Magico S5 vs Wilson Alexia

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A comment about >mbovaird< and this thread.
Nothing in the comment is meant as a disrespect to any commentators [members].
Comment: There is just so many hours in our lifetimes [not even a twinkle in the Universe, or our Galaxy]. This member [who I do NOT know] spent a very healthy fraction of his time researching, traveling, listening, etc. to speakers with many different components. Nothing is perfect for everyone, and he is reporting his findings for only his ears/brain. I feel that his report was very clean without any touch of commerce [no one said it was tainted] & [I do not have any of the components mentioned in the thread].
I appreciate his extensive hours of due diligence.
There is just a time limit on how many item combinations one can research in this lifetime.
Yes I understand , I think as whole we get defensive about what is the best. It always stirs things up. The pint you made about our ears and brains sums it though .mwenall are unique. When I first heard the MSB dac it just euphoric to my brain
And tinware on the nola baby grand . So it does make sense that hearing it on ther speakers would most likely just be a let down.


... May be I will be able to understand better your strong feelings about Magico Q series...

Hey Microstrip,

To answer your question specifically, I think that tweeter is a killer, an ear killer. I know a lot of guys have complaints about the Magico Q series bass not being visceral enough. I agree with that assessment. Whenever I walk into the local blues or jazz club, the bass I experience doesn't sound like it is on a Magico. (And when the Alexia is run with low powered tube amps that lack grip, it doesn't sound real to my ears either.)

But what really gets me is that damn tweeter. For some reason, Magico voices their speakers to accentuate that upper midrange and treble. The reviewers go crazy over that stuff like the high school football team at the strip bar, and call that "high fidelity". The rest of us find this excessive praise obnoxious and juvenile. But even more importantly, many of us find the sound dull and unemotional at best, and in many cases highly displeasing.

But hey, fortunately just like there is virtually any kind of cheese at your specialty gourmet grocer, there is a product for every kind of taste in the marketplace.
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Microsoft ??? its microstrip :D

Thanks, Andromeda!!! I have been playing with the Microsoft Surface over the holidays. (What a GREAT new operating system that no one really cares about!)

My sincere apologies to Microstrip for the brain fart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Microstrip,

To answer your question specifically, I think that tweeter is a killer, an ear killer. I know a lot of guys have complaints about the Magico Q series bass not being visceral enough. I agree with that assessment. Whenever I walk into the local blues or jazz club, the bass I experience doesn't sound like it is on a Magico. (And when the Alexia is run with low powered tube amps that lack grip, it doesn't sound real to my ears either.)

But what really gets me is that damn tweeter. For some reason, Magico voices their speakers to accentuate that upper midrange and treble. The reviewers go crazy over that stuff like the high school football team at the strip bar, and call that "high fidelity". The rest of us find this excessive praise obnoxious and juvenile. But even more importantly, many of us find the sound dull and unemotional at best, and in many cases highly displeasing.

But hey, fortunately just like there is virtually any kind of cheese at your specialty gourmet grocer, there is a product for every kind of taste in the marketplace.

If the upper midrange and treble is accentuated, how can it sound dull?
If the upper midrange and treble is accentuated, how can it sound dull?

Magico is special. Both definitions of dull apply! :) I meant it in the sense of lacking emotional excitement.

However, others who are rabid about the brand obviously disagree.
To answer your question specifically, I think that tweeter is a killer, an ear killer. But what really gets me is that damn tweeter. For some reason, Magico voices their speakers to accentuate that upper midrange and treble.

But hey, fortunately just like there is virtually any kind of cheese at your specialty gourmet grocer, there is a product for every kind of taste in the marketplace.

That's interesting. Until I heard Madfloyd's Alexia recently with Pass electronics, this is how I would have described the tweeter on every Wilson speaker I have heard: the Sophia, the Sasha, the Alexandria and the Alexia with the D'Agostino amp twice but less so with the Doshi monos. I think the Alexia midrange and high frequencies are much better than what I heard from previous Wilsons.

Madfloyd's Alexia based system is really sounding excellent right now and I'm a guy who loves the Magico Q3 and didn't really like the S5 when I heard it recently with Constellation. We all have different preferences.
That's interesting. Until I heard Madfloyd's Alexia recently with Pass electronics, this is how I would have described the tweeter on every Wilson speaker I have heard: the Sophia, the Sasha, the Alexandria and the Alexia with the D'Agostino amp twice but less so with the Doshi monos. I think the Alexia midrange and high frequencies are much better than what I heard from previous Wilsons.

Madfloyd's Alexia based system is really sounding excellent right now and I'm a guy who loves the Magico Q3 and didn't really like the S5 when I heard it recently with Constellation. We all have different preferences.


Maybe this forum should be renamed to "What's your taste forum"?
Hey Microstrip,

To answer your question specifically, I think that tweeter is a killer, an ear killer. I know a lot of guys have complaints about the Magico Q series bass not being visceral enough. I agree with that assessment. Whenever I walk into the local blues or jazz club, the bass I experience doesn't sound like it is on a Magico. (And when the Alexia is run with low powered tube amps that lack grip, it doesn't sound real to my ears either.)

But what really gets me is that damn tweeter. For some reason, Magico voices their speakers to accentuate that upper midrange and treble. The reviewers go crazy over that stuff like the high school football team at the strip bar, and call that "high fidelity". The rest of us find this excessive praise obnoxious and juvenile. But even more importantly, many of us find the sound dull and unemotional at best, and in many cases highly displeasing.

But hey, fortunately just like there is virtually any kind of cheese at your specialty gourmet grocer, there is a product for every kind of taste in the marketplace.


