Aesthetix Io Input Connection Poll

Which phono input connection do you use on your Io?

  • Single-ended RCA Input

    Votes: 3 50.0%
  • Balanced XLR Input

    Votes: 3 50.0%

  • Total voters

Ron Resnick

Site Co-Owner, Administrator
Jan 24, 2015
Beverly Hills, CA
This post is to survey which phono input members use on their Aesthetix Io.

I vaguely remember from years back that Jim White recommended the balanced (XLR) input. I am curious what people do today.
Single ended, RCA.

I believe the XLR can be a better connection. If I had to order a new phono cable I would go XLR.
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I switched to the XLR connection last year due to me experiencing connection issues with the WBTs I had used for my custom made phono cables. I thought the RCA was good, but when I switched over to the XLR, it caught me by surprise how much better the system sounded going the XLR route. I used the same cables, a pure OCC silver, only changed the connector. I chalk it up to better S/N ratio as I tend to play my music loudly.
My recollection of discussing this with Jim was that for the input side it did not matter. The preamp is fully balanced topology after the first stage anyway. In other words even if you use single-ended input, the preamp will produce the balanced signal in the first stage and it is fully balanced all the way from there.

I do use the XLR balanced outputs since Jim did recommend that they would sound "better". I interpret that to mean more drive, less common mode noise, but no difference in the timbre.
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According to the poll, two users use the XLR inputs for every one user who uses the RCA inputs. I would say that is a statistically significant difference.

Does everyone who uses the Io's XLR inputs also use the XLR outputs?
I use the XLR outputs, they sound "better". Even though I am feeding a single-ended triode (which has a transformer to recombine the signal in the amp). The Io is balanced from the first stage on, the higher output provides better drive for my amps.
I don’t think it’s statistically significant, but I get your drift.

The good thing about using XLR is if you have a second phono stage with a true XLR you have the cable you need.

I use rca inputs on the Io, but if I had to do it again I would get the phono wired for XLR.
According to the poll, two users use the XLR inputs for every one user who uses the RCA inputs. I would say that is a statistically significant difference.

Does everyone who uses the Io's XLR inputs also use the XLR outputs?
I do. Custom fabricated Silver Breeze XL cable with NeutrIk XLR into the Io and Audioquest Fire XLR into the Octave Jubilee preamp. A little off topic, To my dismay, I later learned that the Wild Blue Yonder is the replacement for my beloved Sky RCA interconnects and looking to trade in soon.

In the full XLR configuration the system is without a doubt quieter than before when using RCAs. I do need to conduct more of a direct comparison of the old Sky RCA interconnect with the Fire XLR interconnect to make a more valid and informed report. But, quietness seems to be the most noticeable trait.
I use single ended Kimber KCAG that I terminated to a DIN pug to fit my SME V tonearm. I borrowed a Hovland phono cable (also single ended) but the difference was marginal so I kept the Kimber. Have never tried a balanced phono cable (blush). However the Io output to the pre and then to the amps is balanced all the way.
No need to try the balanced input, because ist is not a balanced input. Only an XLR Connector.
It is true that even though the Io has an XLR input, it is not balanced. Nevertheless, Jim White recommends the XLR input because it isolates the cartridge return path from the shield.

In addition, some owners prefer the sound achieved by using the XLR input.
XLR may have a lower contact resistance, but this may be purely academic. I’m still using the rca input.
Its been a long while since I owned my Io and Callisto. So while my opinion should be tempered by the fact that it is based upon earlier versions with single power supplies, I don't see why anything should be fundamentally different. In order to answer the same question posed in this thread I tried identical 1.25m length Cardas Golden Ref phono cables in both single-ended and balanced versions way back when. The XLR terminated version offered an audibly improved SNR and so was my choice for the 5 years or so I owned the Aesthetix pair.

The "Big Rig" circa 2005
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It is true that even though the Io has an XLR input, it is not balanced. Nevertheless, Jim White recommends the XLR input because it isolates the cartridge return path from the shield.
This statement is confusing to me. How is the ground isolated?

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