JackD201 - Version 2.0

Jack - now that you have clearly gone way Ultra...I am curious given the dimensions of your room, etc (and also your penchant for bass) whether you have ever spoken with VS about the fact that some of their designs have involved separate subs (VS-100 for example)...and whether you have ever discussed with VS whether you would want them to do the same with your Ultra 11s and have 2 other subs placed elsewhere in the room.

Is this something that is no longer necessary as a consideration given the Ultra 11s flexibility, adjustability and/or the design of your room acoustics?

First off, my heartfelt thanks for all of your positive comments, some of you from the likes of Mike and Steve whose personal journeys I have followed and admired since I was a mid-level manager. I promise that I will try my very best to answer equipment specifics as we go down the signal path in reverse.

Lloyd old buddy, yes. Leif and I have discussed how an added sub or two elsewhere in my room might further improve the performance. Leif and I have a weird special kinship. We both started in professional audio. As such, many of our random "hey, what you up to @%^#$@^$???????" phone conversations often include sharing notes on setting up and manning live events. Bass is always the most challenging part so we exchange our thoughts on bass solutions in large venues ranging from acoustic shading to dipole woofer configurations and DSP settings to account for distance vs frequency between arrays of sub units. Well, large and small venue acoustics have different math. In between, there is this mathematical gray area of output vs boundary,where large format speakers like yours, mine, Mike's, Steve's, Arnie's, David's and many others here fall into. We are, and I am trying to be kind here, oddities. I figure that there are so few of us in the world population that the interest of academics is nil.

Leif is suggesting I do try some subs in the rear just to see. I counter that what I have had ever since I've had 9s and way before the 11s and U11s, doesn't warrant the effort. My acoustician Mike Pedero and I communicate in terms of acoustics the way Leif and I do about transduction. These kind of relationships where you understand each other so well are trippy that if we were in a newlywed gameshow and all the questions were on those topics, that 3-piece living room set would be ours LOL Mike P knows me so well that he went OFF my specs because he knew I'd like more than I thought I did. He and Leif share the same knack apparently as my Dad, Brother and wife. Doing so meant that the placement of his tuned resonators and broadband absorbers despite his alterations still fit my primary requirement of even distribution throughout the listening space. Precisely what active cancellation seeks to achieve. I feel that this is totally a room dependent phenomenon. Given the generally rave reviews of the original un-jacked up U11s (Now standard :D ) roadshow , Leif and Damon indeed benefited from active cancellation. Perhaps one day if a client requests a pair of Shockwave 15s that I need to do extra special pre-delivery inspection of said units :D, God don't let that client read this!, I will experiment.

Oh, just two massive towers ;)
Congrats Jack on a great room and system. Very interested in hearing your thoughts on the Stromtank's impact on the sound of M1 amps....guessing you are using it to drive the M1s? Happy listening and thanks for sharing.
Awesome Jack, thanks for that and makes a lot of sense. The system includes the room and the setup, and you truly have an 'all in' system. If you ever decide to throw subs around the far back corners, let us know what you think...but I would imagine right now you have no desire to mess with an amazing thing. Place looks amazing. Enjoy!
Jack, so cool!

Your room looks like it’s doing it all... the U11s do look fierce and fantastic, and the M1s, well I wish, would be my absolute dream SS, sigh. Loving it all!

I’m hearing you on the subs thing as well. They work so well for the experience of many but for me they can be exciting, but just too exciting. Subsonics cause my hearing a bit of grief, they seem to set off that bit of ringing in my ears... and ofcourse the voices in my head as well lol.

The sculpture is a lovely move. Art and music are natural partners. Perfect recipe. Just add a splash of vodka and shake well.
Amplifiers - CH Precision M1 Monos

One day a few years ago, Urgent message from a secret agent from the Pacific Northwest. The same secret agent that had earlier dropped a coded message that led me to TechDAS. WMD from Switzerland stop Investigate stop I will make introduction stop

