I had a ATVX client send me email saying he was watching a show it the performance was so bad it was unwatchable. He had tried everything including a new TV, HDMI cable, Ethernet, more Eeros for a faster connection.. But still there were shows that were "HORRIBLE"..
He used terms like "blurry" and "jumpy" and "just terrible"..
He was at his wits end..
I had him find a section of a show that demonstrated the issue..
He was describing what sounded like film judder. When a camera pans and the frame rate is 24fps. This of course is intended and exactly the way something shot in 24(23.98) should look. But he seemed to be experencing something worse.
His example was "between 1:57 and 2:10 on Lord of Rings rings of power S2 E7" on Amazon...
So I went and looked... OMFG.. What a huge mess... Horrible is correct..
So it mas shot in some version of 24, but, also seems how had some 50hz base in there someplace. But 25 is not it either.
Some googling produced interesting results.
Amazon streaming is broken. It is apperently not doing frame rate matching correctly when streaming.. Tons of discussion online on this..
After a lot more research and into the wee hours of the morning, I agree, something is really wonky over in Amazon land.. I reproduced the same issues on Roku.
After a LOT of playing around, I did find settings that make it mostly watchable but they involve changing ATV & Sony TV settings just for this show and maybe just for Amazon.
It truens out that the best way to try and avoid the issue are the following settings..
Apple TV > Video & Audio > Format > scroll all the way to the bottom and pick more then scroll way way down to 4K ( SDR or HDR ) 23.98 and pick this and then OK it. Leave frame rate matching off
Sony > settings > Video > Motion Flow > custom > set to 2..
This produces the best rendering of this bad mistake.. It appears the whole Amazon app can have this issue.
Remember tho to put your TV back to normal settings when you watch other apps and material.
While I can do cool things to the analog electronics side of the ATV, I cant do anything about things in firmware or streaming issues like this. In fact the ATVX will make it clearer as it renders each frame very clearly.
So I found this interesting that such a big main stream show & app got this so badly wrong.
ALSO I want to cover something else.. EACH PERSON IS DIFFERENT. There are online guides to do settings for displays. You just dial in settings someone else thought looked good. EACH PERSON IS DIFFERENT.. So some people might prefer motion smoothing or different settings for nearly everything in those guides. So remember, there is no "correct" set of settings. Its personal and each person has very different visual perception and so all these settings WILL vary.. So dont be scared of adjusting things. Write down your current settings and go play with things. See if you can find the best pic for YOU.