Doctor's Orders-Part Two-The New Listening Room Of Steve Williams

Please can I book a passive preamp matched to my 242 gain?
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Please can I book a passive preamp matched to my 242 gain?
On Monday we will launch a premiere of the UltraPassive preamp. It has THE WHOLE chassis filled just with relays and resistors, making it the most complex and expensive resistor pair in the world. ;-) The balanced version will cost around (dont know yet) 4KEuro MSRP. It contains 240 single pole double throw relays with encapsulated gold contacts and at any given time ONLY ONE relay per phase is used and only one resistor per phase is tin the circuit. In total 64 steps are available.
Lukasz, thanks so much for joining here - tickled pink to see you posting. I believe I read somewhere that you utilize the excellent (and expensive) Vishay resistors. Is that correct? If so this is wonderful (even if not I'm sure your design solution is still most excellent, of course!)
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Steve - Indeed it has been some time - life flies by, doesn't it? 12 years ago was lucky enough to be in the neighborhood when you were kind enough to open up your house for an amazing and magical social and audio journey!
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I can't wait to hear this cartridge in my system.

Thanks to Mike Lavigne and his thread on this cartridge which checked all of my boxes. I love the information on this forum from members' experiences and my aural curiosity was piqued thanks to Mike. After all, isn't this what it is all about
Fremer can mount one drunk and wake up the next day with it still spinning on the runout... Get to it Steve!
Careful when cleaning... don't use any "sinner" solution. I have too much of that around my house, sometimes I get some on me. Good thing my priest is bound by confidentiality!
congrats Steve! What arm will you be using with the Etsuro?

that's the $64 question

Pretty certain that It will be mounted on the side of the TechDas so a 10" arm (either my existing Graham Phantom Elite OR an SME 3010)

I'll know in side by side testing with both arms next week (hopefully)
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Steve you've got to be thrilled... what I heard up @ Mike's place a couple weeks back -- I think you are in for some long nights of sonic bliss.
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