Aesthetix Rhea Verses the Signature


New Member
Jun 17, 2011
White Rock, New Mexico
HI All,
I currently have a Rhea. I like it a lot. All of my cartridges are in the .2 mV to .4 mV range. I'm wondering if any of you have made the transition to the Signature and what do you think. What cartridge are you using with it? Output voltage?

Thanks, Sparky
Sparky-Since you are so enamoured with ARC gear in general and your ARC SP-11 and D-250 in particular, I'm surprised that you don't like the phono stage of the SP-11. And I'm further suprised that if you don't like the phono section of the SP-11 that you didn't buy an ARC phono stage.
Sparky-Since you are so enamoured with ARC gear in general and your ARC SP-11 and D-250 in particular, I'm surprised that you don't like the phono stage of the SP-11. And I'm further suprised that if you don't like the phono section of the SP-11 that you didn't buy an ARC phono stage.

HI mep,
Sharp observation on your part. Actually, I loved the phono stage on the SP-11. It's the best I had ever heard. But there was a lingering doubt in my mind that caused me to want to experiment. In the SP-11, the first amplification stage in the phono portion is an FET. The FET was one of the reasons the phono section was so dead quiet with low output cartridges. While I had no reason to not like it, I wanted to see if an all tube design would be better.

I had read a lot of good things about the Rhea and I was very impressed with its features. I had a need for two phono inputs and the SP-11 only had one. So, one way or the other, I was faced with having an outboard phono stage. Why not a Rhea? All that I had read indicated that its signature might go well with the SP-11. But you never know until you try.

So, I jumped on Audiogon and found one at a very reduced price. The price was good enough that I knew I could sell it with no trouble if I didn't like it and get my money back.

Well, things worked out very well. I liked it a lot. I liked the sound, and its flexibility was what all phono preamps should have.

Comparing the Rhea to the SP-11 was interesting. The Rhea was better but not by much. It was not as quiet. But its basic presentation was first class and noise was not a problem. The biggest surprise was how well the SP-11 stood up to the comparison. As I had always thought, the SP-11 phono stage was world class. In truth, if it were not for the fact that I needed an outboard phono stage, I would not have kept the Rhea. It was not that much better and I could have used the money elsewhere.

So, that's it. Now I want to know if the Rhea Signature upgrade is worth the money. The reviews have pretty much been raves.

But here is the real reason, I whisper. By not selecting an ARC phono stage, I was simply trying to demonstrate to you that I'm not dogmatic with my tastes. :)

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I have an Aesthetix Rhea also and was wondering whether you upgraded to the Rhea Signature, If so, what was our experience?

Are you using stock tubes? I tried those but I am now using RCA 12AX7 tubes sourced from Vintage Tube Services. Changing to these tubes lowered the noise floor significantly.

Best Regards,

Jim Perry
Hi Sparky, I am new to this forum and I read this with much interest as I also have a Rhea Signature. I haven't heard the regular Rhea but I do like the Rhea Signature quite a bit. I recommend contacting Brent Jessee who can help you with some nice NOS. However, if you love the Rhea, you may also consider upgrading to the Io Sig or Eclipse if this is within your budget. Since I also have a second phono and I am out of rack space, I decided to just stick with the Rhea Sig instead of the Io. I am using Telefunken Smooth plates for V1 and V2, Mazda Chrome plates V3, Mullards at V4 and Amperex 7308s V5.


I am using NOS RCA 12AX7. These were recommended by Andy at Vintage Tube Services, who was recommended to me by Aesthetix. I am currently using a Shelter 901 and Sumiko Pearwood Celebration II both with .5 mv output. The NOS tubes made a significant difference in sound quality and noise level.

Jim Perry
Hi Jim, I am sure that your NOS RCAs are nice. I was lucky enough to pick up some Tektronix selected TFKs and Amperexes which are all super quiet as are the Mazdas and Mullards. What are you using for V5?
For the V5 position I am using super low noise 6922 tubes from

The V1 - V4 positions are 7058 tubes The same as a 12AX7 but with a 13.5 volt non-tapped filament. It can be used in circuits which do not utilize the 6.3V filament tap. Performance is same as regular 12ax7.

My Calypso has RCA 12AX7 in the V1 position and 1970s EI 6DJ8 in the V2 position. All from Vintage Tube Services.
Good to know...thanks! I will check out their website.
Hi guys,

I'm new here but wanted to share that Sparky (karma) passed away Spring of 2013 in case you weren't aware.

RIP Sparky.
Thank you Mike for letting us know. My condolences to the friends and family of Sparky, may he rest in peace.

Thanks Mike for letting us know. RIP Sparky, I wish I had the privilege to know you...
Very sorry to hear about Sparky. He initiated this thread and inspired me to upgrade my Aesthetis Rhea to a Signature version.

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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