Florida Audio Expo


Jan 18, 2019
FL Panhandle
All 3 of my brothers, my girlfriend, our daughter and I came out to the Expo today, had a blast and I took a load of pictures. I think a few of us might just come back tomorrow for a few hours to go through a few floors and rooms that we didn't make it to.

We saw Michael Fremer in one of the hallways as well as Mat Weisfeld of VPI on another floor, then Gene DellaSala of Audioholics walked into the Raven Audio room that we were in.

Just a couple of notes...

The Carver room was horrible. Too much "brittle" treble, very thin mids, non-existent mid-bass, and totally separated low bass from the mains coming from the REL sub in the corner. Totally unimpressed and totally disappointed.

The Martin Logan room was very good except for the fact that the sub was cranked up way too high. Way too much bass. If there was a gnat on the wall on one of the recordings and it farted, the sub would have blown the windows right out of that room.

The Jolida Audio room... That was some tasty looking and sounding gear, and not for a whole lot of scratch either, less than the PS Audio Stellar gear that I had. Very impressive sound as well as the "Dimension" feature on the preamp, though I think he went a little overboard with the dial, but still, very impressive, very W-I-D-E sound stage.

For me, the best of show that I heard were the MurAudio and MC Audiotech rooms. Most neutral, natural, PURE sound from both of these systems. Highly impressive bass output from the MurAudio SP1 loudspeakers with their four 5" drivers in sealed enclosures in an MTM configuration, and the most natural, effortless, deepest, realistic bass from the four 18" drivers in the folded dipole bass sections of the MC Audiotech Forty-10 loudspeakers.

The last time I heard bass like that coming from the Forty-10's was my old huge and ugly H-frame dipole subs running two 15" drivers each. I may just build myself a pair of similar folded open baffle (dipole) bass sections for my system again one day. That kind of natural, effortless, realistic bass is intoxicating and extremely difficult to replicate with traditional box subs no matter what size or price.

Anyway, on with some pics...




















And a few more...









Thank you Chops for the time to take and post some Pics--great for those of us that cannot attend--Kudos:)

Those Samsungs have some definition alright!

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Show was very busy Friday and Saturday. They have 67 rooms; up from 35 in 2019. And, no entry fees.

Mike Fremer did an outstanding vinyl music presentation. The system consisted of Magico M6, Magico Q18, Luxman Pre and Mono Amps, Avid/SME front end.

Lastly, the crowd was very diverse with lots of young people and ladies. I spoke with a number of distributors, brand owners and dealers that were very pleased with the show.
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Thank you Chops for the time to take and post some Pics--great for those of us that cannot attend--Kudos:)

Those Samsungs have some definition alright!


You're welcome, Bruce. Trust me, it was my pleasure!

And yes, I am totally shocked at the image quality of this Galaxy Note 10 Plus. I just wish they allowed full manual mode with the ultra-wide angle lens, but they only allow it in the standard lens for some reason. Maybe they'll do a firmware update at some point to allow it.
You're welcome, Bruce. Trust me, it was my pleasure!

And yes, I am totally shocked at the image quality of this Galaxy Note 10 Plus. I just wish they allowed full manual mode with the ultra-wide angle lens, but they only allow it in the standard lens for some reason. Maybe they'll do a firmware update at some point to allow it.

No worries--I'm totally amazed at the low light and shadow definition and lack of Noise in the Shadows--!

Keep up the good snapping;)

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As cousins of panel speakers, I would be curious to hear those MC Audiotech speakers with bending wave tech and relative high efficiency and broad midrange projection. They look like skiffs at full sail.

This Florida show looks like fun.
As cousins of panel speakers, I would be curious to hear those MC Audiotech speakers with bending wave tech and relative high efficiency and broad midrange projection. They look like skiffs at full sail.

This Florida show looks like fun.

I'll be the first to tell you, those Forty-10 loudspeakers are amazing. Standing, sitting, walking around the room, there's very very little in the way of changes in the sound due to their wide vertical and horizontal dispersion. Surprisingly, they don't have much interaction with the side walls.

If I were given the opportunity to take any pair of speakers I like home from that show, those would be it. They are the real deal.

The array was powered by a 20 watt amp, the woofers by a 40 watt amp. More than enough power to get these things to lifelike levels. And man, did they sound good doing so.


Yes, these Forty-10 and the Alsyvox are two that intrigue me from afar.
As cousins of panel speakers, I would be curious to hear those MC Audiotech speakers with bending wave tech and relative high efficiency and broad midrange projection. They look like skiffs at full sail.

This Florida show looks like fun.

I walked out of that room impressed with the sound but said they looked like something a 1950's handyman built in his garage.

The show was great. Last year I was there for 3 hours this year almost 8.
Mike and his group did a fantastic job.

The most surprising item for me was the new Magnepan LRS entry level speakers @ $699 a pair.
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I walked out of that room impressed with the sound but said they looked like something a 1950's handyman built in his garage.

Yup. They need some 'Forbidden Planet' and original 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers' posters to round out the room.
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I really like the looks of those MC Audiotech Forty-10 speakers. They DO look like they came out of the 1950's, and I am quite okay with that. Plus they can match the grill cloth to whatever you like, color and design/pattern wise. If I had $35k burning a hole in my wallet, I would snatch those up in a hot New York minute!
If you like those, the Soundkaos Libération should be right up yr street too.
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