With all this talk of intellectual honesty and your proving it over time in conjunction with casting yourself as a highly visible and vocal person in high end audio - a public figure - I want to ask you about your prominently self-displayed status as a reviewer in the first line of your signature.
As far as I know you've been published by Matej Isak on his Mono&Stereo Web site. I understand that Isak labels you as "Senior Contributing Reviewer". If you have published work elsewhere or under a psudonym I am unaware of that. Publication to me means you have a publisher and an editor who reads your writing before it is published, at least minimally checking it for spelling and grammar, and that the writer is meeting the publication's protocols and rules. Reviewing means, at a minimum, that your writing about a product is based on using it yourself in your own audio system under controlled conditions where you have experience with that system for some period of time (not show conditions), that you actively use the product for some period of time, whether it is compatible with the other equipment in the review system, and that the review is checked for technical accuracy and current msrp by the manufacturer and/or distributor. Pretty standard stuff for an audio review.
Best as I can tell your first published article at M&S was in 2016 and your last was in 2020. The considerable majority of your articles were about visits to shows, dealers or manufacturers, and to some audiophile's homes. You have written a handful (1 ?) of actual product reviews - pls correct if I mis-counted. Of that product review it is unclear if you used the product for some period of time in your own system since your system is never described nor how the product fitted in to it. You told us in 2022 that your Pendragon speakers were in storage for 5+ years and that you did not have a working stereo in your house in Beverly Hills while it was remodeled.
So, wrt being intellectually honest (your topic), since you haven't published at M&S in several years, do you believe it is such to present yourself as a reviewer?