Help with choosing a streamer.


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2018
Hi all.
I have just purchased a Lampizator. Baltic DAC, Engine eleven (it is everything that it should be and more) and am looking for a streamer to compliment it.
I have been researching but not limited to;
1. Innuos Statement
2. Antipodes K 50
3. Aurender W 20 SE
4. Lampizator Gulfstream

Whether used or new, the first three pieces are two and three times the price of the Gulfstream. I am aware of the law of diminishing returns in high end audio and wonder what any of your thoughts are regarding the pairing of any of these streamers to my Baltic DAC? Specifically, I am concentrating on The Gulfstream because of the price as I can not afford to purchase a few streamers, try them out and re-sell them. I would like this purchase to be my last streamer, for a great while anyway.

Depending on your thoughts and recommendations regarding these few questions (before I post a wanted add in the classified section) does anyone here have a Gulfstream for sale?

As always, thank you
I'm all in favor of high end streamers to improve the sound quality of your system, but the budget allocation seems a bit backwards.
What made you go for Baltic over the higher end Lampis?

As happy owner of the K50 I can't recommend it enough, but you can find the S stack for very tempting prices used in the US that would probably be a more reasonable match and use of budget in your system.
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At the time the Baltic was what I could afford. Since that DAC purchase the monetary situation has improved for me and I have been wondering which of the more expensive streamers to consider. And I wonder how The Gulfstream compares to the more expensive streamers?

There are two K 50 streamers for sale on the various sites (used) and both have the G 4 upgrade and are selling for $14,500.00.
As I read The Antipodes website and other various forum suggestions I see that The K 41 can be upgraded with the addition of the K 21 or The K 22.
Would you explain why this upgrade path is suggested vs. just purchasing a K 50, as I do not understand the reason for the suggested upgrade path.
Thank you,
At the time the Baltic was what I could afford. Since that DAC purchase the monetary situation has improved for me and I have been wondering which of the more expensive streamers to consider. And I wonder how The Gulfstream compares to the more expensive streamers
I have not heard the Gulfstream so can't comment about it. I'd still consider upgrading the DAC with the budget if that's an option.

There are two K 50 streamers for sale on the various sites (used) and both have the G 4 upgrade and are selling for $14,500.00.
As I read The Antipodes website and other various forum suggestions I see that The K 41 can be upgraded with the addition of the K 21 or The K 22.
Would you explain why this upgrade path is suggested vs. just purchasing a K 50, as I do not understand the reason for the suggested upgrade path
14.5 for g4 sounds about right but can you still potentially find a better deal in the US with a 7.5K original K50 and the 6K upgrade but you need some luck.
The K41/K22 combo is basically a K50 but in two chassis option. That combination costs the same as K50. It's not suggested over getting a K50 but in case you can afford only one of them and later on buy the other it's the path to get to similar performance.
@neac1976 - I run my Baltic off a Taiko Extreme and it’s a great combination. Feel free to drop me an email and I’ll send you a video recording. With the Olympus xdmi shipping very soon, Emile will be having ex-demo Extremes coming available.
Thank you Sablon Audio,
Realistically I don't think that I will ever be able to afford a Taiko product but I will be at The Munich Show and have confirmed that they will be demonstrating there also. I am attending specifically to learn about streamers and I will be sure to stop by his booth.
Please be aware that many folks on this forum can afford "bleeding edge" tech with the requisite cost of entry. Not a critism but an observation. Buy what is affordable, and enjoy the music.

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