Outstanding Sound Improvement with Videos before-after/ VYDA Cables

You're welcome, thanks for replying.

I don't think my post approaches or encourages censorship, because censorship implies the complete eliminations of your views. I said that they belong to a different thread, which is very different from censorship.

Oops, you have a very peculiar definition of censorship ...
Let us just friendly disagree on this one :)
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Don't forget the blood sugar levels of the poster, ambient temperature in the room, how aggravated the wife is with all of this etc etc.

My take is that if the poster is happy that the video compare reasonably represents the qualitative change going from A to B, there's really no need to generate extra cynicism in this area (and I say that as a non fan of system videos).

If Vienna truly feels the change registered is consistent with his subjective reaction, surely that's good enough to provoke some interest in the cables if the listener online likes the change.
Vienna, please install those cables quickly, listen to them, report what you hear, and make those videos ASAP. This thread needs to get back on topic before the original content is cancelled.

Just don't do it too quickly as there will be criticisms of the cables not having "settled" long enough. The Atlas Lambda also needs an hour of play before any critical listening. BTW, how long do you let your iPhone 11 warm up before hitting the "record" button? I also hear remaining battery life can have an effect on quality too.
I strongly believe video posters simply want to show off and are the typical insecure audiophiles who want constant affirmation. I bet they are fully aware how bad the sound is in their videos.
In a thread where a few offensive things have been said I find this quite an achievement...
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I strongly believe video posters simply want to show off and are the typical insecure audiophiles who want constant affirmation.

Some may very well be.

Others may find video useful in ways other than constant psychological affirmation.

I bet they are fully aware how bad the sound is in their videos.

Unfortunately, I am afraid you are betting too much ;).
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In a thread where a few offensive things have been said I find this quite an achievement...

What if there is some truth to it? (Yet for nuance, see my previous post.)

Since when is truth offensive? Are we now in a hyperdrive mode of political correctness?
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Audiophilia and truth is an interesting association. I don't mean truth as in honesty, I fully believe Vienna is honourable in his intent.
I mean that a hugely subjective area of experience is anything more than just that.
Truth? You're better off investigating home cinema Lol.
I strongly believe video posters simply want to show off and are the typical insecure audiophiles who want constant affirmation. I bet they are fully aware how bad the sound is in their videos.
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I strongly believe video posters simply want to show off and are the typical insecure audiophiles who want constant affirmation. I bet they are fully aware how bad the sound is in their videos.
Narcissists in this hobby? Never.
Narcissists in this hobby? Never.

Hehe. I guess were are all self-absorbed to some degree. At least some of us are self-reflective enough to be keenly aware of that fact, others may be less so.

Yet all this rarely will devolve into true pathological narcissism.
First, Vienna was not being truthful about the changes he made to his system and how he made his videos.

Ok, let's get this canard out of the way, Peter. Who exactly and when did accuse Vienna of deliberately misleading?

Accurate quotes, please, and in full context.
Such a revealing comment.

I always wondered why @ Bonzo75 and @Tango posted so many excellent videos. And do you really mean to say this about Vienna who is sharing with us his excitement for his new cables? First, Vienna was not being truthful about the changes he made to his system and how he made his videos. Now he is posting them because he is the typical insecure audiophile who wants constant affirmation???

Let me take off my Ray Ban aviators. OK, done.

"Come on Man."

Peter, this can be easily explained. I don't have a system. So I am insecure and post videos. Tang has not made it to no. 1 on the zero distortion list. So he posts videos. Which is partly why I don't put him at 1, he might stop. I told him a way out is to get the covid vaccine and enjoy the side effect

You and Vienna don't have horns, so you post videos.

Secure are the people who compare the sound of their iPhone to that of their in room system and feel good about it
There is no way the recordings were made under the same exact recording conditions. These are obviously very different between the videos, and much better in the newer videos. Has little to do with a cable change. The differences are just far too big.
Well Al, my system is exactly the same as well as my iphone 11 phone.
If I were you I would ask Enrico to send me a set of cables for demo. He will do it free of charge. You will be able then to tell whether I am right or wrong.

P.S. I agree with you. These cables they did make a tremendous sound imporvement, as if i have changed components.
Apparently the phone positions, from which the recordings were made, are at least slightly different. This could make a large difference in the recorded outcome.
Forgot to report that my sofa is the same as well as my siting position!