WMD? stop That good? stop

Yes stop

No time will act now stop you better be right stop

I am stop

Contract secured Orders placed stop

I jet off to Tokyo, coach of course LOL. What are these cubes with no screws to see and wait, is that an OLED screen? Manning the presentation as I enter is Allen Sides of Ocean Way Audio. The gentleman likes to shake the rafters playing recordings he's done himself in Ocean Way Studios. First track, pure energy. The perfectionist Samurais to our north east have two distinct sounds. On one extreme the very sweet and pure and on the other, their more common audio stereotype, big, bold, smooth. The sound of Kinoshita Reys and Vintage JBLs. What I am hearing is of the big, bold and smooth variety. These Cubes must be micro-neuclear reactors showing sustained power output over 800 watts and peaks over 2 kilowatts. Side thought number 2, If I were in a rock concert with Ocean Way horns I think I would die and go to heaven. A ballad comes on and the readings drop to milliwatts, sweet and pure. Another dichotomy buster in the flesh. My partners will not have me executed for treason, well, for not running it through them at the last board meeting at least LOL. We have much to look forward to. The L1 is announced.
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The CH Paradox

The history of CH here on WBF had a rocky start. One that involved accusations that a member touting the brand so enthusiastically was a US dealer from the east coast in disguise. I was a mod here back then and IP checks done by Steve and myself showed that the accused was in a city far away from New York. Over two hours by plane far. The animosity came and went and it would be a couple of years before I got the fateful message from Double O Gary Kho.

Through the years however, a trend began to develop. While members explored as usual, those landing in the CH camp were switching over from tube land. Guy with vaccum tube bomb avatar (see left) has own theory and here it is.

I think that there are fundamentally two kinds of tube guys. There are those that prize the linearity of triodes most highly and those that prize the warmth some tube designs offer most highly. It shows in the preferences in tube types and tubes within those types too. Are you a Telefunker or a Mullardator? LOL Okay obviously I am oversimplifying this. Hey it's just a theory ok? In any case, I have gathered that those switching to CH are the Telefunkers for lack of a better descriptor. OTLers and 2a3-ers doesn't have the same ring to it. Anyways...........the guys that like speed and delicacy because rough edges drive us nuts and overhang puts us to sleep really quickly.

In the past when it was said that a solid state amp sounded tube like it meant that it was smooth and perhaps warm. You never heard from anybody that a solid state amp sounded tubelike in terms of articulation particularly when it comes to ambience. These amps were almost always zero feedback pure class A designs. The bias indeed reduces the zero crossing distortion or eliminates it altogether. Such was my love for my Aleph 0 and my other love, the age defying M1.2 Reference.

So here are the funkers and the mullardy guys are saying we're nuts. NOT tubelike they yell! Peace out bros, my theory is we aren't talking about the same aspects. No CH will not give you the hot chocolate with marshmallows feeling..........unless it's on the recording :eek:

With all this talk of traits, I'll get right to it. The M1s are a technological marvel IMO. It does the very difficult space thing. It is so flexible and expandable that if you really put the work in optimizing your amp settings to go with your room and loudspeakers, I am confident that you will not just get good sound out of the box, you just may well hit it out of the park. I feel I have and there are things I haven't tried yet. Still, the trait I appreciate most might seem the most mundane on the surface.

I love the M1 because it is predictable. If you've ever witnessed a presentation handled by Allen or Nishikawa-san, yeah sure it can get scary loud but be painless as it goes about it. That is still not the most impressive part. I've heard the M1s bang on four different makes of loudspeakers and in every instance I've never, never seen them flinch as the crescendos start to roll in. This is what I am experiencing at home too. I know now that break-in is largely over that the amp will resolve through any signal passed through it without exhibiting typical IM and Thermal distortion. I know it will just do its job from the lowest sounds to beyond levels I wish to go. Best of all, I know that it will play softly beautifully which is how I actually listen most of the time.
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The rest of the CH fam, CMS Maxxum and CSFs

We've been partnered with Critical Mass for as long as I can remember. I started out with the original filters, the ones with the wooden frames, and still have them in my HT. We were the very first foreign distributor of Critical Mass Systems. Man time flies when you are having fun. Joe says I was the one who came up with the present line up. That isn't true unless it counts if you asked for a modular rack architecture system so shipping would be much easier. CMS products don't change the tone of equipment placed on them. I don't frown on people wanting to warm or speed up their sound. I know many people who have ended up with very pleasing results. As an industry member however I never thought that doing so is a good idea. It kinda smells of bait and switch. Buyer likes what he hears gets home then says what happened? Oh you need to get these too. Not cool. We always try to show products at their potential not altered. We find that that is respectful to both our suppliers and customers.

