Christmas gift is at the door, new turntable to be set up!

No music room my friend, just the living room. Thanks to those super rich tycoons in Hong Kong, the living condition here is the worst of all developed economies. Here’s a picture before the arrival of the CSport, dining room on the left, balcony on the right.

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One of the best looking systems I've ever seen, congrats! What are your thoughts about the Davinci turntable compared to the CS Port and your DAC/CDT combo?
I am going to set up my Durand Tosca soon and I like the LFT1 a lot,
can you please explain a little bit about the sonic signature of the 2 tonearm on the LFT1? Specially, as it seems, that you are using the standard tonarmebase for the CSPort linear tracker tonarm plus the Durand Tosca, if I can interprete the picture in a correct way

Great system!!

How can you mount a 2nd arm on LFT1 though? The armboard seems to be 3rd party?
One of the best looking systems I've ever seen, congrats! What are your thoughts about the Davinci turntable compared to the CS Port and your DAC/CDT combo?
After living with CSport for a while, I can say I’m very happy with the purchase!

First of all, CD is gone, abandoned…I‘ve decided to go with vinyl only as I don’t want to waste time on digital should I want to enjoy hi-fidelity music. Maybe adding a decent streamer later for new music exploring, but that’s all for digital.

Secondly, Da Vinci and CSport are both SOTA turntables! CSport has the edge on scale, extension on both ends, nuances while Da Vinci has the edge on mids/mid-bass esp. vocals. Therefore I mainly use CSport for big orchestra, instrumental music and Da Vinci for vocals, pops
Great system!!

How can you mount a 2nd arm on LFT1 though? The armboard seems to be 3rd party?

In my case on special request Cs Port Gentleman and Joel Durand together made drawings for a custom made special top granite plate of the Cs Port and a Arm board and the whole is custom made by Cs Port i am very thankful for this Wonderfull Gentleman at Cs Port and Joel Durand....!
In my case on special request Cs Port Gentleman and Joel Durand together made drawings for a custom made special top granite plate of the Cs Port and a Arm board and the whole is custom made by Cs Port i am very thankful for this Wonderfull Gentleman at Cs Port and Joel Durand....!

I see, that makes sensE, and may I know why you decided to go for LFT1 instead of TAT1 given that you planned to mount 2 arms on the TT?
I see, that makes sensE, and may I know why you decided to go for LFT1 instead of TAT1 given that you planned to mount 2 arms on the TT?
Tat1 i a wonderful table like Tat 2 also is.....

LFT1 has the the added "tonearm island" which is i think provide a bit better isolation and performance on the arm i didn't want to loose this advantage while adding a second arm i couldn't make a better choice The Tosca and And the CS Port Linear Tracking arms are both from another world and have different flavor and taste....
Tat1 i a wonderful table like Tat 2 also is.....

LFT1 has the the added "tonearm island" which is i think provide a bit better isolation and performance on the arm i didn't want to loose this advantage while adding a second arm i couldn't make a better choice The Tosca and And the CS Port Linear Tracking arms are both from another world and have different flavor and taste....
i was told by Mik (108CY) that the 'island' arm mount (LFT1/M2) for the CS Port linear tracker does sound 'better' than using the plinth mount on the TAT1M2. certainly the heavier LFT1 plinth has slight performance advantages over the TAT plinth version.

never tried the alternative plinth mount myself.

i am intrigued by the idea of one of my 2 Tosca's on the LFT1 at some point to see how the string dive air bearing works with the excellent Tosca. Joel (a local friend) never mentioned to me about this custom arm board.
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