Analog guy upgrading the DAC (maybe Canor 2.10 or Ansuz 180) needs help ;-)


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2023
Hi - using my McIntosh C 52s integrated onboard DAC right now - as my turntable is being serviced and will be away for quite some time, I will use the occasion to work on the digital end. Now my thoughts are to upgrade the DAC for starters. I have not paid much attention to the digital section as my focus is on analog... but still, I think it`s worth investing some time and a few cents...

Here`s the setup:

iMac (Retina 5K, 27'', ultimo 2014) as ROON core and also I use the built in storage as server for my ripped CDs... (all ripped to WAV via dBPoweramp)
goes into music room and Auralic Aries G1 via Ethernet
from there via Coax into C52... and then to Wilson Sasha DAWs...

... so not much of a big deal but I actually think it sounds okayish... nowhere near my analog though... so I was thinking to invest in a better DAC? It should certainly be on the more "analog" and "warm" sounding side...

Right now I have the CANOR DAC 2.10 and the Ansuz DAC 180 in mind... anyone have any experience with these or like to make an alternative recommendation and/or have other suggestions as to how to improve the digital end? I`ve been lost in vinyl for the last 15 years and have little knowledge on todays digital possibilities...

... oh - also interested in your findings - do DACs actually make that much a difference - especially when mainly playing ripped 44.1 / 16 files?


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I would look at removing the iMac from the equation first, to a dedicated music server
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I would look at removing the iMac from the equation first, to a dedicated music server
I would agree with that.

I have a friend that does pro audio mastering and is an audiophile, he recently got the Canor 2.1 and loves it for his home system. Says it punches way above its price point.
... oh boy - thanks, so many variables... dedicated server or imac, internet switch or router, galvanic isolation or not, dedicated bridge or not, which DAC to use, ethernet or wireless... where to start from my current setup, that`s my biggest concern.

I would assume, that the DAC has the greatest impact on the soundsignature - no?

Actually getting me to think whether it`s not easier to just buy a dedicated CDP and leave all the other variables out... plenty of CDs here to spin... just plug and play ;-)

Say, @Tuckers - the Canor 2.1 standalone DAC?
@skinnyes, the stand alone dac.
... okay, thakns - and am I understanding this correct, that you suggest, investing in a new server/core - say a Roon Nucleus with built in storage - will have bigger impact on SQ than investing in a new/better DAC? Really new territory for me and so many variables...
I would actually recommend getting a new DAC and server/player.
The iMac is not an ideal Roon server and streaming via ethernet isn't preferred, but I'm sure there will be many that say otherwise.
The Canor 2.1 DAC looks like a nice machine, coupled with a dedicated server outputting via USB or AES would give a major lift in quality.
From Antipodes Audio that could look like a K22 there are a number of quality manufacturers of servers, but the Nucleus isn't one of them.
I note you are in Germany, CM-Audio has test packages available to try in your home, perhaps contact a dealer for advice :)
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I would actually recommend getting a new DAC and server/player.
The iMac is not an ideal Roon server and streaming via ethernet isn't preferred, but I'm sure there will be many that say otherwise.
The Canor 2.1 DAC looks like a nice machine, coupled with a dedicated server outputting via USB or AES would give a major lift in quality.
From Antipodes Audio that could look like a K22 there are a number of quality manufacturers of servers, but the Nucleus isn't one of them.
I note you are in Germany, CM-Audio has test packages available to try in your home, perhaps contact a dealer for advice :)
... thanks for the advice - looked them up and CM-Audio is actually just around the corner - like 30 miles from my home... will contact them and see what they suggest - cheers.
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