All New MC Audiotech TL-12 Loudspeakers : Present True Concert Sound !


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2012
When they upgrade the bigger Forty-10's for better performance and you only use one amp.. that's the speakers I want to listen to later on. They just might be the speakers people rave about for many years to come !
WOW Look at this info on the MC Audiotech Forty-10's Below !! :eek::eek::)


MC Audiotech Forty-10 Loudspeakers

OMG !! :eek::eek: MC Audiotech Forty-10 Loudspeakers great match !

These MC Audiotech Forty-10's sound SOOO DAMN REAL ! :eek::p

First Review on the MC Audiotech TL-12's matched with the Raved McIntosh MA-12000 Hybrid Integrated amp !

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Stereophile said they sounded just like the REAL THING ! :oops::eek:
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