What they do is simply remove grunge which is synonymous with adding refinement and nuance unlocking low level cues previously masked and buried along the way. They are sturdy and IMO look awesome. The Maxxums shown here were custom finished by Joe to match our multi-brand rotations with CH Precision and Constellation in Silver and Lamm and KR Audio in Anodized Black. Joe chose a bluish silver metallic so the silvers would pop and so the blacks don't get swallowed up. Maxxums Mk3s which these are were the top of the line until the much bigger Olympus was released. As you can see in the pictures, while my room is large, wall mounted helmholtz resonators mean I have space limitations. The double-wide configuration saves some precious inches and the Maxxum filters are up to the task of dealing with the output of the 8 nine inch ceramic midbass drivers and 4 15" Carbon woofers with a combined 4kW of power behind them. The Center stage footers go between the components and the Maxxum filters usinng CMS interfaces. CSF2s go directly between the M1s and the Maxxum Amp Stands as the direct interface. To cut to the chase, these do what people have been saying about them. Perhaps no need to really spell it all out again. My goal was to regain usable dynamic range by lowering mechanical and electrical noise and the CMS products deal with the mechanical end of this objective. I don't frown on active either but my goal was never isolation as feedback has never occurred to be a problem but internal noise was. I'm in a basement, on slab in an area large trucks are not allowed and the nearest train, a long ways away. If anybody is going to be causing an earthquake in the neighborhood it would be me....... and my neighbor with Genesis 1s LOL.


So, I would like to apologize to Steve. The CFS' are in and they are not coming out. I can attest to what's been claimed as I did play with them in my bedroom system and did a single switch out on this system. Please forgive me if I will not do a full switch out. The sound I am getting now I am still trying to fully internalize. I've gone beyond where I've ever gotten myself and yes the CFS are part of that mix. CH gear is very heavy and not only that, a full switch out would also require the disassembly of the racks. They work for me, if you are curious try them, they may work for you too. The settling time was something I hope never to go through again but again....Worth it.

Quickfire report. M1s on floor ok. M1s on Black Diamond much better definition and articulation, not etchy. Black Diamond with CSF2 expanded stage. M1s on Maxxum and CSF2 same expanse, more textural density within the expanse. CSF2 off same texture shrunk stage. Nobody wanted to help me lift anymore after that. I used up a lot of goodwill. If you want to really hear this plain as day I find Merc Living Presence original presses like the Dvorak Starker show these attributes off. ok then.

The C1 annd the L1

to bbe conntinued after I have dinner and figure out why my bloody b's and n's are always doublinng up!
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The CH Paradox

The history of CH here on WBF had a rocky start. One that involved accusations that a member touting the brand so enthusiastically was a US dealer from the east coast in disguise. I was a mod here back then and IP checks done by Steve and myself showed that the accused was in a city far away from New York. Over two hours by plane far. The animosity came and went and it would be a couple of years before I got the fateful message from Double O Gary Kho.

Through the years however, a trend began to develop. While members explored as usual, those landing in the CH camp were switching over from tube land. Guy with vaccum tube bomb avatar (see left) has own theory and here it is.

I think that there are fundamentally two kinds of tube guys. There are those that prize the linearity of triodes most highly and those that prize the warmth some tube designs offer most highly. It shows in the preferences in tube types and tubes within those types too. Are you a Telefunker or a Mullardator? LOL Okay obviously I am oversimplifying this. Hey it's just a theory ok? In any case, I have gathered that those switching to CH are the Telefunkers for lack of a better descriptor. OTLers and 2a3-ers doesn't have the same ring to it. Anyways...........the guys that like speed and delicacy because rough edges drive us nuts and overhang puts us to sleep really quickly.

In the past when it was said that a solid state amp sounded tube like it meant that it was smooth and perhaps warm. You never heard from anybody that a solid state amp sounded tubelike in terms of articulation particularly when it comes to ambience. These amps were almost always zero feedback pure class A designs. The bias indeed reduces the zero crossing distortion or eliminates it altogether. Such was my love for my Aleph 0 and my other love, the age defying M1.2 Reference.

