SUT for Ypsilon VPS-100


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2021
Hi all. Any experience with using a step-up other than the Ypsilon SUT for the VPS-100? I have a Kondo SFz SUT with interest in possible matching.
A few of us use Dave Slage's Intact or EMIA Step ups. If you are in the US he offers free demos. I would recommend the silver version if it is in your budget.
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I believe a member here uses Phasemation cart and SUT w his Ypsilon pre.
Thanks advanced101 and spirit. Are these options known to be sonically superior or possibly offer greater flexibility? that the Ypsilon is factory-set. I now own the Kondo, and should it have the potential to bring out the best of the VPS-100, I may be able to swing the cost on a used unit.
I'll try and get this fellow to respond himself.
The match of the SUT is with the cart, if you have that right all else should be good. I have the Kondo SFz with IO M and the Ypsilon and I hear no problems, the Ypsilon will tell you what is ahead in the chain. I have tried and used many other SUT's with the Ypsilon and never had any problems. Quality SUT's always shine through, some are better than others and if the SUT works well with your cart you will know that. Different characteristics come from different wire eg: silver vs copper, different ratios and maybe some have loading options.
I do not know anything about the Kondo SUT, but can give you the details of my Phasemation T-2000 SUTs (pair, one for each channel) so you can compare with that of the Kondo.

I use a set of Phasemation T-2000 SUTs with my Ypsilon VPS100. Phasemation says the best cartridge match would be 4 ohms, but also say anything with 1.5-40 ohms will work. The load impedance of the Ypsilon matches what Phasemation says is needed, i.e. 47k ohms. The T-2000 ratio/voltage gain is 26db and handles frequencies between 10-100kHz. The Phasemation works very well with the VPS100
Steveo, I don’t know if you’re still interested, but there is great information about SUTs on the second “Similar Threads” thread below; “Phono stages, SUTs, and cartridge loading …etc.“. Please check out #11 & #15 by bazelio, and #26 by Atmasphere as they might between them give you everything you need to know regarding SUTs.
Hi steveo

The Emia SUT is supposed to be a great SUT. Steve Slagle (one of the owners of builds them to be a perfect match to your favorite cartridge. He uses 80% Nickel (aka Permalloy) transformers. He has two versions, copper or silver. The consensus on this forum is, the silver one sounds the best. They very rarely come up on the used market. He will even send you one to try built to your cartridges specs! They also have a great reputation for great customer service. Best of luck. Take care.

Best regards
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Thanks to all for the excellent input. I would ideally continue to use the Kondo, but Emia looks to be an affordable option. Regarding the Ypsilon, having no experience with it, does it perform to the level the reviewers claim? Any who may have compared it to Audionet PAM G2 w/EPX?
Thanks to all for the excellent input. I would ideally continue to use the Kondo, but Emia looks to be an affordable option. Regarding the Ypsilon, having no experience with it, does it perform to the level the reviewers claim? Any who may have compared it to Audionet PAM G2 w/EPX?
Did you get any more intel or buy the Yip? I own one and use the My Sonic Labs 1030 SUT with my Atlas Lambda SL, and I far prefer the 1030 to the Yip SUT. But SUTs are cartridge-specific and the 1030 is designed for carts with low impedance.
I did have an opportunity to compare the big coffee can sized Ypsilon SUT side by side my silver Slagle/Intact SUT into the Ypsilon phono from a Red Sparrow cartridge. For both myself and the Ypsilon owner, the Slagle SUT won. He is also now a Slagle SUT owner.

Also, Slagle's first name is Dave. Not Steve.
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I did have an opportunity to compare the big coffee can sized Ypsilon SUT side by side my silver Slagle/Intact SUT into the Ypsilon phono from a Red Sparrow cartridge. For both myself and the Ypsilon owner, the Slagle SUT won. He is also now a Slagle SUT owner.

Also, Slagle's first name is Dave. Not Steve.
Was the Ypsilon the small or large version and if the latter, standard or silver edition?
Was the Ypsilon the small or large version and if the latter, standard or silver edition?
It was the large Ypsilon copper and the Slagle silver. At the time of the comparison, the Slagle silver was the less expensive of the two as well.
It was the large Ypsilon copper and the Slagle silver. At the time of the comparison, the Slagle silver was the less expensive of the two as well.
If you get the chance, I would love to hear your views on the Phasemation T-2000 stereo pair of SUTs.
Hey JRW...I did not purchase the Ypsilon. Not yet, at least. I am considering other options, such as a phono cable replacement, new cart. or an Emia phono corrector. All considerations with a limited budget. Are you well satisfied with the VPS100? All too difficult to make a component purchase with no audition.
Steveo, contact Dave Slagle. He might still be sending out LR Phono demo units. The copper unit is very good and not as price prohibitive as silver. You can also upgrade to silver over time. About a year or two ago, I upgraded the inductors in mine from copper to silver. So I now have a partial silver unit, with the OPTs still copper. My SUT is also silver. In any event, I fully agree that buying a phono stage unheard is not advisable. It's such an influential piece of the overall system.
Stick with Kondo SFz and try to get a good cartridge. it will work very well with any high quality MM phonostage with ~40dB gain. It’s possibly the best SUT you can get and you already have it. It also works with many cartridges.
- Cartridges with 0.5-2ohm internal DC impedance should be connected to1ohm tap
- 2-10ohm to 3ohm tap
- 11-40ohm to 40ohm tap
If your SFz is a newer model than 1-10ohm to 1.5ohm tap and 11-30 to 30ohm tap
In any case I would prefer to get cartridges with 0.5-7ohm and 20-40ohm to use with SFz.
Try improve other parts of your system with the money you spared for a new SUT cause you already have the top notch one.

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