After this, I chose to back down. The discussion would have been over for my part, Peter, if you would not have reignited it one and a half days later by accusing me of "hypocrisy" regarding videos.

Here is the part of my reply to you that is pertinent to the issue:
3.Yet in this case the comparative differences are simply to large to be explained by just a power cable difference. Since the difference is too large, there must be other parameters in the recording that differ. I am not claiming that Vienna is deliberately misleading us, but that for some reason the recording parameters are different nonetheless. After all there is, if I understand correctly, a 3 month time difference between the videos.


This is the full context, Peter, most of which you have omitted. Probably not deliberately, but omitted nonetheless. Anticipating this issue, I specifically asked you above to quote in full context.

If you want to profess moral indignation, you need to closely follow what people are actually saying.

And how does the longer quote from Ack that you gave automatically imply that he thinks Vienna mislead deliberately? He simply points out that its is hard to believe that the recording conditions are the same. I agree with that.

Francisco has outlined in several posts in this thread how recording conditions could have differed in an unintentional manner.
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Then there is also this:

Great that you are happy with the cables.

But are the videos reliable? According to the information the first video seems to have a lower Kbps?


They were both uploaded to Vimeo from my iphone, can you please enlighten me on this numbers ?

searching On your ref. https://vimeo.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/224968848-Playback-quality-and-buffering-issues the numbers you are showing refer to video quality not sound

The numbers are from Vimeo. The codec for the audio is AAC and the first video seems to have an audiostream with 159 Kbps and the second one is 256 Kbps. It was just something I noticed.

Yes but this doesn’t affect the sound, as I proposed you you can ask the manufacturer for a demo cables‘ set. In this way you will get the real picture at no cost for you


So were the recording conditions indeed the same? Not if the audio stream rate is different, as pointed out.
So were the recording conditions indeed the same?
Ignore him; there are plenty of data to raise suspicions that there are recording and/or transfer differences, starting with a lack of evidence that the volumes were even matched properly - all unintentional, but highly consequential. There is nothing remotely scientific about all these videos to be even remotely useful, they are just entertaining. Having said that, we all appreciate Vienna's enthusiasm and eagerness to share some new experiences.
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Vienna, I apologize for my role in taking your thread off topic. It was just getting way out of control. I have deleted all posts which contributed to this. I am happy that you are enjoying your new cables and look forward to reading your impressions of the news ones as they are inserted into your system, and then listening to your videos. Congratulations and many thanks for sharing your enthusiasm with us. Be well and enjoy.
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What we need to better understand - I hope - is that there are analytical minds over here, who just happen to see things from a more scientific point of view - a SHOW ME, if you will, approach and attitude - with no ill intents. However, that can come across as a bit "inquisitive" if you will, but it's only as a consequence of the nature of the original claims, which in some cases tend to be leaning towards the assertive "here is proof, folks"...

At the end of the day - and to paraphrase one quite-intelligent friend of ours - in a hobby where "everything matters", why the hell would you ever want to make any judgements about sound based on crappy videos. Cheers to that uber-intelligent individual, and cheers to everyone's audio passions...
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What if there is some truth to it? (Yet for nuance, see my previous post.)

Since when is truth offensive? Are we now in a hyperdrive mode of political correctness?
Al where it is true it is not offensive... just where it is not true.

I believe most everyone have mixed drivers for doing things... and where does this place people who have a system thread where they put multiple images of their systems and written giant self reviews extolling their considered achievements... some over 50 pages and with over a thousand posts of self involvement... would it be true if I strongly believe posters who have system threads simply want to show off and are the typical insecure audiophiles who want constant affirmation. I bet they are fully aware how inflated and wrong their self assessments are.

... and ofcourse I wouldn’t because I genuinely don’t believe that is the principal driver for all (or hardly any) that do it. To cast a very personal negative sling at a whole group when I believe many/most people come here in a genuine attitude of sharing and not just to defame and belittle. Sorry that Ack thinks so little of so many.
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Cables need to "settle" now. That's just the most stupid thing I've ever heard.

I remember that the manual of the Keithley electrometers was clear about that - their Telfon cables needed 30 minutes mechanical settling before being used to reach the minimum noise. If we moved them we had to wait again.

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