Heard that EMM is preparing an upgrade to the XDS1 that will support a DSD capable USB input.
Need to send back to factory for refit in US.
Can anyone confirm this and already got it done?
I have been told by the factory that it will be available around the end of the year.
Bought the TSDX and DAC2X combo........
Will have until next Tuesday to compare both before I surrender up the xds1.
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I was also thinking about a possible swap instead of upgrading my XDS1. Looking forward to your impressions.
The new combo, even if they are barely half an hour out of the box leaves the xds1 for dead.
Dead. Murdered and mutilated beyond all recognition.
Come and take the corpse away....

I always have had this feeling, deep down inside, that I made a mistake with the xds1.
For the longest time, I had not been entirely happy with the purchase.
After more than 2 months, the xds1 still sound lean at the mid bass region, and high frequency at the very top end seems truncated, robbing ambience off some of their naturalness.

The new combo is everything you have always wanted in the xds1 and felt silly to ask.
I think they made a mistake with the xds1.
Too much filtering or something.
Perhaps having the transport and dac in the same chassis require a lot of heavy duty band aids.
Whatever they did, it appears to have shackled it's ability to present music with all their wholesomeness.

Hi Jerome,

Absolutely beautiful and great to read. Watch out for the snake on the floor ;)
Did you have the latest (February 2012) firmware in the XDS1? I am surprised by your impressions, as mine certainly does not sound lean or truncated.
Did you have the latest (February 2012) firmware in the XDS1? I am surprised by your impressions, as mine certainly does not sound lean or truncated.

Yes, mine is the latest version, twice confirmed with rashid.
When you have listened to the new combo, you will understand what I am talking about.
Did you have the latest (February 2012) firmware in the XDS1? I am surprised by your impressions, as mine certainly does not sound lean or truncated.

I agree there's nothing lean or truncated I hear with the XDS1 in my audio system. And while I haven't heard the TSDX/DAC2X combo, the XDS1 is providing me with great resolution, dynamic contrasts, timbre, and imaging:).

Perhaps it's because I've optimized all of the equipment in my system with room acoustics, synergistic cabling, power conditioning, and resonance control. I'm very pleased with my XDS1 and have settled in for long term music enjoyment.
The DAC2X is very high on my list with the intention of adding the TSDX. I can't wait to read more. Thanks for the photos and congrats again on a beautiful system.
The DAC2X is very high on my list with the intention of adding the TSDX. I can't wait to read more. Thanks for the photos and congrats again on a beautiful system.

Hi Joe...pls post any listening impressions. Thanks!
Thanks Lloyd,

I should know in a few days what I will end up with in my system. Stay tuned :)

Is your new avatar a Burmester music server?

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