Jim in Missouri
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    • Jim in Missouri
      Jim in Missouri replied to the thread tima's DIY RCM.
      Thanks, Tim. I have looked through the thread more than once, so have some understanding of what you've done and know if I decide to...
    • Jim in Missouri
      Jim in Missouri replied to the thread tima's DIY RCM.
      That you two are in agreement matters, so glad you chimed in. My head and hands have been busy with things other than record cleaning of...
    • Jim in Missouri
      Jim in Missouri replied to the thread tima's DIY RCM.
      Thanks, Neil. I hadn't seen the PDF.
    • Jim in Missouri
      Jim in Missouri reacted to Neil.Antin's post in the thread tima's DIY RCM with Like Like.
      Jim: First, it's a 12-L tank; and the larger the tank, the more power required. Second the 800W is pulse power which is a very short...
    • Jim in Missouri
      Jim in Missouri replied to the thread tima's DIY RCM.
      Tima: the specs for his 120H say 200w/800w at 37 kHz. Any concerns about the higher power setting at such a low kHz? - Jim
    • Jim in Missouri
      Jim in Missouri reacted to tima's post in the thread tima's DIY RCM with Like Like.
      Hi Andreas, Nice to hear from you. I will address your questions. 1. I am aware of Sweep mode and have tried it. Its function is a ±...
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