PranaWire Ground Interceptor Level III impressions

Mike Lavigne

Member Sponsor & WBF Founding Member
Apr 25, 2010
My note to Joe Cohen from "The Lotus Group" this morning;

>>Sorry to go silent to you. It’s been a crazy month (traveled to SoCal for a funeral and extended family stuff…..and many other things) and I have not got around to complete your device investigations until now. But I just finished with it.

It’s been over a month in my system so far. When I got it in early November, I immediately installed it on my Wadax Reference server. It's really the only place where I can easily attach it to both channels. I thought about other spots but figured that would be the best place. And it is easy for me to access the location for A/B checking. Early on it certainly seemed like the music had a bit more space, more note decay, and a bit more jump in the bass flow. That was my feeling as I listened. I did not hear any trade-offs. About 10 days in a did a quick A/B and thought it had less sparkle "out" of the system, and a little less bass drive "out" of the system. Better in both those regards "in" the system. But that was a brief case and I don’t even recall the track I used.

Just now I did three different tracks, -3- A/B’s in and out 5 times each cut. the first 15 seconds with each track.

--“Chant”, in 24/96 off Quboz ‘Best of Foreplay—2020”
--“Rikki Don’t Lose the Number”, in 24/192, off Quboz ‘Pretzel Logic’
---“White Snow In Early Spring”, 16/44 off my server hard drive, “White Snow In Early Spring” CD rip.

In each case the device "in" caused lower noise, more decay and openness to the music, and greater bass energy and drive. more immersive, and involving. i liked it better. it was not merely different. It was clearly noticeable in my system. These effects are not marginal, or small, they are significant. not huge either. And my test is only confirming what I thought I was hearing.

Not sure being retired I can buy it, but I know I do like what it’s doing, would like to have it, and it’s not just a tiny difference

from time to time i get offered stuff to listen to. sometimes the gear is too big or heavy or involves changes to my system to try it, so i just don't go there. in this case i've known Joe for years, he is a deep thinker, and his stuff sounds good. and it was a small form factor, the price point (around $5500) was real world, and plug and play, so why not?

the delta was not huge, but more than small.....significant. and it's an easy piece to plug in, a small free standing wood box sitting on my carpet floor behind my rack with a single ground wire attached to the ground post of my Wadax Server. so easy. easy is good. not sure everyone would get the same delta that i did. there is an associated 'vault' product that can add to the effect, but i did not try that. i'm in negotiations with the wife to buy this one, don't want to send it back. can't un hear what i heard. it's doing more frequency extreme things than the Tripoint, which is more about the mid range. the Tripoint Elite is plugged into the Wadax Dac power supply. i also have the Nordost QPoints under the Wadax Server Chassis and Dac Chassis......which lowered overall noise and sense of any processing. but a much lesser effect than this PranaWire device.

honestly i don't care why or how it's doing what it's doing, as explaining it always gets me into trouble. i'm just an observer. i can post some stuff that Joe sent me but don't want to get into defending tech info.

it never stops. :rolleyes:

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The PranaWire Master Grounding System - The Ground Interceptor and Ground Vault:

The Interceptor comes in Levels I, II & III
Pure Silver Super Enhanced Ground Plane
Premium Parts
The Interceptor treats one component via a hard wire dedicated silver wire
The Vault comes in Levels I, II, III and X, has three binding posts to treat three or more components. Can be used together with the Interceptor to enhance its performance or with devices not connected to the Interceptor.
The more used in the system the greater the benefit, but even one can have a powerful effect

Interceptor Levels II & III in hand rubbed hickory at California Audio Show this September
CA_Show Interceptors.jpg

PranaWire Ground Vault in Bloodwood


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My note to Joe Cohen from "The Lotus Group" this morning;

>>Sorry to go silent to you. It’s been a crazy month (traveled to SoCal for a funeral and extended family stuff…..and many other things) and I have not got around to complete your device investigations until now. But I just finished with it.

