Come See & Hear Triode Wire Labs at an Audio Show!

Triode Pete

Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2016
Long Island, NY
We've been real busy since 2011 attending a ton of Audio Shows, including The Show (at Las Vegas & now California), the California Audio Show (CAS), the short-lived LAAS (Los Angeles Audio Show), Rocky Mountain AudioFest (RMAF), AXPONA, Florida Audio Expo (FLAX), Capital Audio Fest (CAF) and the New York Audio Show (NYAS).

I've partnered with some great companies - Pass Labs, Esoteric, Basis Audio, AVM, Harbeth, Acoustic Signature, QLN speakers, Palmer Turntables, GigaWatt, Innuos, GT AudioWorks, Daedalus speakers, Volti Audio, BorderPatrol Audio Electronics, Vinnie Rossi, Tortuga Audio, GR Research, Well Tempered Turntables, Dynavector, Living Voice Loudspeakers, Perla Audio, Fritz Loudspeakers, Electra-Fidelity, dB Audio Labs, Dodd Audio, PI Audio Group, Melody Audio, Angel City Audio and few others...

Recently, in November, Triode Wire Labs was in a crazy FIVE Rooms at the Capital AudioFest! Rooms 309 & 316 with my normal "partners in audio crime", Volti Audio, featuring their flagship "Vittora" (Room 316) & baby brother "Rival" (Room 309) loudspeakers and BorderPatrol Audio, featuring their acclaimed sublime Control Unit, 300B amplifiers and analogue sounding DACs! We also featured Innuos music servers.

For a second time, we partnered with Daedalus Audio in Room 516. Lou Hinckley featured his Muse/Studio speaker. BorderPatrol Audio provided their 300B amplifier and analogue sounding DAC! We also featured my personal Innuos music server (ZENith Mk. 3).

I teamed up again with another "partner in audio crime" Vinnie Rossi, in Room 528, along with Mark Sossa of Well Pleased AV. Vinnie had his new, beautiful bespoke L2i-SE integrated amp coupled with QLN Prestige Three SE loudspeakers and an Innuos Statement Music Server.

Finally, I'm also teamed up once again with Greg Takesh from GT Audio Works and Sound Insight's Steve Rabitz. We were in the huge Frederick Room again. Greg had his full range planar ribbon speakers with Pass Labs electronics (XS Phono Stage, XS Line Stage, XS 150 Monoblocks), Esoteric K-01XS SACD player and Basis Transcendence Turntable with Superarm Tonearm.

The audio webzine, Audio Resurgance, made the following statement on the performance of my cables at Capital AudioFest as follows,
"Which brings me to a point that occurred to me as I was getting ready to wrap up for the day on Friday. It’s really tough to make a judgement on cable performance at an audio show, when pretty much everything you hear emanates from a combination of equipment that you’ve probably never heard before, and it’s all happening in a room that you know is far from ideal.

But I know from my many years’ experience with QLN speakers that they thrive and come alive only when fed by high quality components working synergistically with top quality cables. Yet I’ve had a lot of different high-end gear hooked-up to my QLN’s over the years and they’ve never delivered quite the same degree of sonic transparency that I heard at the show. That tells me everything I need to know about the electronics, and just as importantly, the wire. As far as my ears are concerned, the Triode Wire Labs’ cables imparted no sonic signature of their own on the sound of this system, and took nothing at all away. This impression was supported later in the show when I encountered other top performing systems with…. low and behold…. Triode Wire Labs’ cables.

So I’m dishing out my first award for a manufacturer at Capital Audiofest
and it was the easiest award decision I’ve had to make." More info here... CAF Review


I also received the following award from AV Showrooms on the Frederick Room Performance, which had the following equipment, loomed together with all Triode Wire Labs cabling -

– Transcendence Turntable – $115,000 USD
– Superarm Tonearm – $15,750 USD

My Sonic Lab
– Ultra Eminent Ex Cartridge – $7,000 USD

GT Audio Works
– GTA3.1R Planar/Ribbon speakers – $23,500 pr USD
– Open-Baffle Active Modular Sub-woofer System – starting at $7,000 USD
(with sub-woofer amplifiers included)

Pass Labs
– XS Phono Stage – $45,000 USD
– XS Line Stage – $45,000 USD
– XS 150 Monoblocks – $65,000 pr USD

– K01xs SACD player – $22,000 USD

– Zen Mk3 server – $3000 USD

All cabling by Triode Wire Labs - Power Cords, Analogue Interconnects (Single-Ended RCA, Balanced XLR), Digital Interconnects (S/PDIF, USB) and Speaker Cables.

GT-Audio CAF 2019.png

Come see us next month in Tampa at the Florida Audio Expo, February 7-9, 2020. Come thirsty since we always have a large selection of cold beverages as well as some warmer "Single-Malt" & "Bourbonesque" libations!

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Definitely check out the great sounds at the Florida Audio show Feb 7-9 in Tampa if you are in the area.
Looking forward to the Tampa show Pete!

I'm finishing up the speakers right now. Introducing the new cabinet style Rival.

