Tripoint Troy Elite - Installed

Thanks, think is is quite helpful to fully understand your experiences with the Tripoint Elite NG.
In my opinion - based on my observations of what the tripoint is doing - it’s important to have a solid foundation and if one does the addition of tripoint can help take everything up a few levels and the music mind to a different place all together... as I mentioned my room is far from optimal and the hope was that the tripoint would help me achieve closer to full potential of what my speakers and electronics are capable of... the results have been beyond my expectations...
I was already very pleased with the degree of harmonic richness I was achieving with my system as well rhythmic righteousness. In other words I felt like I was getting excellent decays that lingered in the room giving a feeling of continuity and flow to music... also speed and timing were top notch - so the jump factor was there and I was able to enjoy a good tune - toe tapping away - so to speak...
What I was hoping to address was to take away some of the strain my ears were feeling when I turned up the volume and to improve left and right speaker integration (I have a wall of windows on the right side of the room and almost no wall at all in the left (open layout)... so no material standing wave issues but an imbalance due to lack of symmetry...
I know tripoint users such as Mike Lavigne had achieved great results with a highly refined dedicated room but the reason (& my hope) was to resolve my room dificiencies and this was the primary premise for my exploration into tripoint...
Fortunately, the tripoint Elite NG has been able to more than meet what I was expecting/hoping it will help alleviate...
Just plugging in the power cord without even connecting the ground cables already had a meaningful impact... there was enhanced clarity (as if a haze had been lifted from the sound field and everything sounded fresher/more crisp instantly), better articulation with greater textural detail (to voices and instruments) as well as more information/delicate details... more refined timing and speed (which was already exceptional in my mind) with further cues/delicate details which added clarity in terms of musical intent (being able to follow more nuances in musical rhythm)...last but not least bass definition improved and became more fleshed out...all this happened almost instantly after connecting the power cord..
Afterwards I connected the signature SE ground cables - it was initially more subtle relative to plugging in the power cord and not connecting anything else (but I did hear more calmness and openness) but by the next day the musical landscape which was already starting to sound more wholistic/better integrated with just the power cable went to another dimension with the ground cables... the ground cables after they settled in took the whole system to a point I don’t need to think and analyze music - it just fully resolves and transports me and I feel I am within it...
It’s difficult to explain this dimension but I will try...
I think what is happening is that musical notes have opened up and have been liberated and there is less distortion so my mind is not getting distracted as much as it may have been before I added tripoint (I didn’t think it was but I clearly wasn’t connecting to music to this level)... I think because everything sounds much more open it gives the perception that decays are elongated and this adds harmonic expression to music without ruining timing and speed. So flow and continuousness is enhanced making music feel more calm and relaxed... at the same time there is no compromise on attack and bass is more visceral - so rhythmic energy is maintained and so the excitement is still there - last but not least it’s just not speed... timing seems more nuanced allowing me follow musical intent even more so than I was before...
I hope all this makes sense... but this is what I mean by being in another dimension - effectively in a state of mind - where I can shut the brain off and let music pour over me and deliver whatever it has to offer... it’s very gratifying and very emotive...
I imagine different users will have different experiences with tripoint - ultimately it is taking the system’s building blocks including the room and helping these building blocks achieve their potential more fully and for the room to get out of the way more...
In my mind there’s no absolute truth when it comes to musical/audiophile preferences and we all hear and perceive music in our own unique ways...
For me the tripoint is adding a great deal of emotional content to my system and I felt it was so substantial that I had to share this as I have benefitted so much from this forum over the years...
Hi EmConn,

I am most excited to tell you and all Troy users on WBF that I have just joined the Troy NG Club.

Here is my Troy Signature NG, so new that the wrapping on footers not yet removed :


I will share with all of you my audition comments very soon.
Hi EmConn,

I am most excited to tell you and all Troy users on WBF that I have just joined the Troy NG Club.