It’s been over a month in my system so far. When I got it in early November, I immediately installed it on my Wadax Reference server. It's really the only place where I can easily attach it to both channels. I thought about other spots but figured that would be the best place. And it is easy for me to access the location for A/B checking. Early on it certainly seemed like the music had a bit more space, more note decay, and a bit more jump in the bass flow. That was my feeling as I listened. I did not hear any trade-offs. About 10 days in a did a quick A/B and thought it had less sparkle "out" of the system, and a little less bass drive "out" of the system. Better in both those regards "in" the system. But that was a brief case and I don’t even recall the track I used.

Just now I did three different tracks, -3- A/B’s in and out 5 times each cut. the first 15 seconds with each track.

--“Chant”, in 24/96 off Quboz ‘Best of Foreplay—2020”
--“Rikki Don’t Lose the Number”, in 24/192, off Quboz ‘Pretzel Logic’
---“White Snow In Early Spring”, 16/44 off my server hard drive, “White Snow In Early Spring” CD rip.

In each case the device "in" caused lower noise, more decay and openness to the music, and greater bass energy and drive. more immersive, and involving. i liked it better. it was not merely different. It was clearly noticeable in my system. These effects are not marginal, or small, they are significant. not huge either. And my test is only confirming what I thought I was hearing.

Not sure being retired I can buy it, but I know I do like what it’s doing, would like to have it, and it’s not just a tiny difference

from time to time i get offered stuff to listen to. sometimes the gear is too big or heavy or involves changes to my system to try it, so i just don't go there. in this case i've known Joe for years, he is a deep thinker, and his stuff sounds good. and it was a small form factor, the price point (around $5500) was real world, and plug and play, so why not?

the delta was not huge, but more than small.....significant. and it's an easy piece to plug in, a small free standing wood box sitting on my carpet floor behind my rack with a single ground wire attached to the ground post of my Wadax Server. so easy. easy is good. not sure everyone would get the same delta that i did. there is an associated 'vault' product that can add to the effect, but i did not try that. i'm in negotiations with the wife to buy this one, don't want to send it back. can't un hear what i heard. it's doing more frequency extreme things than the Tripoint, which is more about the mid range. the Tripoint Elite is plugged into the Wadax Dac power supply. i also have the Nordost QPoints under the Wadax Server Chassis and Dac Chassis......which lowered overall noise. but a much lesser effect than this PranaWire device.

honestly i don't care why or how it's doing what it's doing, as explaining it always gets me into trouble. i'm just an observer. i can post some stuff that Joe sent me but don't want to get into defending tech info.

it never stops. :rolleyes:

Thank you, Mike.

"It never stops" is either a blessing or a curse, I suppose, depending on your point of view. I love seeing the evolution, discovering what more is hidden in bits and grooves.

Gaining a "significant" improvement in a system that is already replete with grounding devices might indicate the possibility that those with none might realize a much larger benefit.
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It seems there is no end to the improvements a system can make with grounding solutions. The improvements always seem to accumulate when stacking effective devices that approach the issue differently. Congrats Joe, another winner product line!
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Guess they're so new that there's no pricing on them yet?
Guess they're so new that there's no pricing on them yet?
PranaWire Ground Interceptors in Hickory w/ Hand Rubbed Oil Finish, Pure Silver Super Enhanced Ground Planes:

Level I $2250
Level II $3250
Level III $5450
Level IV $ $8250 (w/Cosmos Ground Wire Attached)

PranaWire Ground Vaults in Hickory w/ Hand Rubbed Oil Finish (Includes 3 binding posts) 12" X 12" Copper Super Enhanced Ground Planes:

Level I $5250
Level II $6250
Level III $7250

Level X (Includes 12" X 12" Pure Silver Super Enhanced Ground Plane) $16,750 in Hand Rubbed Hickory

Exotic Woods and Gloss finishes available.
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Thank you, sir!
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PHP Audio's Impressions

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Pranawire has landed. To be more specific, the Ground nterceptor Level II and I have it directly connected to the ground screw on my SW1X DAC II.

