Masterbuilt Performance Series


Active Member
Apr 6, 2022
I have a pair of MB Performance Series SCs on order. Would anyone have any experience with the more aspirational MB products they would like to share? I am hoping to get a taste of the big boy cables.
Thanks, Steve. Any experience with their lower level cables?
FWIW, the 4 products made by Masterbuilt after years of R and D have stood the test of time and there have been no modifications or changes to the cable DNA. They are terrific cables

I haven't used Performance series but have used Reference Series PC's on my preamp which I enjoyed very much
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I have Masterbuilt Signature series speaker cables in my system and, in my opinion, they are awesome. I can't compare them to the other series in the line, as I haven't heard the others, but I think you are in good hands with any of their products. The Signatures sound amazing. I can't even imagine what the Ultras, the next line up from mine, must be like, lol.
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I have demoed Masterbuilt Ultra and Performance series interconnects at home simultaneously. There is a vast difference between them. All but an hour of my time was spent listening to the Ultras after initial compare. The Ultras are really excellent. If pricing wasn't so intense, I suspect everyone would buy them. And I am not a Masterbuilt owner/dealer/etc.
I have demoed Masterbuilt Ultra and Performance series interconnects at home simultaneously. There is a vast difference between them. All but an hour of my time was spent listening to the Ultras after initial compare. The Ultras are really excellent. If pricing wasn't so intense, I suspect everyone would buy them. And I am not a Masterbuilt owner/dealer/etc.
The beauty of MB cable is that they have only made from day one , four different cables. That was probably 10 years ago and nothing has changed. Once you hear Ultra , IMO that is an end game move as well. They are difficult to better. It took me 3 1/2 years to be able to get a full loom for my entire system although I still use several Ching Cheng PC’s for sone front end components
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