Hello from near Chicago


New Member
Sep 11, 2023
Hi Everyone,

Some time ago I met @davidavdavid online - he was looking for a few tubes and came across an ad I had posted on facebook and I sent him a list of my inventory with comments, tests scores, and such and we got to discussing a variety of audio related matters, he's been quite helpful in my recent dac upgrade (I just went from an older lampizator to an Sw1x). He also suggested I join here and introduce myself (especially as I have a number of tubes that folks who use lampizators might like, dht's and the like) - that was a little while ago, but I'm belatedly doing so.

My system may not be quite to the level of some of the members here, but it's where I'm at now and I enjoy it - the systems as they now stand
Altec 604c's (jensen ultraflex cabinets, updated markwart crossovers)
Supratek syrah pre (I use we 417a's, mullard 6gk5, mullard gz34, Tung Sol BGRP 6f8g's, WE 350B's)
Custom type 46 set amp from Oliver Sayes (old globe RCA 46's, Arcturus blue globe 80, we 417a drivers)
SW1X dac iii+ (new! just breaking it in to my system which took the place of a lampizator gen 3 level 3)
Denon 59L (I honestly don't spin vinyl as much these days, preferring to stream, and I absolutely want the convenience of auto lift), with Hana EL

Bedroom system
Spendor LS3/5a's, 15 ohm
Audio Research Sp3a1 (telefunken and amperex mc6 for 12ax7's)
Fisher 30a el84 mono blocks
meitner/melior bitstream

Hoping to learn, contrubute where I can, and maybe even meet a few folks - I generally do go to Axpona as it's local to me but honestly don't spend a lot of time there usually

so - that's a long winded say of saying "hello" and thanks for letting me join.
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Welcome to the forum.

Your Altec 604, if well done, combined with a 46 amp and vinyl might be one of the better systems on WBF, if good records are played on it.
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Reactions: Chop and zimbida
Thats a nice system Zimbeda! Like Bonzo (more or less) said, you don't have to have the very latest gear to have a nice system. Some vintage kit can more than equal whats made now.
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Reactions: zimbida and bonzo75
Welcome to WBF, zimbida!

David is a good egg!
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I disavow any knowledge on any subject matter, hi-fi or otherwise.

That being said the latest NAR is live, so if you're looking out for new music/album releases plant yourself here:
David's New Album Releaes
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Reactions: zimbida and Folsom
Hoping to learn, contrubute where I can, and maybe even meet a few folks - I generally do go to Axpona as it's local to me but honestly don't spend a lot of time there usually

so - that's a long winded say of saying "hello" and thanks for letting me join.
Hi and welcome, if you have any pictures of those beautiful altecs, i would love to see them!
Your system sounds like it is amazing! I would love to see it too. What do you stream from? How is the new dac?
Your system sounds like it is amazing! I would love to see it too. What do you stream from? How is the new dac?
Thanks! The new dac is *very* enjoyable, warm, involving and sounds "right". At first, comparing to the older lampizator it was missing a little top end air (but with more fullness than the lampi), subbing in a Philips 7119 for the 50s tung sol 5687 helped significantly on that front

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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