Solid state single ended (pure class A) preamp


Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2013
I am looking for some suggestions on solid state single ended preamps (class A). One example is the Pass Aleph P. But it is out of production. Any other such preamps ?

I am moving out of tube SET amplification to high quality solid state amplification. I just acquired a FM acoustics F10 amp. I realize that to keep the presentation somewhat like SET I may do well with a SET preamp.
The output impedance should be as low as possible. If I can find a used Pass Aleph P it will be one potential candidate. What other options do I have ?
Hi Pani,

Depends on your budget and whether you are looking for second hand or new. I have personally had good experience with Class A SS amps. Some come to mind:

- Forte 4 (50watts)
- Gryphon Antileon (100 watts)
- Gryphon Colosseum (160 watts)
- Boulder 2060

I have read excellent things about Vitus, and know someone who has owned literally 'everything' and uses their Masterpiece Ref series now (after Wavac 833 MkII, Gryphon Colosseum monos, and close to 20 other SOTA amps in his system at one time or another).

Older Krell (FPB and before?) used to be pure Class A I thought. KSA series perhaps?

I am looking for some suggestions on solid state single ended preamps (class A). One example is the Pass Aleph P. But it is out of production. Any other such preamps ?

I am moving out of tube SET amplification to high quality solid state amplification. I just acquired a FM acoustics F10 amp. I realize that to keep the presentation somewhat like SET I may do well with a SET preamp.
The output impedance should be as low as possible. If I can find a used Pass Aleph P it will be one potential candidate. What other options do I have ?

Pani seems to be asking advices about a Class A Preamp.
I suppose the same brands apply?

- Gryphon
- Vitus
- Boulder

And Pani's already mentioned Pass...
Hi Pani,

Depends on your budget and whether you are looking for second hand or new. I have personally had good experience with Class A SS amps. Some come to mind:

- Forte 4 (50watts)
- Gryphon Antileon (100 watts)
- Gryphon Colosseum (160 watts)
- Boulder 2060

I have read excellent things about Vitus, and know someone who has owned literally 'everything' and uses their Masterpiece Ref series now (after Wavac 833 MkII, Gryphon Colosseum monos, and close to 20 other SOTA amps in his system at one time or another).

Older Krell (FPB and before?) used to be pure Class A I thought. KSA series perhaps?

I tested Vitus Masterpiece monoblocks.Great amps but very, very expensive. But know i use newest Vitus SM-011 monoblocks.
I tested Vitus Masterpiece monoblocks.Great amps but very, very expensive. But know i use newest Vitus SM-011 monoblocks.

Nice amps! I have not heard them, but nothing I have ever heard about them is anything but exemplary. How good were the Masterpiece monos? Just curious if you were able to compare them at all?
I am looking for some suggestions on solid state single ended preamps (class A). One example is the Pass Aleph P. But it is out of production. Any other such preamps ?

I am moving out of tube SET amplification to high quality solid state amplification. I just acquired a FM acoustics F10 amp. I realize that to keep the presentation somewhat like SET I may do well with a SET preamp.
The output impedance should be as low as possible. If I can find a used Pass Aleph P it will be one potential candidate. What other options do I have ?

hard to imagine a better solid state preamp than the new battery powered darTZeel NHB-18NS.

I had the privilege of spending 2 weeks with it in June. simply superb in every new one is ordered but they are not yet shipping the new version.

you did not identify the price range target at all, and I will say the dart pre is spendy. you might consider a used dart NHB-18NS preamp, which would be much less and is upgradable to the new one.
I'm currently blown away by the Audionet Pre GR2.
Of course Masterpiece are the best, the best view into music, superior bass, great space. But…SM 011 are very, very good. In my system for Grande Utopia EM Vitus SM-011 are on main and Burmester 911 for low bass. This set in my system is 90% of Masterpiece. SM-011 are very saturate, a little sweet and great deep space 3D. I love them.In my system much better than top Spectrals, Ayre, Krell FBI, JRDG, MSB stereo Amp or most tube SE amps.
I am looking for some suggestions on solid state single ended preamps (class A). One example is the Pass Aleph P. But it is out of production. Any other such preamps ?

