James Cameron does something only two humans have ever done before!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2010
La Jolla, Calif USA
James Cameron dived to the deepest part of the ocean yesterday. By going to the bottom of the Mariana trench at 35,700 plus feet he became only the 3rd man in history to accomplish this feat. The last two were over 40 years ago!!

See here: http://news.yahoo.com/director-cameron-starts-record-setting-pacific-dive-204339087.html

I think when one realizes the risks involved in this venture, you begin to realize that James Cameron must be one heck of an adventurer!

So little fanfare for such a momentous achievement,however, I for one am Immensely impressed.:cool:
Impressive, an Explorer Merit Badge for him, especially when one has been up close to a few of these submersibles. Though not this particular one, of course.
Avatar, now this. And the poor guy still gets called "Titanic Director, James Cameron." Just can't live it down.

He has always had a passion for underwater explorations. Some 15 years ago, we hired him to consult with my group at Microsoft. Even then he would talk about deep ocean exploration which his brother was driving and shooting in 3-D.

I can't imagine being in that capsule with no room to move and no hope of recovery from catastrophic failure for the 70 minutes it took to go to the bottom!
Steve, he went down alone!:eek::eek: Hard to imagine the guts it took to do that.
On one of the bulletins I saw, it said that he would occasionally think about the consequences,
stating: " any leaks and the sub would instantly implode"...:eek:
James Cameron's exploits are impressive:cool:. I've seen some of his spectacular under sea film footage. A contemporary explorer and adventurer of note.
Steve, Amir, DaveF, thanks for elaborating on my point so well!! These vehicles, though obviously made well, just never gave me that warm fuzzy feeling up close!
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He holds the record now for the deepest solo dive .
I would like to see what images he shot down there with the HD camera he brought with him

He's doin' some editing right now as we speak. ...Between two martinis. :b

* Check for the next James Cameron's installment on the Deepest Solo Dive Ever in 3D. :cool:
Kind of fits in with one of his earlier films, "The Abyss". I loved the Directors Cut of that movie, while the theatrical release left me scratching my head!!

Too bad though that:

1. 'The Abyss' ain't on Blu-ray yet!
2. That the DVD Special Edition (with the additional 28 minutes), is not even anamorphic!

...Actually, very sad. :(

I guess that's what happen when you're plunging too deep into the abyss. ;)
...You don't have the time and 'mind's edge' to see (think) clearly.
Really? That is amazing. I wonder if there is some kind of rights issue.

I also liked the extended cut better.

Yes unfortunately it's a fact Amir.

And same for the DVD (non-anamorphic)!


* As another example;
'The Color of Money' by Marty Scorsese ain't on Blu-ray yet either!
But it's comin', finally! :b

And the DVD version is non-anamorphic! :(


And both James & Marty are into the very best picture quality possible!!!
They are even members of that association on films restoration!
What they promote is not always what they do (practice) ...

And then, just look at 'Avatar 3D'!!! It ain't available yet to the masses!!!
What does it say about promoting 3D???
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Apparently James Cameron only saw some ravenous shrimp on his journey to the deep. Not sure what a ravenous shrimp looks like, LOL:). Nonetheless, the news footage of this momentous event is shockingly poor, IMHO. ( not talking about the shrimp find;) )

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