Chernobyl-HBO 5 Part Mini Series

According to Serhii Plokhy's book about Chernobyl Legasov did commit suicide,

They must have the body somewhere to confirm.
By the way how did he commit suicide; with a gun, with poison (cyanide), ... how?

* This type of series on TV motivates us to research further on nuclear reactors, in Chernobyl and also around the world. Plus of course all the other accidents, disasters, errors, motivations, scientific research, global energy, renewable energy, wind turbines, solar power, ...all that jazz.

Chernobyl is without a doubt the most grandiose nuclear disaster...a level 7 (it stops @ #7, but they say it could be a level 8, or 9). By the way, Fukushima was also a level 7 (the worst level).
And that one too certainly deserves its own mini series...eventually; there is a lot in it that we can all in Chernobyl.

I'm not a TV guy, but this is the exception. It deserves wider exposure.
Hi Bob
The article in the Times doesn't say how he committed suicide.
According to the article they withdrew his award of Hero of the Soviet Union and presented him with a watch on his retirement after which he committed suicide.
The more you learn the worse it gets!
Good day Barry, beautiful journey here; sun, blue sky, white clouds, ocean's breeze.
I'm outside on the deck with a splendid view surrounded by the most gorgeous decor.

Thank you, I couldn't find either how he committed suicide exactly.
I think there are still many secrets deeply buried underground, along with many lives and wildlife.

Yes, the more we learn the more devastating it is, in all aspects.
It touches us all, deeply.
Hi Bob
Glad to hear that you are having a lovely day with good weather and matching scenery.
It's been pretty good here too but a bit windy. A useful stint in the garden this afternoon cutting back the papavers which have done really well this year. Large red and black poppy style flowers with lovely light green fingered foliage, but they do need supports as they grow to nearly three feet tall.
Keep well.
He did commit suicide, in the show he hung himself.

The grave of Professor Valery Legasov at Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow.
On April 27, 1988, one day after the second anniversary of the Chernobyl NPP accident and one day before he was due to announce his results of the investigation into the causes of the disaster, Legasov committed suicide by hanging himself (some sources say in his apartment[2][15] or the stairwell of his apartment;[16] others in his office[17]). A personal pistol remained in a drawer, but the professor chose to hang himself. The loop was tied professionally and with the help of a special rope used by climbers.[citation needed] He was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery in Moscow.[18][19]
This was not Legasov's first suicide attempt.[20] David R. Marples has suggested that the adversity of the Chernobyl disaster on Legasov's psychological state was the factor that led to his decision to commit suicide.[6] Reportedly, before his suicide, Legasov recorded himself on audiotape revealing previously undisclosed facts about the catastrophe.[17] According to an analysis of the recording for the BBC TV movie Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster,[21] Legasov claims political pressure censored the mention of Soviet nuclear secrecy in his report to the IAEA, a secrecy which forbade even plant operators having knowledge of previous accidents and known problems with reactor design.[citation needed] The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists also stated that Legasov had become bitterly disillusioned with the failure of the authorities to confront the design flaws.[22]

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I was 11 when that happened. I used to live only 700km (~430 miles) from Chernobyl.

Polish authorities have learned about it 2 days after the event, on the 28th, when their monitoring stations observed radioactive isotopes activity 500.000 times exceeding the norm. They were not able to confirm where this radioactive cloud is coming from, as USSR stubbornly denied it. It was only after the BBC (!) reported an accident in Charnobyl, that Polish authorities learned what happened!

Amazingly, Polish authorities decided to act on their own and protect their people rather than listen to Russian commrades. Overnight, decision was made to give every kid in Poland Lugol's Iodine (in the absence of Iodine pills). Within 24h, 75% of the population under 18, got the Lugol's Iodine.

I'm still amazed where did they got that much Lugol's Iodine from - probably some cold war nuclear apocalypse paranoia supplies.

I remember getting this stuff to drink at school - it was not very tasty at all. Then I had 2 weeks break from school - although Polish authorities did not advice the people to stay at homes, my parents, which are both doctors, did. So my memories of that time were not bad at all - we had some 2 weeks of unplanned holidays, which have spent playing computer games on my C64.

I also remember a few days after the accident my father bringing radioactivity meter (!) from hospital - he was checking everything from clothes to food we had at home. The radiation levels were minor.

The decumentary itself was riveting. I didn't realise, how close we were to a total nuclear apocalypse until now.
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I was 11 when that happened. I used to live only 700km (~430 miles) from Chernobyl.

Polish authorities have learned about it 2 days after the event, on the 28th, when their monitoring stations observed radioactive isotopes activity 500.000 exceeding the norm. They were not able to confirm where this radioactive cloud is coming from, as USSR stubbornly denied it. It was only after the BBC (!) reported an accident in Charnobyl, that Polish authorities learned what happened!

Amazingly, they decided to act on their own and protect their people rather than listen to Russian commrades and decision was made to give every kid in Poland Lugol's Iodine (in the absence of Iodine pills). Within 24h, 75% of the population under 18, got the Lugol's Iodine.

I'm still amazed where did they got that much Lugol's Iodine from - probably some cold war nuclear apocalypse paranoia supplies.

I remember getting this stuff to drink at school - it was not very tasty at all. Then I had 2 weeks break from school - although Polish authorities did not advice the people to stay at homes my parents, which are both doctors, did. So my memories of that time were not bad at all - we had some 2 weeks of unplanned holidays, which have spent playing computer games on my C64.

I also remember a few days after the accident my father bringing radioactivity meter (!) from hospital - he was checking everything from clothes to food we had at home. The radiation levels were minor.

The decumentary itself was riveting. I didn't realise, how close we were to a total nuclear apocalypse until now.

Wow fascinating
I thought the series was over? How many episodes are there?
I thought the series was over? How many episodes are there?

A friend records everything he sees on HBO. But this mini series will come on DVD, official.

I never believe what's in the movies, in the documentaries, on TV, on YouTube, on Instagram, on Twitter, on Facebook, on the news, on the Internet. I trust my ears first...when the music's playing.

I've read that not long ago; but you don't have to read it. It's about Chernobyl HBO mini series ...

And this one is another perspective (you don't have to read it if you don't want to) ...
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Okay. Thanks. I was thinking HBO was showing reruns already, since they have to somehow justify their monthly cost. :)
Okay. Thanks. I was thinking HBO was showing reruns already, since they have to somehow justify their monthly cost. :)


why don't you sign up for a free month of HBO, watch Chernobyl and cancel your subscription.
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Steve, I am going to buy this on DVD when it is released. From what I have read here it is worth having, and rewatching.
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