quite excited because here was Goldmund tech in a cheaper OEM line.

The Job225 has almost the exact same specs as the new Goldmund Metis 3 stereo amp. The internal boards look the same, except the Metis 3 is dual mono, and has a much nicer case obviously.

It could be a true audiophile bargain.
How much is the Metis 3 ?
It doesn't look the same. Look at the layout of the caps.
Looks the same to me.

Metis 3 2x100W Analogue Power amp - $6,470
Looks the same to me.

Metis 3 2x100W Analogue Power amp - $6,470

Look closer. I'm not talking about the big can caps. Look at the smaller gray caps. The dual mono unit has staggered gray caps (12 from what I can count) and the stereo unit has 8 of those caps in a straight line.
Looks like there's also many more of the red WIMA caps behind the gray caps in the Goldmund amp.

You are correct. There are many more of them.
The difference may be the Metis 3 pictures were taken in 2010 when it was released and the Job225 pictures are recent. Possibly. I think it more likely they have the same board design but the Metis 3 will have better components and tighter tolerance's in the right areas.

Either way it all is looking pretty good for the Job amp at $1500....
Unfortunately, the pictures aren't good enough to show us if the boards are truly the same and the Job225 just has less components stuffed on the boards. As it is, it is clear there are more parts on the Metis amp and it has two power transformers. The Job may be a fine sounding amp, but I doubt it sounds identical to the Metis except to those people who think all amps sound the same.
The other thing the Metis has is Goldmunds mechanical grounding, although it is hard to see what it is/how its implemented, with this standard looking stereo amp chassis. Could be just a marketing term.
I think it is quite possible. I wouldn't be surprised if it sounded better than some $5k designs. You are basicly getting it factory direct (forget the tiny Amazon markup) plus the box is very basic.

I would like to try one in my system ... sadly it is 115V only.


I bought one for fun!
I ordered one today. Thanks for the information, everyone.

Joe, I'm curious to find out what you think about the JOB.

If my tracking updates are correct, I should have it tomorrow night. My fingers are crossed. I think it might actually be a diamond in the rough.
If my tracking updates are correct, I should have it tomorrow night. My fingers are crossed. I think it might actually be a diamond in the rough.

How are you going to polish it?

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