I never had Magico's in my listening room, so I can not debate this aspect with any authority. I did not find them dull or bright when I listened to them during limited time in shops or at an acquaintance system, although IMHO they are clearly voiced. I find difficult to refer to an overall Magico sound, as the M, the V, the Q and the S series seem to have very different sound signatures.
That's interesting. Until I heard Madfloyd's Alexia recently with Pass electronics, this is how I would have described the tweeter on every Wilson speaker I have heard: the Sophia, the Sasha, the Alexandria and the Alexia with the D'Agostino amp twice but less so with the Doshi monos. I think the Alexia midrange and high frequencies are much better than what I heard from previous Wilsons.

Madfloyd's Alexia based system is really sounding excellent right now and I'm a guy who loves the Magico Q3 and didn't really like the S5 when I heard it recently with Constellation. We all have different preferences.

Good stuff, PeterA...I've been out of the loop for a little while, and so its nice to hear MadFloyd's system is coming along so nicely. I do like Wilson with Class A SS myself, though I have mainly listened to older Wilsons this way.
Good stuff, PeterA...I've been out of the loop for a little while, and so its nice to hear MadFloyd's system is coming along so nicely. I do like Wilson with Class A SS myself, though I have mainly listened to older Wilsons this way.

Thanks LL21. My audio mentor in Vienna has the Alexia with the Pass XS150/XP30/XP25. Apparently, Pass and Wilson are a very popular combination in Europe. Here in the US, there are few dealerships that carry both Wilson and Pass, so I'm guessing that is partly responsible for them not being together in many systems. But, boy, MadFloyd's system has reached another level recently, IMO, and he has tried a lot of different electronics with his various Wilson speakers. With the Pass, they just sound right to me.
Has anyone compared these speakers head-to-head? I would be interested in your comments...

Have you listened to any of the Rockport speakers? I would add them to your short list to listen to...

(To be honest, I am a Rockport dealer) but they are very good and worth a listen. ;)
No thanks. I have auditioned Rockports several times. They always send me running from the room. At RMAF, even with Absolare gear, I couldn't stand them.

I ended up buying both the Alexia's and S5's. The Alexia's sound like music, the S5's sound like HiFi and will likely be going when the Sasha 2's come out.

There aren't many speakers I absolutely hate, but Rockports would be one. Probably number one.
No thanks. I have auditioned Rockports several times. They always send me running from the room. At RMAF, even with Absolare gear, I couldn't stand them.

I ended up buying both the Alexia's and S5's. The Alexia's sound like music, the S5's sound like HiFi and will likely be going when the Sasha 2's come out.

There aren't many speakers I absolutely hate, but Rockports would be one. Probably number one.

different people, different taste. I would personally take S5 over the alexia (for the same reason as you except that I would apply it to different speakers). And I would agree that the Rockport are worth a listening, at least I preferred them to the Alexia. I never heard them sounding great, but quite good a few times.
No thanks. I have auditioned Rockports several times. They always send me running from the room. At RMAF, even with Absolare gear, I couldn't stand them.

I ended up buying both the Alexia's and S5's. The Alexia's sound like music, the S5's sound like HiFi and will likely be going when the Sasha 2's come out.

There aren't many speakers I absolutely hate, but Rockports would be one. Probably number one.

Have you compared the Q3 to the Alexia or to the S5? I'm wondering if you think the Q3 sounds "HIFI" also. I agree with your use of the term, but like Stereo, I would apply it to different speaker/system combinations.
No thanks. I have auditioned Rockports several times. They always send me running from the room. At RMAF, even with Absolare gear, I couldn't stand them.

I ended up buying both the Alexia's and S5's. The Alexia's sound like music, the S5's sound like HiFi and will likely be going when the Sasha 2's come out.

There aren't many speakers I absolutely hate, but Rockports would be one. Probably number one.

That's so shocking. I could see someone saying they are too laid back for their taste (especially compared to Wilsons) but to make you run from the room is puzzling.
Have you compared the Q3 to the Alexia or to the S5? I'm wondering if you think the Q3 sounds "HIFI" also. I agree with your use of the term, but like Stereo, I would apply it to different speaker/system combinations.

I have heard the Q3, (and Q1 and Q5) multiple times. But I have never A/B them with Alexia's. I did A/B them with the S5/S1 at Goodwins. I found the Q series to be very sterile and not emotionally involving.
That's so shocking. I could see someone saying they are too laid back for their taste (especially compared to Wilsons) but to make you run from the room is puzzling.

Ian - I've auditioned the Aviors and Altairs multiple times in multiple different cities/settings. Trust me, I wanted to like the Rockports. I love the story behind the company and much more, but I just found them so aggressive in the highs. When Kerem was demoing his wonderful Absolare amps at RMAF with Rockport speakers, I went into that room 3 times and each time couldn't believe how much I disliked the Rockports. I told Kerem this. At CES, Kerem was demoing his amps with Magico S5's and let me tell you, it was one of my favorite rooms at CES.

When I demoed the Aviors in Miami, the dealer had a variety of amps, and even McIntosh amps which are very smooth on top, couldn't control the very forward tweeter. It was so bad in fact that the dealer would only demo with some new $20,000 DSP he had. I was there with three other audiophiles and they left the room long before I did. They were a big thumbs down from the four of us.

At Goodwins, I had high hopes for the Altairs, but could only stomach them for 30 minutes.

I heard them one more time I believe in New York and once again, neither the Altairs or the Aviors are for me. I love the history of the company and the ownership and the whole story - but just not the product. Sorry.
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