NanoFlo Superconductor Holographic 3D6 ac power cable


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2020
New review posted in The Stereo Times.

I have my system completely powered from SR PowerCell SX to all linear power supplies. So far in the 6 beta test systems, the $3,999 NanoFlo Superconductor Holographic 3D6 power cables have beat other power cords costing up to $22,100. No other cable on the market uses the technology of spherical nanodiamond to reduce contact resistance internally or externally. The entire length of the power cable is infused with nanodiamond. The review goes into more detail. The tone and separation is just lovely. The cables are easy to work with.

There is a mother patent on the technology with patents pending for audio and video applications.

audio reviewer
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Anyone else tried NanoFlo?

Looks like the have a step down version for $2k on the site. @Mikeg1 how many of these do you have in your system? Do they have any plans to create a loom of NanoFlo cables?
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@cd45123 , I have one 12 gauge NanoFlo Superconductor Holographic 3D6 on my SR PowerCell Galileo SX and one 12 gauge NF Holographic 3D6 on my Ayon Audio Odin MkIII Build4 DHT SET amp. I have the 16 gauge on all other components (Ayon Audio S-5 Network Player/Preamp/DAC, AfterDark Music Server, AfterDark I2S Converter with Farad lps, AfterDark Clock with Farad lps, and UpTone Audio EtherRegen and Google Fiber Router with UpTone JS-2 lps). A total of seven NanoFlo Superconductor Holographic 3D6 power cables. The step down version, Prototype, was first used on my First Watt SIT-1 monoblocks and the initial impressions were included in the review. The Prototype is an excellent cable but the Holographic 3D6 is a more refined cable with incredible musicality. When I first heard the Prototype cable in my system, I had to invite two local friends over to confirm what I was hearing. One of my local friends purchased 5 Holographic 3D6 power cables and is looking to buy a few more to do his entire system.

audio reviewer
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@Mikeg1 appreciate it, thanks! I’ve been re-reading these AfterDark master clock/lps articles…amazing stuff, really looking forward to giving these a go.
I have been using similar technology cables from the Greek manufacturer Mamalos Kostis for a long time.
The difference in sound quality, especially with The Elite interconnect cables was really amazing.
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I will say there is a thread over at Audiogon about this Chris Arnold and his lack of Ethics, Integrity and Dignity.

Also when did Audiogon become a lab for NanoFlo?

Audiogon Discussion Forum
Also when did Audiogon become a lab for NanoFlo?

I found the review statement "NS Holographic 3D6 AC cords are said to be fully treated with Audiogon-tested NanoTube™ superconductive gel" rather comical when I read the review. Guess Audiogon is now a certified lab
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Having followed this circus ever since Chris' first post over a year ago (or two) on the other site, the conclusion I have drawn after reading the thread(s) and delving into the creator's outside website is that this is a Webster's dictionary example of snake oil salesmanship. Perhaps the most blatant example I have encountered in hifi.

It's total cowpie.
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What is even more shocking are the poor folks who get hoodwinked into this junk science. Not an anti tweak guy but some of this stuff is a pure scam.

The folks at Stereo Times are guilty through association.
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Anyone else find it strange that Mikeg1 has only made 2 posts, and both are shilling this farce of a product?

The charlatan, Chris, promoting this claims he has create a room temperature superconductor. No one has created a room temperature semiconductor but they have spent billions trying.
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Anyone else find it strange that Mikeg1 has only made 2 posts, and both are shilling this farce of a product?

No… not really.

The charlatan, Chris, promoting this claims he has create a room temperature superconductor. No one has created a room temperature semiconductor but they have spent billions trying.

“nano” is the new Snake oil

I will say there is a thread over at Audiogon about this Chris Arnold and his lack of Ethics, Integrity and Dignity.

Also when did Audiogon become a lab for NanoFlo?

Audiogon Discussion Forum

Yeah… it is a mess.
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Anyone else find it strange that Mikeg1 has only made 2 posts, and both are shilling this farce of a product?

The charlatan, Chris, promoting this claims he has create a room temperature superconductor. No one has created a room temperature semiconductor but they have spent billions trying.
Who knows with Mike, but you started posting here back in April trying to discredit Jeffrey Smith and Fidelium…really not surprised that you’d jump into the drama on this respectable forum. I’ll be looking for your further posts on Audio Circle and god knows where else.

Mike has reviewed dozens of products for Stereotimes. Let’s get his side of this before you continue stirring the pot.
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Anyone else find it strange that Mikeg1 has only made 2 posts, and both are shilling this farce of a product?

