$292 Million down the drain


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Dec 12, 2012
Edmonds, WA
$292 Million down the drain Obama's little tryst with CGI Federal cost US taxpayers only $292 million. As Vanity Fair revealed recently, "According to congressional testimony, CGI stands to be paid $292 million for its work on healthcare.gov." And since the CGI replacement will eventually redo everything from scratch, this is $292 million that Obama may have as well burned.

Proving once again that if you want something done wrong, and preferably at massive cost overruns, then just leave it to the government, moments ago news broke that the main IT contractor behind the embarrassment that is healthcare.gov - CGI Federal - has been fired. Who could possibly foresee this? Well, anyone who had actually done some diligence on the clusterfuck that is CGI Federal, and which as WaPo profiled some time ago, "is filled with executives from a company that mishandled at least 20 other government IT projects, including a flawed effort to automate retirement benefits for millions of federal workers, documents and interviews show." Make that 21. "A year before CGI Group acquired AMS in 2004, AMS settled a lawsuit brought by the head of the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board, which had hired the company to upgrade the agency’s computer system. AMS had gone $60 million over budget and virtually all of the computer code it wrote turned out to be useless, according to a report by a U.S. Senate committee." Sounds like the perfect people to hire in order to make a complete disaster out of the Obamacare portal - almost as if by design.



I read and saw on the news that they paid CGI over $650M.
I read and saw on the news that they paid CGI over $650M.

U.S Government is great at hiding the "true costs"!
The true cost might be well over a Billion $.

I would not mind trying out some Magico Ultimate 3's with proper associated components with a dusting of that $. Compliments to Stereo[?], who I believe is purchasing them.
Maybe I would not like them; well then I could "fire" them.

The real pathetic part is this. Professional services firms are screwing the federal government with impunity. Clearly, they are outgunned, as the private sector is paying better and hiring the A players, whose bonuses are a function of how badly they screw their government clients. Adding insult to injury, the hapless B and C players on the government payroll then get blamed for the debacle through their incompetence.

If it is any consolation, private sector firms have pissed away untold billions an failed IT projects, unsually with less public visibility.
The real pathetic part is this. Professional services firms are screwing the federal government with impunity. Clearly, they are outgunned, as the private sector is paying better and hiring the A players, whose bonuses are a function of how badly they screw their government clients. Adding insult to injury, the hapless B and C players on the government payroll then get blamed for the debacle through their incompetence.

If it is any consolation, private sector firms have pissed away untold billions an failed IT projects, unsually with less public visibility.

Private firms = Billions $ /// Banksters = Trillions $ /// Good Taxpayers = Screwed.

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Private firms = Billions $ /// Banksters = Trillions $ /// Good Taxpayers = Screwed.


Yeah well that's nothing compared to the waste in the military.
Totally agree - repeat 11 times.
We should all remember the term military-industrial complex; the intertwining of the political into the private corporations supplying the arms.


In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.

Dwight D. Eisenhower
$292 Million down the drain Obama's little tryst with CGI Federal cost US taxpayers only $292 million. As Vanity Fair revealed recently, "According to congressional testimony, CGI stands to be paid $292 million for its work on healthcare.gov." And since the CGI replacement will eventually redo everything from scratch, this is $292 million that Obama may have as well burned.

Proving once again that if you want something done wrong, and preferably at massive cost overruns, then just leave it to the government, moments ago news broke that the main IT contractor behind the embarrassment that is healthcare.gov - CGI Federal - has been fired. Who could possibly foresee this? Well, anyone who had actually done some diligence on the clusterfuck that is CGI Federal, and which as WaPo profiled some time ago, "is filled with executives from a company that mishandled at least 20 other government IT projects, including a flawed effort to automate retirement benefits for millions of federal workers, documents and interviews show." Make that 21. "A year before CGI Group acquired AMS in 2004, AMS settled a lawsuit brought by the head of the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board, which had hired the company to upgrade the agency’s computer system. AMS had gone $60 million over budget and virtually all of the computer code it wrote turned out to be useless, according to a report by a U.S. Senate committee." Sounds like the perfect people to hire in order to make a complete disaster out of the Obamacare portal - almost as if by design.




Enough of the whining. Where were you when the Bush Administration enriched Halliburton by 40 BILLION dollars over 8 years.

Give it a rest.
Abosultly. Halliburton was by far the biggest waiste all time for now . What the dems do wrong is always consistently less then what the republic does.

Enough of the whining. Where were you when the Bush Administration enriched Halliburton by 40 BILLION dollars over 8 years.

And weren't those sole source no-bid contracts that were awarded to Halliburton? Oh, and wasn't Cheney the former chairman and CEO of Halliburton?
And weren't those sole source no-bid contracts that were awarded to Halliburton? Oh, and wasn't Cheney the former chairman and CEO of Halliburton?

BINGO!!!!!! One of the most shameful episodes of a political profiteering in our nations history.

We then learned they were serving the troops tainted food, and several soldiers were electrocuted in faulty
portable showers.

OH! And let us NOT forget the infamous Black Water mercenary firm, whose CEO was a big Bush contributor.

See it and weep. Enough of this selective nonsense about waste from the right.

Since the original post ~ 16 hours ago, the Federal government has spent almost 24x that piddling $292 Million (~$6.9 Billion). Better yet, the spending was financed in part by borrowing more than 4.5x the amount ($1.35 Billion). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_United_States_federal_budgetParty

$292 Million is a proverbial fart in the the midst of the fiscal hurricane.
The point has been made by both sides in this thread that Government is corrupt, or inefficient, in implementing everything it attempts.


Why support anything Government touches, especially when it directly affects you personally? It seems like a no-brainer to me.
The point has been made by both sides in this thread that Government is corrupt, or inefficient, in implementing everything it attempts.


Why support anything Government touches, especially when it directly affects you personally? It seems like a no-brainer to me.

No I was only referring to an entity that tokes a large pct. of our tax dollar. And it 's people w/in, not the government.
Enough of the whining. Where were you when the Bush Administration enriched Halliburton by 40 BILLION dollars over 8 years.

Give it a rest.

I 100% agree that the Halliburton enrichment was money wasted, and probably much more than $40 Billion, and I have been speaking up about all these wasted expenditures. If you are thinking a Democrat vs. Republican thing; that is wrong. Almost all of the government is just throwing away the Taxpayers' $$$. Most of government is supposed to be in the States' hands, not in the Federal. Get rid of at least 80% of all the governments and wasted expenditures.


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