Mike Lavigne's new speakers


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2010
C'mon Mike

Spill the beans.

What is the new speaker?

Personally, I believe it's the new Evolution Acoustics top of range model.

I could be completely wrong ;)

But, we all want to know :p
I'm putting the house on them being Cerwin Vegas, 1985 vintage.
Given the choice btwn the new EAs and Alsyvox Rafaellos for the same price, I know which ones I'd buy.
I'm putting the house on them being Cerwin Vegas, 1985 vintage.
Given the choice btwn the new EAs and Alsyvox Rafaellos for the same price, I know which ones I'd buy.

given that he seriously took your advice for rim drive and LT, do you think the new Zus are a possibility
given that he seriously took your advice for rim drive and LT, do you think the new Zus are a possibility
No. He may be impressionable. Just not naive.
I've tried to smoke Mike out to no avail.
Now I am content to wait for the bog reveal.
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I've tried to smoke Mike out to no avail.
Now I am content to wait for the bog reveal.
If I had that money, I'd also be on the bog thinking how to spend it.
Does Mrs. Lavigne ever get a look in?
good morning gents,

as my ad says; my speakers sell, my speakers don't sell, i'm good either way. so maybe the most likely result is no change. in which case talking about what my choice might actually be seems fruitless. logically the new Evolutions are a strong possibility, which i will not deny. they are certainly very worthy.

i have to admit the voracity of recent visitors telling me i'm crazy to mess with the synergy i have now is a big factor in my mind set. you think about wanting to change because...........and.........and then realize careful what you ask for. when i think about steps i can achieve for something more musically, as opposed to change for change sake and getting some pretty new thing, it makes me pause.

so there you go. and targeting a particular choice will not help the selling process.
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Does Mrs. Lavigne ever get a look in?
as far as in my listening room, she is there occasionally. not as much as i would like.

my wife knows i have been thinking about new speakers for a time, but that's it. Jonathan and i had been discussing the new Evolutions and me for the last 3-4 years as they were being developed......and my wife was aware of that. which as much as anything is how i came to be thinking of changing. and i kept telling him that i was not hearing anything to cause me to want to change.
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good morning gents,

as my ad says; my speakers sell, my speakers don't sell, i'm good either way. so maybe the most likely result is no change. in which case talking about what my choice might actually be seems fruitless. logically the new Evolutions are a strong possibility, which i will not deny. they are certainly very worthy.

i have to admit the voracity of recent visitors telling me i'm crazy to mess with the synergy i have now is a big factor in my mind set. you think about wanting to change because...........and.........and then realize careful what you ask for. when i think about steps i can achieve for something more musically, as opposed to change for change sake and getting some pretty new thing, it makes me pause.

so there you go. and targeting a particular choice will not help the selling process.

Good move for no change, Mike. Plus, your current speakers look so much better.
Here is to the big reveal party.
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good morning gents,

as my ad says; my speakers sell, my speakers don't sell, i'm good either way. so maybe the most likely result is no change. in which case talking about what my choice might actually be seems fruitless. logically the new Evolutions are a strong possibility, which i will not deny. they are certainly very worthy.

i have to admit the voracity of recent visitors telling me i'm crazy to mess with the synergy i have now is a big factor in my mind set. you think about wanting to change because...........and.........and then realize careful what you ask for. when i think about steps i can achieve for something more musically, as opposed to change for change sake and getting some pretty new thing, it makes me pause.

so there you go. and targeting a particular choice will not help the selling process.
If I had the proper space in my room I’d purchase Mike’s speakers as they are incredible speakers at an absolute wonderful price! But alas unless I build our new home - which will be at least a 6 month project - they just won’t presently fit.
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Build a new house in 6 months? You're my new hero :)
Our builder does it on a regular a basis. He has all his subs lined up - exclusive builder. But we added a listening room to his plan (and it’s detailed plan), so things may not work out as we are hoping. And he’s been very slow with pricing, which has me concerned….
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Our builder does it on a regular a basis. He has all his subs lined up - exclusive builder. But we added a listening room to his plan (and it’s detailed plan), so things may not work out as we are hoping. And he’s been very slow with pricing, which has me concerned….

he must have googled and realised that those who can have an audio listening room can pay unbelievable amounts for not much. He must still be pinching himself that his client is an audiophile so he will price what looks like a bargain
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Modular construction? Remember everything in construction either takes six months or two weeks. ;)
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he must have googled and realised that those who can have an audio listening room can pay unbelievable amounts for not much. He must still be pinching himself that his client is an audiophile so he will price what looks like a bargain
You may be right. I’m just glad I’m not paying him by the hour.
Modular construction? Remember everything in construction either takes six months or two weeks. ;)

Our home will be small - only 3000 sq feet or so. It’s a retirement home and it’s just me and my better half. We desire less to take care of. The builder just built one like it but w/o the audio room. That one took him app. 5 months, but it doesn’t have many of the luxury details that we desire to have… So, he added a month for good measure.

Back to Mike’s speakers.
3000 sq ft (278.7 sq m) is definitely not that small:)

Back to Mike's new speakers
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