The charlatan, Chris, promoting this claims he has create a room temperature superconductor. No one has created a room temperature semiconductor but they have spent billions trying.
If you check my profile I joined WBF on Aug 17, 2020. I don’t need to post. I have learned a considerable amount from the forums on streaming digital audio and the various products that serve that segment.
I will say there is a thread over at Audiogon about this Chris Arnold and his lack of Ethics, Integrity and Dignity.

Also when did Audiogon become a lab for NanoFlo?

Audiogon Discussion Forum
All of which is tangential to how the cables perform which is what this forum is about. Two reviewers and at least one WBF poster listened to the NanoFlo cables and were very impressed with them. Whatever their technology actually is the only way to credibly verify or refute performance claims is comparative listening tests.
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All of which is tangential to how the cables perform which is what this forum is about.
Tangential to performance, but consequential to the buying experience since one acquires not only a product, but a manufacturer's history, ethics and reputation. Particularly when return policy or warranty is involved. From my perspective, it's a wholistic approach to making a purchase decision.

If WBF is only about discussing equipment performance, then I need to revisit the site's guidelines.
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Tangential to performance, but consequential to the buying experience since one acquires not only a product, but a manufacturer's history, ethics and reputation. Particularly when return policy or warranty is involved. From my perspective, it's a wholistic approach to making a purchase decision.

If WBF is only about discussing equipment performance, then I need to revisit the site's guidelines.
Agree. And if these things are issues for you then you shouldn't buy.
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Mentioning a manufacturer's reputation/history is certainly fair play. However, we should just avoid going to deep into it, especially when it is just opinion. Let people do their own research and assessment. Focusing on the product at hand is preferable.
All of which is tangential to how the cables perform which is what this forum is about. Two reviewers and at least one WBF poster listened to the NanoFlo cables and were very impressed with them. Whatever their technology actually is the only way to credibly verify or refute performance claims is comparative listening tests.
Two reviewers? Only have I read Mike G's review.
I will take your word for it.
Based on my research I would not do business with this company as it is built on science that has been disproven by several scientific journals. Let alone a material developed at a Community College in DuPage IL.
Room temperature superconductor and he is selling cables. Think not.
Truly think reviewers and consumers must do a better job vetting these companies and products.
"Caveat Emptor"
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Chris Arnold, owner NanoFlo audio products

Gary Anderson AKA Glory is a bible thumping liar that is directly responsible for what he claimed was my fault, and he ended with extortion. Gary couldn’t stop himself from proclaiming my cables were the best in the world, until I refused to sell him our proprietary gel that makes our products superior. I sell on eBay for customer protection and follow eBay rules. Glory ignored all eBay rules, shipped 2 cables back instead one cable per family as clearly listed in our offerings without notifying me or eBay, Glory did not get the shipping label through eBay and Glory did not answer any of eBay notices UNTIL eBay closed the case. Jerk gives me my first negative feedback because I refused to answer his 20 insulting, threatening texts and phone calls per day, even though I told him Im on my first vacation in 10 years. Anyway, Gary got his money back and I have eBay’s resolution that I did nothing wrong. Somehow in Gary’s warped mind, I have no ethics because Gary has no ethics, and refuses to follow eBay rules, and blames me for what he has done. But there is much more, like the guys falsely accusing me on this forum of unethical practices while pointing to their own defamation and slanderous claims that they posted on audiogon as proof of some wrongdoing on my part. Really.
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Chris Arnold, owner NanoFlo audio products

Gary Anderson AKA Glory is a bible thumping liar that is directly responsible for what he claimed was my fault, and he ended with extortion. Gary couldn’t stop himself from proclaiming my cables were the best in the world, until I refused to sell him our proprietary gel that makes our products superior. I sell on eBay for customer protection and follow eBay rules. Glory ignored all eBay rules, shipped 2 cables back instead one cable per family as clearly listed in our offerings without notifying me or eBay, Glory did not get the shipping label through eBay and Glory did not answer any of eBay notices UNTIL eBay closed the case. Jerk gives me my first negative feedback because I refused to answer his 20 insulting, threatening texts and phone calls per day, even though I told him Im on my first vacation in 10 years. Anyway, Gary got his money back and I have eBay’s resolution that I did nothing wrong. Somehow in Gary’s warped mind, I have no ethics because Gary has no ethics, and refuses to follow eBay rules, and blames me for what he has done. But there is much more, like the guys falsely accusing me on this forum of unethical practices while pointing to their own defamation and slanderous claims that they posted on audiogon as proof of some wrongdoing on my part. Really.
It is time to move on. I know most of here have and had forgotten about you and Gary. Not a dig in any way, you are digging up old bones after 4 months?

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