I am moving out of tube SET amplification to high quality solid state amplification. I just acquired a FM acoustics F10 amp. I realize that to keep the presentation somewhat like SET I may do well with a SET preamp.
The output impedance should be as low as possible. If I can find a used Pass Aleph P it will be one potential candidate. What other options do I have ?

Pani, from this initial post, it seems you are looking for a fairly inexpensive SS Class A preamp. Reno HiFi may have some Aleph Ps around and they could certainly advise you about other Pass preamps. The XP10 may be a good option.

I used to own an Aleph P with remote. It sounded good and was built like a tank. The newer XP line is more transparent and has lower noise.
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Of course Masterpiece are the best, the best view into music, superior bass, great space. But…SM 011 are very, very good. In my system for Grande Utopia EM Vitus SM-011 are on main and Burmester 911 for low bass. This set in my system is 90% of Masterpiece. SM-011 are very saturate, a little sweet and great deep space 3D. I love them.In my system much better than top Spectrals, Ayre, Krell FBI, JRDG, MSB stereo Amp or most tube SE amps.

sounds nice...enjoy!
I am looking for some suggestions on solid state single ended preamps (class A). One example is the Pass Aleph P. But it is out of production. Any other such preamps ?

I am moving out of tube SET amplification to high quality solid state amplification. I just acquired a FM acoustics F10 amp. I realize that to keep the presentation somewhat like SET I may do well with a SET preamp.
The output impedance should be as low as possible. If I can find a used Pass Aleph P it will be one potential candidate. What other options do I have ?

I think you should check out the 2 Robert Koda preamps. The offer balanced in and out...but accomplish this via transformers on the inputs and outputs. If you use the RCA ins/outs it's purely single ended. They are pricey, build quality as good as it gets, all hand made.

Output impedance is 75 ohm on the RCA's.

I've had my Koda K10 for over a year now.
Good call...
I think you should check out the 2 Robert Koda preamps. The offer balanced in and out...but accomplish this via transformers on the inputs and outputs. If you use the RCA ins/outs it's purely single ended. They are pricey, build quality as good as it gets, all hand made.

Output impedance is 75 ohm on the RCA's.

I've had my Koda K10 for over a year now.
As Pani is asking for a single ended preamplifier, we can expect it to be transformer or capacitor coupled. I can not remember of any SS one, either than the referred Pass.
Manley has a 300B DHT preamp. Allnic does the DHT preamp thing as well.

but yeah, I'm with Tomelex. You're barking up the wrong tree.
thanks guys.
I think I am getting a bit carried away since for the last couple of years I have been listening to SET with my Tannoys. Now when I am listening to conventional speakers it feels a bit off.
An FM preamp is probably my best bet but I dont expect an FM preamp even in the used market for $5k. So I need a good alternative. What are my options ?
Hi Pani, what tube SET amps do you have, and what made you move out?

I am looking for some suggestions on solid state single ended preamps (class A). One example is the Pass Aleph P. But it is out of production. Any other such preamps ?

I am moving out of tube SET amplification to high quality solid state amplification. I just acquired a FM acoustics F10 amp. I realize that to keep the presentation somewhat like SET I may do well with a SET preamp.
The output impedance should be as low as possible. If I can find a used Pass Aleph P it will be one potential candidate. What other options do I have ?
I would say the NAT symmetrical preamp, which at 7k Euros was rated second, behind the Ypsilon's 23k and ahead of Dan Agostino's 30k preamp. I think in the used market it will be well below your 5k USD budget. They use valves though, and are just astounding. The Symmetrical is better balanced, but the Utopia is better single ended. Not sure what the preamp tech is, but their power amps are SET valves, that can run up to 180W per monoblock. Beasts! Heard one guy uses 3 SETs of NATs to drive his Apogee Grands. Must have a sauna

thanks guys.
I think I am getting a bit carried away since for the last couple of years I have been listening to SET with my Tannoys. Now when I am listening to conventional speakers it feels a bit off.
An FM preamp is probably my best bet but I dont expect an FM preamp even in the used market for $5k. So I need a good alternative. What are my options ?

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