Anyone Hear this? Living Stereo - The Full Collection Box

Yeah, I have the 45 set, back when I was buying stuff from Classic- that's what i meant by the big box, it's alot of records. There are some pretty nutty prices for some of these today, as well as for the 33 set. Sonically, the original was on the old HP list. Musically, well... I'll have to give it a re-listen.
Yeah, I have the 45 set, back when I was buying stuff from Classic. There are some pretty nutty prices for some of these today. Sonically, the original was on the old HP list. Musically, well... I'll have to give it a re-listen.

Prices are never going to get lower unfortunately. I buy as much Classic Records stuff NM or sealed as I can including test pressings when available. I restarted my vinyl odyssey back in early 2010 and have probably spent close to $35k purchasing everything I have needed/wanted on eBay since then. I had zero records when I started as I went digital in 1984 and lost my record collection to flood in early 1998. I love buying records..
Yup, I like the I ( Indianapolis, IN) slightly better than the R ( Rockaway, NJ ) or H ( Hollywood, CA) plants. Even know the Processing codes...PM if you would like this info:D

I guess Phil Ramone never heard the 'Look of Love' on a system like yours;)

And there are exceptions to the rule.

Biggest factor affecting the sound: condition of the record :)

aWhen I finally found an immaculate stereo copy of the Casino Royale at a Queens (NY) Flea Market, I was the happiest person on the planet.. Until I heard the album ... Biiiiiiiig letdown.. Still can't comprehend what the fuss is all about ... Heard it in various systems and still don't understand the craze ...

What stamper is it? Also is it US or Canadian?
Prices are never going to get lower unfortunately. I buy as much Classic Records stuff NM or sealed as I can including test pressings when available. I restarted my vinyl odyssey back in early 2010 and have probably spent close to $35k purchasing everything I have needed/wanted on eBay since then. I had zero records when I started as I went digital in 1984 and lost my record collection to flood in early 1998. I love buying records..
So, in your honor, I pulled out one of the nine discs from that Ballet set earlier tonite- I think it was Schumann- I just couldn't face the Nutcracker, and it was spectacular. Thanks for reminding me of a box of records I had neglected. I gather you are back up and running with the new gear? Did you post yet here about it?
yes whart, I am back up and running. The new amps have brought everything to a new and better level. I will post more specific impressions soon. I have talked a little about their sound under the xs150 thread in the pass forum.
What is a shaded dog?
What stamper is it? Also is it US or Canadian?

Myles Just saw this and apologize for not replying that was almost 20 years ago .. I don't have this record anymore. Can't remember...
Different record companies have different generations of their issues, and you can often tell which is which by details on the labels.

RCA for a while had their trademark dog with a shadow/shade around it:

The period coincided with when they also put considerable effort into the quality of their vinyl pressing (and recording).

Well done, Soundproof. I can't remember all the nuances but the Victor Company and the Gramophone Company had it, it was based on a painting of a dog referred to as 'Nipper' and at some point the U.S. rights got sold to Emil Berliner's company, which was a predecessor to RCA.
The 'golden era' of RCA LPs in the US bore the dog in various forms, shaded, white and eventually no dog at all. At the same time, EMI had a slightly different version of the dog on its UK classical records, but those couldn't be sold with that logo in the US, given RCA's conflicting rights. That, as I recall is why the EMI's sold for the US market bore the 'Angel' mark.
The RCA 'shaded dog' is sought after because it represented a golden era of conductors and performances. They are highly collectible, and have been reissued in various forms, both by RCA and other companies, like Classic Records. I knew more about this once, and the history, but can't remember it all.
i have all the 33rpm Classic reissue RCA Living Presence pressings, and all the 45rpms too. i also have all the SACD's sourced from those recordings as well as the Mercury's too for all three formats. then i have quite a few CD's, XRCD's and that type redbook versions.

the 45rpm classic reissues are maybe the best sounding Lps i've yet heard as a group.

any of them are wonderful.....and it was my introduction to classical music and it is quite 'accessable' in terms of the music and performances. in the mid-90's when i started buying these i knew zero about classical and never listened to it.

this whole series was a game-changer for me in how i looked at music....and now i listen to over 50% classical music.

i'll add that this group of SACD's are my most played silver discs by far.

+1000. I just started this year collecting the RCA living stereo catalog and have most of them on 33 and have accessed most of the 45's from the big hits too. They do sound amazing. I started buying them thinking that when I get old I would want to listen to them more...Turns out after a few selections, classical grabbed me like crack grabs an addict. Rock, Jazz and Classical. What more does a man need ?

edit: Add Blooze to the list and some 70's pop...Elton John for example.
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+1000. I just started this year collecting the RCA living stereo catalog and have most of them on 33 and have accessed most of the 45's from the big hits too. They do sound amazing. I started buying them thinking that when I get old I would want to listen to them more...Turns out after a few selections, classical grabbed me like crack grabs an addict. Rock, Jazz and Classical. What more does a man need ?

edit: Add Blooze to the list and some 70's pop...Elton John for example.

I'm in a similar situation. Love rock and jazz, but have been bitten by the classical bug. Not all classical - at least not yet - and I'm just learning. I'm amazed at how good some of the RCA Living Stereo titles sound. I've had some on vinyl and about 20 or so on CD (SACD Hybrids that I only listen to the redbook layer). I just ordered another 20 or 30 of the SACDs along with the Mercury Living Presence box set.
A great read...the RCA bible by Jonathan Valin. Everything you ever wanted to know about RCA Living Stereo releases for classical.

Thanks for this - right now I am reading Classical music for Dummies (I didn't know the difference between a symphony and a concerto!!!).

Btw, Pass electronics, Wilson speakers, and classical music are a match made in heaven.
Different record companies have different generations of their issues, and you can often tell which is which by details on the labels.

RCA for a while had their trademark dog with a shadow/shade around it:

The period coincided with when they also put considerable effort into the quality of their vinyl pressing (and recording).

Thank you very much for enlightening me!
A great read...the RCA bible by Jonathan Valin. Everything you ever wanted to know about RCA Living Stereo releases for classical.

Darn, it's out of print...
The RCA Living Stereo series, Mercury Living Presence, EMI "half dog", Decca/London FFSS, Lyrita, and many others represent some of the finest recordings and sound quality from the big labels in history. Sometimes regret liquidating my LP collection, but then my kids remind me why a turntable would be a bad idea now....


i have the Heifetz 45rpm box set and it is 'to die for'. i don't have the vocabulary to do justice to the wonder of the music. superb!

Well I just bought this based on your recommendation. Can't wait!

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