Here is my Troy Signature NG, so new that the wrapping on footers not yet removed :

View attachment 72585

I will share with all of you my audition comments very soon.
Fully understand your excitement. Although I have not heard the Troy NG in my audio system - using the Tripoint Emperor mk ii as well as as the Tripoint Elite NG - I have no doubts whatsoever that you will be floored and will experience musical satisfaction as never before. Have fun.
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I am most excited to tell you and all Troy users on WBF that I have just joined the Troy NG Club.
Congratulations and “welcome to the club”. :D
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Congrats!!! That is the one I would go for if it were me...what a fantastic new addition to your system! Look forward to hearing more.
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I havent use any grounding device in my system while i believe in the philosophy behind it and hopefully next month i change this (missing) part of my system i will be getting a Tripoint Signature Se Ng whit upgrade grounding cables to Signature Se grounding cables look forward to hear and feel where you guys are talking about.....
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I havent use any grounding device in my system while i believe in the philosophy behind it and hopefully next month i change this (missing) part of my system i will be getting a Tripoint Signature Se Ng whit upgrade grounding cables to Signature Se grounding cables look forward to hear and feel where you guys are talking about.....
I very much look forward to your thoughts. I was one of the first owners here with Tripoint almost a year before they even had a distributor. It was Audiocrack who was a big fan and bought first, and it was fascinating to learn of his experience.
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My "joining Troy NG Club" post of #462 has aroused a lot of response.
Most are from Troy current users and some are from potential buyers.

The Troy NG Series is a new addition and many WBF brothers may not have much info on them.
Let me show you some photos to clear the mist :

My Troy Signature came inside a big wood crate. Very sturdy. Interior was packed with foam, water resistant plastic bag and soft cloth which wrapped the groundbox up.

Here it is :

The top :

The underside got engraved serial number :

The ground posts/terminals are massive and nicely polished :

Spiked footers and spike plates are included :

The footers installed :

Four ground-cables & one for connecting to the mains ground are provided in the package :

My Troy Signature NG on the rack. Be very careful when taking it out from the crate and placing it on your rack. It's much heavier than its look. Mind your back!

Hope that this post can attract more members to join the Troy NG Club!
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I've been reading the last few pages I've missed. Congrats to all the new Tripoint owners, I'll never forget the first listen.
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Hi EmConn,

I am most excited to tell you and all Troy users on WBF that I have just joined the Troy NG Club.

Here is my Troy Signature NG, so new that the wrapping on footers not yet removed :

View attachment 72585

I will share with all of you my audition comments very soon.
CK how did it go with the tripoint NG? I hope you are enjoying your NG as much as I’m enjoying mine... :)
As an update things have progressed further and unexpectedly so!!... I had an extra ground cable which I had not used and I decided to ground the power strip. I didn’t expect much and initially there wasn’t much of a change but after a few hours I noticed a very noticeable leap forward in pace, rhythm, and timing... on some records the rhythm is so intense - I can’t even turn on the analytical side if I try because I’m feeling so “locked in” to the rhythm...This is a first for me... and it’s thrilling!
Over the next few days other areas of improvement are blacker background and each individual instrument has more of its own energy... this is making the soundstage more vivid in the sense that it feels even less manufactured and more like real instruments playing in a room.
I imagine most tripoint owners may have already tried grounding their power strip (or conditioner) whichever they plug their tripoint power cable into... but if not I would highly encourage trying this.. if out of grounding cables perhaps disconnect from one of your source components for a few days to see how the system responds to this...
CK how did it go with the tripoint NG? I hope you are enjoying your NG as much as I’m enjoying mine... :)
As an update things have progressed further and unexpectedly so!!... I had an extra ground cable which I had not used and I decided to ground the power strip. I didn’t expect much and initially there wasn’t much of a change but after a few hours I noticed a very noticeable leap forward in pace, rhythm, and timing... on some records the rhythm is so intense - I can’t even turn on the analytical side if I try because I’m feeling so “locked in” to the rhythm...This is a first for me... and it’s thrilling!
Over the next few days other areas of improvement are blacker background and each individual instrument has more of its own energy... this is making the soundstage more vivid in the sense that it feels even less manufactured and more like real instruments playing in a room.
I imagine most tripoint owners may have already tried grounding their power strip (or conditioner) whichever they plug their tripoint power cable into... but if not I would highly encourage trying this.. if out of grounding cables perhaps disconnect from one of your source components for a few days to see how the system responds to this...
EmConn, are you plugging the Tripoint drain cable into one of the outlets on your Power Line Conditioner/Power strip?