Let the ... commence. :)

the delta was not huge, but more than small.....significant.
Mike, thanks for the report. I love what this type of device does. i may have to check one out. Add a few of these “significant” changes up and the system is on a different field of play.
The PranaWire Master Grounding System - The Ground Interceptor and Ground Vault:

The Interceptor comes in Levels I, II & III
Pure Silver Super Enhanced Ground Plane
Premium Parts
The Interceptor treats one component via a hard wire dedicated silver wire
The Vault comes in Levels I, II, III and X, has three binding posts to treat three or more components. Can be used together with the Interceptor to enhance its performance or with devices not connected to the Interceptor.
The more used in the system the greater the benefit, but even one can have a powerful effect

Interceptor Levels II & III in hand rubbed hickory at California Audio Show this September
View attachment 121234

PranaWire Ground Vault in Bloodwood
View attachment 121235
Beautiful. The pranawire cables and grounding boxes caught my eye when I was admiring photos of this system in the WVL thread.

What is the difference in performance between three of the single component interceptor boxes vs the ground vault all else equal?
Beautiful. The pranawire cables and grounding boxes caught my eye when I was admiring photos of this system in the WVL thread.

What is the difference in performance between three of the single component interceptor boxes vs the ground vault all else equal?
Thanks for this question. The interceptors are designed to be connected to one device only. The pure silver wire is connected directly to the internal pure silver ground plane, which we call the Super Enhanced Ground Plane due to its multi layered noise absorbing construction. As you go up in level the size of the SEGP increases, parts quality increases and its ability to remove noise from the component it is attached to increases resulting in increasingly improved sound quality. The Vault contains a 12” x 12” pure copper SEGP and has three binding posts in the rear. We have used it connected to the same point as the Interceptor increasing the sense of weight, authority and solidity. It can also be used independently from the Interceptors. In addition to using either device on components, they can be plugged into the negative terminals of your loudspeaker. One customer of ours has his Level II Interceptors attached in this way to his Wilson Alex Vs. The improvement is impressive.
Thanks for this question. The interceptors are designed to be connected to one device only. The pure silver wire is connected directly to the internal pure silver ground plane, which we call the Super Enhanced Ground Plane due to its multi layered noise absorbing construction. As you go up in level the size of the SEGP increases, parts quality increases and its ability to remove noise from the component it is attached to increases resulting in increasingly improved sound quality. The Vault contains a 12” x 12” pure copper SEGP and has three binding posts in the rear. We have used it connected to the same point as the Interceptor increasing the sense of weight, authority and solidity. It can also be used independently from the Interceptors. In addition to using either device on components, they can be plugged into the negative terminals of your loudspeaker. One customer of ours has his Level II Interceptors attached in this way to his Wilson Alex Vs. The improvement is impressive.
Thanks Joe. Can you elaborate on the difference between three interceptors protecting three components vs one vault protecting three components?
Thanks Joe. Can you elaborate on the difference between three interceptors protecting three components vs one vault protecting three components?
One Interceptor will raise the quality of a system in a unique way: It feels as if each instrument is released to vibrate more freely in its own space and express itself more fully. Overall polish is improved. As you add more, that improvement increases.

Philippe Perot of PHP Audio says this about the Vault: “There was a huge improvement in dynamics, body and, curiously, the system opened up with more air. Bass became deeper and more solid.” Given the overall mass of the Vault with its huge SEGP, its improvement in bass and dynamics would be predictable. The increase in air would not.

The qualities of the Vault and Interceptor are ideally complimentary, which is why I like to use them together, but either on its own is as Mike said above is “significant.”

Here is the PranaWire Ground Vault at Audio Exotics, Hong Kong, Paul McCartney, 'Yesterday'.. I believe that two Interceptors are attached to the speakers as well, but they are not visible.
GMulligan_I'm Gonna Go Fishin'.wav_QR.png

Here's a link to a .wav recording of my system, SW1X Audio Designs LPU III Balanced Phono Stage with A PranaWire Level III Interceptor attached going to an SW1X Audio Designs PRE III Special with a Level I Interceptor attached. Lotus Group Granada Loudspeaker, SMc Audio amp and all PranaWire Cables and Accessories.

Gerry Mulligan - I'm Gonna Go Fishin'

Listen with headphones. Cheers!
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