Suggestions in search for used LL2.1


Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2017
Washington State
I'm in the US and I have been searching for some time for a nice used LL2.1 preamp without luck, until about 2 weeks ago when a whatsbest member answered my LL2.1 add on this site.
Thought my search was over, this person told me he wanted to move up to the LL1.1 Signature, he had already done the research, knew the going used pricing for his preamp was $3500 to 4000 and gave me the price he wanted... $3500.
This in fact is the average going price for this amp. After leading me with this carrot for 2 weeks... he just called me today to tell me he was backing out, he knew he could sell it for $4,000. and wasn't going to "lose money".... even though he had also bought it used and had it himself for a number of years.... apparently, this guy has no integrity!
Sorry if the above is TMI... I'm just so disappointed and frustrated...

I really would like a nice example of this preamp and have been looking on USAudiomart (including Canada) and Audiogon without luck.
Are there any other safe and reliable places to search?
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Two weeks is way too long to make a deal. A bank wire takes only a day or so. Fwiw there is a classified section here at WBF, but I did not see any LL2.1s.
Yes, I posted the add here on WBF... the well known member answered the add, as I said the price was set for $3500.
The reason for the 2 week time span was the seller was ordering a new shipping crate, when it shipped I was supposed to make the payment.
The 'deal' was made in the first week...just waiting for the shipping crate.
The LL2.1 doesn't weigh that much that it requires a crate, granted it originally came in a wood crate from Lamm. I would think he could it take to a UPS store or other shipper and they could pack it well and send it off in a couple days. If you as buyer wanted a Lamm crate you could order that from Lamm yourself. A shame he did not stick to your agreement It's in past now. Good luck finding a LL2.1, they do come up for sale.
Well... during that time frame I sold my Zesto preamp... since I now had the LL2.1 coming... so not at all... "in the past"... no preamp...
Hopefully I can find a LL2.1 in good time.... after that I will start searching for a matching LP2.1 :)
I meant the deal you had is in the past. I see both units for sale - they're not falling out of trees, but they are not uncommon on the used market. Actually I reviewed both and believe you will enjoy the combination. Then maybe a nice pair of M1.2 Refs. I have a set of QuickSilver 8417, but the tubes are pretty much unobtainable. Good luck.
Whilst I can to a degree understand your frustration, it is in the nature of buying second hand from a private individual that sometimes circumstance may change and a deal falls through, you are not dealing with a bricks and mortar vendor here.

However....I do not think it seamly or in the spirit of this place that you have vented your frustration with another member in this manner.I would take tima’s advice and move on, best of luck with your search.
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As for the reason of my posting, are there any other avenues to search for used Lamm gear? Would checking with Lamm Dealers be helpful, or are there any other venues?

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