So here are the funkers and the mullardy guys are saying we're nuts. NOT tubelike they yell! Peace out bros, my theory is we aren't talking about the same aspects. No CH will not give you the hot chocolate with marshmallows feeling..........unless it's on the recording :eek:

With all this talk of traits, I'll get right to it. The M1s are a technological marvel IMO. It does the very difficult space thing. It is so flexible and expandable that if you really put the work in optimizing your amp settings to go with your room and loudspeakers, I am confident that you will not just get good sound out of the box, you just may well hit it out of the park. I feel I have and there are things I haven't tried yet. Still, the trait I appreciate most might seem the most mundane on the surface.

I love the M1 because it is predictable. If you've ever witnessed a presentation handled by Allen or Nishikawa-san, yeah sure it can get scary loud but be painless as it goes about it. That is still not the most impressive part. I've heard the M1s bang on four different makes of loudspeakers and in every instance I've never, never seen them flinch as the crescendos start to roll in. This is what I am experiencing at home too. I know now that break-in is largely over that the amp will resolve through any signal passed through it without exhibiting typical IM and Thermal distortion. I know it will just do its job from the lowest sounds to beyond levels I wish to go. Best of all, I know that it will play softly beautifully which is how I actually listen most of the time.


I can relate to your vibe here reading between the lines with my own slant. i'm not equating darts with CH exactly better or worse, but my tube leanings do get fulfilled with my darts. I view it as a 'getting out of the way' of the music in the way a tube can, but even more so......and the darts being so consistent and never letting me down to deliver everything no matter how delicate the musical nuance or how hard I push them. it allows me to just forget about the idea of music reproduction. i'm never distracted by what can't be done.....and have moved beyond that concern. it's a fundamental change. I always get it all.

hope that makes sense. it does to me.

note I'm describing my feelings, not anything objective.
Sounds like you're experiencing bliss...very happy for you! :D
Thanks Sam! Thanks Ash!
Thanks Ding!
Jack,...this is one awe-inspiring room and system...have you gone CH across the board for front-end and amps?

One additional question,..what in particular did the Strom Tanks add to the system?

Congratulations again...you've achieved what many of us have only dreamt of in terms of total beauty of room,
system and level of attainment in gear and speakers. The home itself also looks amazing judging from a few
glimpses in the photos that you have posted!

Hi SC, yes CH end to end for this configuration. We typically have EERA Digital with Lamm and Light Harmonic with KR Audio. These are what we have found to be most synergistic over the years.

I'll get to the Stromtanks *wink*
Beautiful sculpture indeed

Jack was it done by the sculptor who did a few other pieces in your house whom I met when in Manila

Yes Stevie, you met Daniel when you were last here :)
Post 27 partially filled
Hi SC, yes CH end to end for this configuration. We typically have EERA Digital with Lamm and Light Harmonic with KR Audio. These are what we have found to be most synergistic over the years.

I'll get to the Stromtanks *wink*

Thank you Jack,..have not had a chance to hear CH first hand; anyone who has posts glowing feedback. Have a great weekend!
(...) I think that there are fundamentally two kinds of tube guys. There are those that prize the linearity of triodes most highly and those that prize the warmth some tube designs offer most highly. It shows in the preferences in tube types and tubes within those types too. Are you a Telefunker or a Mullardator? LOL Okay obviously I am oversimplifying this. Hey it's just a theory ok? In any case, I have gathered that those switching to CH are the Telefunkers for lack of a better descriptor. OTLers and 2a3-ers doesn't have the same ring to it. Anyways...........the guys that like speed and delicacy because rough edges drive us nuts and overhang puts us to sleep really quickly. (...)

Yes, you are oversimplifying a lot. :) I think you are forgetting a third kind of tube guys - those who love the linearity, the effortless scale and the 3D of powerful tubes in large panels ...

Besides the owner preference, I think most of our electronics choices are due to speaker/room interface - it is impossible to isolate our opinions on from them. But from what I read we must congratulate you for a great room, that breathes sound energy and well being, but also for managing to create a great system with a great synergy for you favorite speakers and preferences. And yes, blue is great color - nowadays mostly the color of the harmony, although for long it was also the most expensive and luxurious color, only in the XIX century it became usual!

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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