Audioquest Jitterbug


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2015
I just tried the Audioquest Jitterbug in my system between my ultrabook and Devialet. It seems to remove some grunge from the USB connection. Of more interest is that I feel that it has improved clarity a bit by dropping the noise floor some. Music seems to be more relaxed with much better pace and rhythm. On my system, it feels like almost analog-like. Not profound but easily noticeable.

Is anyone using the Jitterbug? Does 2 jitterbugs make a difference?
I recently tried the audioquest jitterbug on the USB output of my Mac mini which then ran into a mini DSP 2 x 4 HD. I could really not hear any improvement in sound. I also tried it on the solid state hard drive that house is my Roon curated music collection which connects into the Mac mini because the owners manual of the jitterbug suggested that it could isolate noise from an incoming USB three hard drive. But here again I failed to be able to detect any difference with the jitter bug in the system or out. Next I plan to try it on my MacBook Air with Headphones but I am not very hopeful.

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