Miguel from Tripoint had mentioned to plug it into the 2nd duplex of the outlet that feeds the power strip and never directly into the power strip itself. Anytime I have tried to plug the tripoint drain cable into one of the outlets of my PLC (Sound Application TT7), the sound immediately became harsher and the soundstage totally collapsed so I never tried it for more than 30mins. Did you notice the same or was the improvement immediately apparent?

All of our systems are different so what works for some might not for others.
EmConn, are you plugging the Tripoint drain cable into one of the outlets on your Power Line Conditioner/Power strip?

Miguel from Tripoint had mentioned to plug it into the 2nd duplex of the outlet that feeds the power strip and never directly into the power strip itself. Anytime I have tried to plug the tripoint drain cable into one of the outlets of my PLC (Sound Application TT7), the sound immediately became harsher and the soundstage totally collapsed so I never tried it for more than 30mins. Did you notice the same or was the improvement immediately apparent?

All of our systems are different so what works for some might not for others.
I had initially plugged in the emperor power cable into a wall outlet but not the same as the power strip. The power strip is connected to an equitech 5 rq which is being fed by a dedicated line.
As you mentioned each situation is different. In my case moving the emperor power cable to power strip had a noticeable positive impact. Noise floor dropped a bit more and imaging improved - images were already fleshed out but became more palpable - there was no harshness or collapse of soundstage - it was a nice improvement and it was fairly immediate.

Grounding the power strip had a dramatic impact and this was obvious after a couples of hours. As mentioned pace timing and rhythm went from excellent to (for me) otherworldly!!... I did feel like leading edge was diminished initially but after a few days of break in for the ground cable - this corrected itself... while the ground cable broke in I noticed the stage become more recessed and it moved back and forward a few times... that’s all behind me now...
The most gratifying impact in my case has been enhanced PRAT... it has gone up a few notches and this alone was more than enough for me ... but to expand a bit more besides being locked in into the rhythm - there is also greater degree of suddenness - this is noticeable not only with macro dynamics but also micro inflections (there is more elasticity to plucked strings etc.). The soundstage if anything has expanded a tad bit due to more energy to individual instruments...
If you can - perhaps experiment with connecting your tripoint drain cable to your power strip and simultaneously ground the power strip... there are too many variables to predict the impact given we all have different degree of noise in our system and different components that each have their own character and interaction with each other...good luck!! :)
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Yes, do experiment with the Troys.
There are so many dif connection configs.

My frds and I also prefer connecting our Troys to the used socket of the duplex the other socket of which supplies the powerstrip, similar to what onlychild is doing.
Yes, do experiment with the Troys...

...My frds and I also prefer connecting our Troys to the used socket of the duplex the other socket of which supplies the powerstrip, similar to what onlychild is doing.
Same...adjacent socket. This was straight from the designer himself, Miguel, many years ago.
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Same...adjacent socket. This was straight from the designer himself, Miguel, many years ago.
As things stand in my case - there is no harshness and soundstage does not appear restricted... it can spread well beyond the width of the speakers depending on the recording...and was not diminished by connecting the emperor cable to the strip.
My dedicated line is quite far so I use a very long cable with my power strip. I would need an extremely long emperor cable so unfortunately not really possible for me to A/B connecting to the same some of you are doing..
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I use an equitech 5RQ which is a floor mount rather than wall mount transformer with tripoint elite NG. Sent you a message via private message but can correspond here if you prefer.

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