
Ron Resnick

Site Co-Owner, Administrator
Jan 24, 2015
Beverly Hills, CA
My wife and I like big dogs. I had a poodle growing up, and neither of us cares for poodles or other small dogs like cocker spaniels.

We planned to get a big, furry, regal-looking samoyed or a long-haired akita or maybe a great dane a few years after we move back into the house.

That plan changed when, after fostering for seven days a matted, mangy, flea-infested, scruffed-up mutt rescued from the streets of Encino, CA, we decided to keep it.

Oh, and it is a cocker spaniel/poodle mix. :)


Lola's taste in music is presently unknown.
A good dog is a good dog... When I was a kid the only bad one we ever had was a smelly, unfriendly, chewing, ungrateful little stink that was a Beagle. It kept running away, despite lots of attention, plenty of food... a yard to run around. We have no idea why it liked this one family, maybe copious treats? We stopped going back to them for it, never regretted it. But a few rescue animals always ended up being good pets.
Oh wow great pup Ron.
Thank you, Carol and bonzo75!
Thank you, Bob!

That is an interesting observation, Hi-FiGuy!
You are right! Very good observation, there! :D
About five weeks ago we went to the Pasadena Humane Society to turn in for medical attention an injured pigeon we had been attempting to nurse back to health for a couple of days. While we were there, my wife, purely out of curiosity, wanted to see the dogs in the rescue shelter.

I was a bit reluctant, since the last thing we needed is a second new dog. But I knew that Tinka agreed that the last thing we needed was a second new dog, so there was absolutely no harm in looking around.

The Pasadena Humane Society seemingly is a well-funded operation, and succeeds in placing a large number of dogs and cats. But, like any shelter, it is inevitably a sad place with each animal crying piteously for the attention of a prospective adopter.

We turned in the injured pidgeon and we left the dog rescue section, as the last thing we needed was another new animal. We love Lola but, as small as she is, she is a fair amount of work. At least a small dog is a lot less work than a big dog.
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Please meet Kita, our new, large German Shepherd/Border Collie (or possible Collie) mix.



Less than thirty minutes after arriving at a dog hotel today she jumped an eight (8) foot fence, only the second dog in the entire history of the facility ever to accomplish such a feat.
Whoa she is superb. And looks all the athlete that can make that jump
Thank you.

We were a bit fooled by the soft, furry exterior, but we feel she proved today that she's a full-on German Shepherd underneath.
Wonderful act of love and kindness to adopt a shelter dog. Will almost certainly be repaid many times over. They seem to know that they are rescued.
I always liked the idea of a purebred dog. But I now see the merit in getting something older than a puppy (Lola is 2 and Kita is 1), so you can understand its character, rather than a puppy whose character is unknown, as well as the better health probability with a mixed breed dog.
My brother just got a German Shepard. At 1 year, it's still a puppy in many ways. Prepare to spend time for play, quiet a bit of it! They got energy, lots of it.

She looks really good. You seem to score big with your dogs that you're rescuing.
Congrats Ron - getting a dog from a shelter is much better.

And you are right about the "pure" bread discussion. Mixes often have longer lives, because they aren't 'overbread'. Most of them are also "smarter" .

German Shepard's tend to be very protective dogs. At least of their "boss".
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