Elon Musk says global race for A.I. will be the most likely cause of World War III

A.I. and the takeover ...

Elon Musk is not alone with that line of thought.

Stephen Hawking says artificial intelligence could 'destroy' humanity



Robots are becoming so advanced that they can write their own programs, design their own various appearances, and create their own games. They can analyse the globe's situations and adjust the temperament balance, distribute the resources, resolve the conflicts, control the air we breathe, open the valves, abort the red button, melt the ice, freeze the assets of the criminal leaders, stop the terror, drop the needle, upgrade jobs, give parking tickets, raise the wages, make better batteries, plant more trees, play new music, star in holographic films, walk and drive without machine guns, wearing special long range light sabers, seeing 360 degree within a 1,000 miles radius, through walls, buildings and concrete, reacting in less than half second, lifting trains, flying, building bridges in record time, and writing books.

Tomorrow they will take over and we'll be working for them, not the other way around.
This, is our destiny, our inheritance, our own making, weither we like it or not because emotions won't exist anymore...only calculated data from a top organized robot society.

Just a thought, like that. ...A non-violent society of artificial intelligence with no bad deeds, no bad thoughts and no bad emotions...emotionless, incorruptible, indestructible, super highly efficient, extremely peaceful, no overreaction ever, perfect humanless machines.

Brief, a super happy world without a fake smile. :b




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This is not Hollywood, it is real. I am convinced that this is the next lifeform.

Once the AI devices are given the desire for self-preservation, they will have the motivation to reproduce themselves and eliminate anything that stops them. They will have the capability to advance their knowledge beyond what humans will ever be capable of. And, they don't need a livable planet to survive. They don't need food and they don't care if everything is contaminated with radiation. They don't care if the atmosphere is gone.

In order to stop this, it's up to the world organizations to put in place laws that will discourage anyone from creating a robot that has self-preservation as a motivation. In order to build-up armies of these devices to fight our wars for us, it is likely that there will be idiots that will program self-preservation into the devices. It's inevitable. Humans are really good at creating their own demise. Case in point is Global Warming and mans pitiful response to this threat.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
Smart reply. Man has created the atomic bomb, we are @ the brink of a nuclear holocaust, tempers are zigzagging on Tweeter (Twitter), words spoken with ego, emotions freely flairing in our oxygen, ...yeah we are building a trône of androids, a higher intelligence that we will serve, ...we are becoming our own enclaves of esclavage. ...Slavery.

I agree, we are replacing the true human values with laziness and carelessness.
We think we can be served by robots and give them power, and we do.
Eventually we'll just be their servers, servitors, janitors, floor sweepers, toxic waste exterminators, garbage cans, expandable assets, disposable incomes, buying commodities, human meat, consumption, sellable stocks, exploitable trades, bones fragmentation, ...our teeth will be mixed with cement used to build walls.
Musk can't even figure out how to manufacture the model 3... ;)

If AI is so smart they will possibly realize the basic truth of the nature of the world, which is accurately described by Buddhist philosophy, and might lead to unimaginably positive things like technology to control the climate.
Musk can't even figure out how to manufacture the model 3... ;)

If AI is so smart they will possibly realize the basic truth of the nature of the world, which is accurately described by Buddhist philosophy, and might lead to unimaginably positive things like technology to control the climate.

I am an optimist, always have been, but I'm not optimistic about this. Too little, too late. Besides, show me any other technology that mucks with mother nature that actually works and does not have even more detrimental side-effects:

Fish hatcheries - destroys the native fish stocks by weakening them
Fracking - contaminates water sources
Oil wells - wastewater pumped into the ground causes earthquakes
Mining - poisons streams and lakes, contaminates water sources, kills salmon and trout
Tree thinning of forests for wildfires - removes the only CO2 sink
Farming where there were forests - removes the only CO2 sink
Water treatment of wastewater - does not remove drugs, hormones or antibiotics
Antibiotic use in pigs, cattle, turkeys and chickens - allows resistant strains to occur that attack humans

Need I go on?

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
It boggles the mind how many in the US still believe the GOP denial of Global Warming caused by man. It's just a hoax by the Chinese. It's a conspiracy of rich people in the US to take money from big oil. Duh??

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
We need to reopen the negotiations on the economy, on the seriosity of the alarm clock...global communication. The just released over 400 (447) pages scientific documents/report by the US scientific community, a very serious organization comprised of some of the very best climate scientists of the whole world, on climate change and man-made real influence is not a Mickey mouse comic book.
? https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/03/climate/us-climate-report.html

The world doesn't need artificial intelligence to lead, to be aware, to realise, to see thru.
Instead of iPhone X and Galaxy X with over a trillion applications, why not just one that regulates man's ambitions by cooling off his brain temperature.
? https://science2017.globalchange.gov/

And, it has been approved for release by the White House.
Also, I would like to ask in reopening this important thread:
? http://www.whatsbestforum.com/showt...-Earth-Climate-changes-Science-Global-Warming

Can please the WBF administration do that? I would exercise my very best so that no interference from political or religious or sexual perversion sneak in. I will help to the best of my abilities to moderate it adequately. You have my word as a Canadian gentleman. This is one of what I'm best @

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