My turntable is TechDAS Air Force Zero. I tried several tonearms with Grand Master cartridges. They are Graham Elite 12", TechDAS Air Force 10 and SAT CF-9 Ti.
In general, all arms work well with DS Audio cartridge. One thing to consider though is the relative light weight of Grand Master, 7.7g. If it is mounted on a tonearm with low effective mass, such as SAT, the bass tends to be lighter due to compliance issue. It can be a good thing in some system, as some users find Grand Master bass too strong. That's why in its phonostage, there are outputs with reduce bass respond. Another way to compensate is to use thicker cartridge screws, adding a few grams to the headshell will solve the problem.
DS Audio seems to realise this. In new Grand Master and GM Extreme, a new dumper is added inside the cartridge. It will better control the resonance and also adds some mass to it. They offer free upgrade to current users. My GM Extreme is sent to DS Audio for upgrade and should come back next week. A friend had upgraded and said the result is very good. You may want to check with your dealer about the upgrade if your GM Ex is not the latest batch.
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