Remember at the Tampa show last year I introduced the Rival Type II cabinet? This year will be even more dramatic. The new Rival is called the 2020 Rival Special Edition (SE for short). This model will be a limited-run production that has really cool curved sides, premium veneers, and all options, including matching curved-sided external crossover boxes and TWL internal wiring.

Let's Have Fun! at this show!

We've been real busy since 2011 attending a ton of Audio Shows, including The Show (at Las Vegas & now California), the California Audio Show (CAS), the short-lived LAAS (Los Angeles Audio Show), Rocky Mountain AudioFest (RMAF), AXPONA, Florida Audio Expo (FLAX), Capital Audio Fest (CAF) and the New York Audio Show (NYAS).

I've partnered with some great companies - Pass Labs, Esoteric, Basis Audio, AVM, Harbeth, Acoustic Signature, QLN speakers, Palmer Turntables, GigaWatt, Innuos, GT AudioWorks, Daedalus speakers, Volti Audio, BorderPatrol Audio Electronics, Vinnie Rossi, Tortuga Audio, GR Research, Well Tempered Turntables, Dynavector, Living Voice Loudspeakers, Perla Audio, Fritz Loudspeakers, Electra-Fidelity, dB Audio Labs, Dodd Audio, PI Audio Group, Melody Audio, Angel City Audio and few others...

Recently, in November, Triode Wire Labs was in a crazy FIVE Rooms at the Capital AudioFest! Rooms 309 & 316 with my normal "partners in audio crime", Volti Audio, featuring their flagship "Vittora" (Room 316) & baby brother "Rival" (Room 309) loudspeakers and BorderPatrol Audio, featuring their acclaimed sublime Control Unit, 300B amplifiers and analogue sounding DACs! We also featured Innuos music servers.

For a second time, we partnered with Daedalus Audio in Room 516. Lou Hinckley featured his Muse/Studio speaker. BorderPatrol Audio provided their 300B amplifier and analogue sounding DAC! We also featured my personal Innuos music server (ZENith Mk. 3).

I teamed up again with another "partner in audio crime" Vinnie Rossi, in Room 528, along with Mark Sossa of Well Pleased AV. Vinnie had his new, beautiful bespoke L2i-SE integrated amp coupled with QLN Prestige Three SE loudspeakers and an Innuos Statement Music Server.

Finally, I'm also teamed up once again with Greg Takesh from GT Audio Works and Sound Insight's Steve Rabitz. We were in the huge Frederick Room again. Greg had his full range planar ribbon speakers with Pass Labs electronics (XS Phono Stage, XS Line Stage, XS 150 Monoblocks), Esoteric K-01XS SACD player and Basis Transcendence Turntable with Superarm Tonearm.

The audio webzine, Audio Resurgance, made the following statement on the performance of my cables at Capital AudioFest as follows,
"Which brings me to a point that occurred to me as I was getting ready to wrap up for the day on Friday. It’s really tough to make a judgement on cable performance at an audio show, when pretty much everything you hear emanates from a combination of equipment that you’ve probably never heard before, and it’s all happening in a room that you know is far from ideal.

But I know from my many years’ experience with QLN speakers that they thrive and come alive only when fed by high quality components working synergistically with top quality cables. Yet I’ve had a lot of different high-end gear hooked-up to my QLN’s over the years and they’ve never delivered quite the same degree of sonic transparency that I heard at the show. That tells me everything I need to know about the electronics, and just as importantly, the wire. As far as my ears are concerned, the Triode Wire Labs’ cables imparted no sonic signature of their own on the sound of this system, and took nothing at all away. This impression was supported later in the show when I encountered other top performing systems with…. low and behold…. Triode Wire Labs’ cables.

So I’m dishing out my first award for a manufacturer at Capital Audiofest
and it was the easiest award decision I’ve had to make." More info here... CAF Review


I also received the following award from AV Showrooms on the Frederick Room Performance, which had the following equipment, loomed together with all Triode Wire Labs cabling -

– Transcendence Turntable – $115,000 USD
– Superarm Tonearm – $15,750 USD

My Sonic Lab
– Ultra Eminent Ex Cartridge – $7,000 USD

GT Audio Works
– GTA3.1R Planar/Ribbon speakers – $23,500 pr USD
– Open-Baffle Active Modular Sub-woofer System – starting at $7,000 USD
(with sub-woofer amplifiers included)

Pass Labs
– XS Phono Stage – $45,000 USD
– XS Line Stage – $45,000 USD
– XS 150 Monoblocks – $65,000 pr USD

– K01xs SACD player – $22,000 USD

– Zen Mk3 server – $3000 USD

All cabling by Triode Wire Labs - Power Cords, Analogue Interconnects (Single-Ended RCA, Balanced XLR), Digital Interconnects (S/PDIF, USB) and Speaker Cables.

View attachment 60420

Come see us next month in Tampa at the Florida Audio Expo, February 7-9, 2020. Come thirsty since we always have a large selection of cold beverages as well as some warmer "Single-Malt" & "Bourbonesque" libations!

What a awesome system.

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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