I think Micro had the 927 and it did not meet his expectation. I cannot speak for him or his tt. Also cannot generalize the 50 years old 927 to all sound the same. Kedar has heard three four different 927 and he told me their level of goodness varied.
OK, i see. i recall reading ddk's comments about how it's hard to know how to judge a good 927.
Anyway in my system, the music from AF1P "always organized with ease and authority." I say it sounds excitingly neat. To a certain degree possesses a digital characteristic.. the good one. In contrast my 927 is a musical machine it is free'er to form and pattern. It sounds bigger than the AF1P. The most dynamic tt I own. But it has less resolution than the AF1P. Music is bigger less precise than the AF1P. I match the 927 with the GFS because the GFS has a lesser upfront presentation, excellent resolution and hold instruments to their own. Still I find gap of differences between the two.
Kind regards,
i'll just have to see how that works out with my NVS and Saskia. even the GFS and Anna Diamond.