
  1. Agent86

    LampizatOr Experts: What Lampi should I get?

    I've had the GG1 (R2R), the Baltic 3 and now the Baltic 4, with each one successively better than its predecessor, but still feel that something is missing with the B4. I've had the B4 for a month now and have tried quite a few tube combinations with only a couple of them yielding good results...
  2. itay123

    itay123 setup

    Hi Friend's Like to share and introduce my SETUP: including: •Speakers: -Kaiser Acoustics Kawero! CLASSIC c3(+) -KONDO wiring & cross - the Full C3 Version •Power-amp: PILIUM Audio ACHILLES •Pre-amp: PILIUM Audio ALEXANDER •Dac: Lampizator Golden gate R2R balance ENGINE dac with DSD512...
  3. G

    Clash of the titans - Seeking experience from you guys

    Hello folks So I´m building a serious 2-channel system for a private client and when I was looking for a DAC that I wanted for myself 6months ago, I wanted the Holo Audio May. I could not audition the May and still can´t but after reading up on reviews it seems like a good DAC that sound more...
  4. Ron Resnick

    Lampizator Baltic 4: Single-Ended or Balanced Output?

    For those of you who have a Lampizator Baltic 3 or Baltic 4, are you using the single-ended or the balanced output? What differences in sound do you hear between the two outputs?
  5. Ron Resnick

    Ron’s New System

    It begins . . . I am eternally grateful to Jason Lord, proprietor of The Source AV, in Torrance, California, for his nearly infinite patience and grace in storing the four giant Pendragon crates inside his office for the last 5 1/2 years. Thanks very much to Wayne Strickland and William...
  6. Thundersnow

    Lampizator Golden Gate 3 Impressions

    Thanks to my buddy @Golum I think I'm one of the first(?) people to be enjoying the new iteration of Lampizator's Golden Gate DAC, the Golden Gate 3. First off, a bit of background. I've been a user of the Esoteric digital front-end for some time now. My current Esoteric Setup consists of the...
  7. R

    Problem caused by magnetic chassis of Lampizator Atlantic TRP?

    Hi all, This post is primarily about my Lampizator Atlantic TRP DAC and questions about its chassis construction, although peripherally about a new AC tweak called the Plasmatron 3, which I recently purchased on closeout from VH Audio. The Plasmatron (which functions in the system in an...
  8. J

    Lampizator Big 7 mk2 - upgrade tubes or move to Pacific or Technics?

    So - I’m new to this forum, but have been in the hobby for long enough to go pretty deep… my current quandary is how best to progress my digital front end without going completely nuts. I will start by saying that the Lampizator Big 7 is the first DAC I have ever had that comes close enough to...
  9. mr.gregdee

    SVEDA Audio Active Loudspeakers DAPO / BLIPO / U22+ . Let's talk about making things simpler :)

    Little intro: As a trader I am present here on the WBF mostly to watch debates related to the products I am carrying in my portfolio. Checking if the information is correct and occasionally advice something as well. I learn a lot from the others about other product matches worth checking as...
  10. DF12751E-3474-4F2F-A2B8-FA60BF6D1416.jpeg


    Steve’s Vs Front End
  11. Ron Resnick

    State-of-the-Art Digital

    Innuous Statement + Lampizator Pacific Innuous Statement + MSB Select SGM Extreme + Lampizator Pacific SGM Extreme + MSB Select What are some other state-of-the-art combinations of streamers and DACs? How does one decide? How did you decide?
  12. D

    FS: like new KR Audio RK Limited 242 300B pairs

    Selling the following barely used (about 10 min each) matched quads of KR Audio RK Limited Series 300B and 242. Will break up the quads into matched pairs. KR 242 RK Limited Series 899 Euros new per pair, will sell for $700 per pair KR 300B RK limited Series 999 Euros new per pair, will sell...
  13. A

    FS: KR Audio PX4 Vacuum tubes - $550

    Bought these in December to try out in a newly purchased Lampizator Golden Gate. As you may know, the combination of rectifier and driver tube need to be synergistic with this DAC. Fortunately for the new owner, these are available, and have seen less than 10 hours of use from me. Former owner...
  14. T

    Lampizator amplifiers

    Has anyone any experience with them and has compared against some more well known brands? I’ll be using with some very efficient horns so the amps need to be super quiet. Thanks in advance guys....
  15. Ron Resnick

    Lampizator Versus Aesthetix Pandora?

    Has anyone compared directly a Lampizator DAC to the Aesthetix Pandora Signature DAC?
  16. B

    Lampizator Level 5 Gen 4, 2 box FOR SALE (plus some nice tubes!)

    Hi For sale due to move to multichannel Lampizator Level 5 Gen 4, 2 box DSD DAC Excellent condition Balanced throughout Preamp included + analogue input Orange buttons USB, RCA, BNC and AES/EBU digital inputs Dueland uprated caps Remote 6DJ8 output tubes Amperex 7308 white label...

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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