My room's acoustic makeover


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2011
Well, the Hedback Design room acoustic makeover is completed. Jeff Hedback ( is a musician and expert acoustical engineer who designed and developed the changes we implemented, including the large ceiling diffusor cloud, side wall diffusor systems and the 400 lb MAT tuned membrane "floating wall" (behind the screen)..

We installed the large ceiling diffusor/trap a couple weeks ago and the sound of the room is transformational...a qualitative shift in everything...tonality, image specificity, detail, naturalness, soundstage depth. It's as if I told the room to "settle down and let me listen" and a whole new world opened up. Hell, it will probably force me to relook speaker positioning, etc...except my 90 minute listening session last night was sooo good that I'm not sure i wanna fix what ain't broken.

Thanks to Jeff, my local craftsman extraordinaire Doug Carpenter (yes, that's his real last name :) ) and to my wife and family for putting up with this.

All told, the major changes were:
* front corner traps, floor to ceiling, custom made. Allowed me to repurpose the Realtrap Mondo corners to the back sloped area.
* a 400 lb tuned membrane "floating wall" on the front wall, behind the screen assembly, which brought about amazing soundstage and balance (fewer nulls, etc) improvements by itself
* side wall diffusors and tetrahedral treatments that open up the room and improve even surround high rez imaging.
* the piece de resistance, a large ceiling cloud, hanging from acoustical clips, made up of wood diffusors and 4 inches of bass trapping foam insulation. (There is light roping installed but it shows up very big deal, the roping set me back $12.). The energy held up in that ceiling area was quite high, caused mostly by my sloped ceiling design when we built the house. it was a good idea at the time! :)

All of the Realtrap products (20+ of them) and GIK art panels continue to do their jobs (in many cases re-positioned), and work in tandem with the Hedback Design custom built foundation.

(Pictures have darkening window treatments recessed to show natural light, but I never listen/watch that way. Left wall area is also cleared of RFZ trap for same reason, to let light in).




Congratulations Ted!
Very nice indeed. And I really like the greenery. I find it adds a touch a warmth to a room. I can't tell you how many concerts I've attended where the stage has nothing but gear. If they'd only add a couple of plants, heck, even silk ones, just to add that warmth.
Very nice room and gear, with a room like that I could easily accommodate a sofa and live there...!
Looks outstanding, Ted, and welcome to the forum.

Sent you a PM about a mutual friend.

That's pretty cool Ted. I'm impressed. I won't talk bad about you anymore now!
Love your room. Very , very nice.

I didn't recognize the speakers. What are they?

Thanks for the nice compliments, everyone.

Audioguy, the are from a small company in LaPorte Indiana called SP Tech (now called Aether Audio). Bob Smith is the founder , and is a speaker designing genius. His waveguide implementation, along with the transmillsion line in the Revelations (my main speakers) are what makes the system so fast for a dynamic, yet so dynamic and tonally accurate. Jim Merod, recording engineer and PFO reviewer, said:
"I've never heard a speaker that reproduces all the music --all the ambient information I strive to capture in my recordings-- until I heard SP TECH's 'Revelation MR-1' . . . I'll not relent until, with their shocking nakedness, they are locked into place as monitoring companions here at BluePort Sound."
HdAcoustics HAR slats


I mentioned to Ted that I would answer your question.

The ceiling "cloud" in Ted's room is anchored acoustically around my HAR slat. It is a Helmholtz Angled Reflector. The slats are custom milled to my design and are made of 1" poplar.

Helmholtz via the periodic routes designed to yield midrange absorption ~ 1KHz. The slats are part of a system which in this case includes 4" Acoustical foam. There is a secondary Helmholtz absorption in the lower mid ~300Hz due to a gap/space in the sequence every 1'.

Angled because each slat has a angled face. I orient them in a manner that is most suitable to the need. In Ted's case (both ceiling and sidewall) have a 2 down, 1 up, 1 down sequence (then gap) which repeats.

Reflector because it works above the diffusion band as a scatterer above ~4K in a non-specular manner.

Ted's entire ceiling cloud is hung on Mason Industries isolation hangers.

The benefits cover the spectrum reducing modal resonance, cleaning up lo-mid (always a help), and a key in my view...retaining at a lo-level (15dB down from direct) upper mid/hi energy. And there are no problematic early reflections. Sooner than later, I'll have a cohesive case study with the technical data.

Commentary: this (the use of the HAR device) had it's risks with Ted as he is a devout imaging fanatic and popular opinion would say that what I described above would enhance spaciousness and blur imaging. Well, it enhanced both (actually I should let Ted respond directly to my benefits statement).

I trust that description answers your question...likely more than, huh. I certainly appreciate your interest in the system.
Jeff, as a user of line sources (specifically ML Summits), I've been led to believe that they're immune to/less prone to (pick your descriptor) ceiling reflections and effects. Assuming that's accurate, to what extent would such a ceiling construct benefit my system?

I keep toying with the idea and yours looks like an impressive system, but I'd like to be sure I'll hear a tangible benefit before I take any action. Assume line sources are 6ft tall and ceiling @ 7'8".

Commentary: this (the use of the HAR device) had it's risks with Ted as he is a devout imaging fanatic and popular opinion would say that what I described above would enhance spaciousness and blur imaging. Well, it enhanced both (actually I should let Ted respond directly to my benefits statement).

The SP Tech Revelations image very very well, almost like their monitor counterparts, and I am finding that the combination of all the room elements (remember, the ceiling diffusor HAR is but one major piece) allows me to toe-in less, keep the image specificuty and density as strong as I like it, and yet allows for signficiant soundstage depth and overall air around instruments and performers. Once I got the Concert Fidelity preamp installed the efffect, in multitrack recordings, of actually hearing a different sense and dimension of space around a vocalist than the other (likely different recording space) instruments has me awe struck. This palpability in more "live" recordings is, of course, even more real.

You're correct in both the line source and speaker type/room relationship as being key factors. I can't specifically say in your case without more information about your room. However, I do have experience with line source in 7'-8" high room, that being Gene DellaSala's room (of For whatever this comparison may have value, he has RBH line source of similar height and at first we (this effort happened while I was employed at Auralex Acoustics) had absorption on the ceiling first reflection point. We quickly exchanged that to a perforated hardboard membrane that was reflective in upper mids/hi's. So I can state that absorption is likely a very bad idea. I'm actually speaking with him (somewhat passively) about trying the HAR slats. I'll let you know should this happen.

Acoustical testing of Energy/Time Graph could help determine the possible outcome.
Thanks Jeff, very helpful. I would love to see the case study and tech details when you have them available.

I'm pondering treating my ceiling, and am researching options.

Like RUR, my room is based around an all MartinLogan setup. I already have a lot of room treatments, but ceiling is pending.

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