Florida Audio Expo 2020


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2020

The Ultra 11 and this system was the most lifelike I have ever heard PERIOD. About 4:30 Saturday afternoon a young man brought in a vinyl record of a big band recording and this system put that big band in the room. With our eyes closed my son and I could see each of the instruments separated in space as they sat on the bandstand. You could even discern individual instrument placements when several of the same type were in a section. The dynamics were outstanding. I didn’t catch the name of the piece but it was absolutely incredible. I was flabbergasted.

The Ultra 11s are and were impressive at the FL Expo this past weekend. They were driven by VAC electronics. While they can fill a room, there are two elements that I struggle with this speaker: a very tight sweet spot; and, sometimes instruments sound too large and not real. However, they are impressive.
I get wall to wall corner to corner wave launch in my room. :)

I hope Leif took a picture of that big band album :D
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I came home after the show and listened to my Endeavor SE's and thought "these sound frighteningly like the Ultra 11, all things being scaled appropriately". And they do! :D Leif and I had a nice chat about how he used some of the design thinking, and components from the Ultra 11's, in the E SE. Except perhaps for being able to launch a more powerful wave-front and having a D'Appolito arrangement with brings its own capabilities to the mix, I like them better than the E5. My opinion, of course.
Great to see accolades for VSA from the audiophile press these last few years but I found this posting from Lukasz Fikus to be especially gratifying given he's an actual designer of high end audio gear and has no reason to post these comments other than sincere appreciation for what VSA and VAC have done at this show and prior shows.

LampizatOr comments on VSA
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I came home after the show and listened to my Endeavor SE's and thought "these sound frighteningly like the Ultra 11, all things being scaled appropriately". And they do! :D Leif and I had a nice chat about how he used some of the design thinking, and components from the Ultra 11's, in the E SE. Except perhaps for being able to launch a more powerful wave-front and having a D'Appolito arrangement with brings its own capabilities to the mix, I like them better than the E5. My opinion, of course.

Yes indeed the E SE's do Tony. The "little" guy is awesome. Such a wide range of usable SPL. Certainly the SE and 5 Mk2s now fully carry the Ultra Series design DNA in toto. I really liked the E SEs with ARC's Ref 160 Monos and Ref Pre and CD 9.
I hope Lukasz doesn't mind. I will delete if he does.

Due to my profession, I am privileged to travel around the world and visit many audio shows, exhibitions, events about audio, private homes, demo rooms etc. I probably have heard more systems and rooms than most mortals, in very diverse environments, from Vietnam to Cape Town, from Taipei to Munich, Florida to California, and back again.
Also, as a businessman and economist by education, I observe companies as interesting cases. I want to learn what makes certain companies succeed and what makes others go south or belly up.

I could not possibly see them all, hear them all, visit everything etc but nevertheless, I wanted to wrap up last 10 years of travelling for listening.
I have had the pleasure to be entertained by countless good products, good sounds, good people and good rooms. One thing however is REALLY OUTSTANDING in my summary. This short text is me paying the highest honors to one company, and in fact two companies that decided to collaborate, since their portfolios were complementary without overlap. They collaborate for a number of years, but I personally witness this for 6 straight years.
These companies managed to create a new level of performance, their collaboration is a perfect match, sustainable, beneficial and simply great.
I am talking about VAC from Florida, a company of Mr. Kevin Hayes, making a full portfolio of tube electronics, and Von Schweikert from California. People behind VS speakers are Albert Von Schweikert, original owner, his son Damon, and their chief designer and marketing manager Leif Swanson.
Why do I mention these two audio companies? Because I believe that their “marriage” (at least for the shows, not in everyday life), created THE BEST AUDIO COMPANY IN THE WORLD. I know it is a very broad, bold statement, but I will try to prove it. I refer to them as “company” but of Cours it is just collaboration between two businesses who aligned their goals.
Some things happen due to luck, you can win an Oscar due to luck, but only once. Five consecutive Oscars are no coincident and no luck.
Thats how I see VS-VAC company. They decided at some point that they will create the best system seen by mankind, and they followed the road to this goal. Finally when their respective products were ready, they decided to show them in the best possible way. By careful planing and meticulous execution, with ultra high budgets to match - they presented a music system that redefined what’s possible in two channel stereo industry today. They set the bar so high, that next best system remained far far away in their rear view mirror. They practically reside on that top ever since, and repeat the same show over and over again. Untouchable.
This year in Tampa, Florida, at the annual Florida Audio Expo - VS-VAC again left everyone else behind. It is kinda boring to admit again, that the show is like VS-VAC, nothing long time, and then all the mortals and everyone else.
What is so good about it?
1. The equipment choice and matching
2. Room choice and preparation
3. Acoustic measurements and positioning
4. Design for form and function
5. High competences in acoustics and electronics
But these are just minimal pre-conditions. VS-VAC does much more that that, and this makes them stand out. I am not sure what exactly it is, what I see on the surface is for example deep understanding of music, understanding of sound, understanding of users, with whom they meet on these shows and in everyday life. These people are very accessible and they know how to listen to their customers.
The very fact of their collaboration is exceptional, rare in todays world. Collaboration is an indicator of inteligent personalities, not falsely competitive.
Even though the VS-VAC system is expensive, even very much, these people exactly know that it is not about the money but the attention to detail , meticulous setup, long months of work and preparations, respect to their clientele, and to some degree the golden ear helps.
This phenomenon of VS-VAC company redefined the world audio scene, and gave us , competitors - a sense of direction, some horizon, a high mark we can aspire to and work even harder.
Whoever thinks, that putting together some cool gear with 1M budget for a room will give results similar to this - is sadly mistaken. And most competitors do.
So here I am, on the 10th anniversary of my world touring, I am naming the best in “show”. Not “this show” but the world audio being one show. Of course we know there is no such things THE BEST but for the practical reasons I am trying to describe things the way I see them. You may disagree, you may call different examples, you can swear and curse - but this is the way I see it. Von Schweikert and VAC created a monster, a sound system that will take others 10 years to match or eventually beat. I hope the guys will not sit on their hands and raise the bar again. The threshold to stardom is very high.
There is good news to us mortals as well. Their catalog - going south with the price point - is full of MUCH CHEAPER and still fabulous systems. Since the Ultra11 is designed with 100 sq m rooms in mind, for smaller room a speaker 10 x cheaper will be sounding equally good. So VS-VAC system is not reserved to OPEC people, Kremlin Oligarchs and German dentists. And I really appreciate that in these gentlemen’s approach.
Congratulations Albert, Damon, Leif and Kevin - you get the Lukasz Fikus’ 10th anniversary award for best Audio Company in the World.
Also fixed the link in the original post.

Thanks for the heads up.
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I came home after the show and listened to my Endeavor SE's and thought "these sound frighteningly like the Ultra 11, all things being scaled appropriately". And they do! :D Leif and I had a nice chat about how he used some of the design thinking, and components from the Ultra 11's, in the E SE. Except perhaps for being able to launch a more powerful wave-front and having a D'Appolito arrangement with brings its own capabilities to the mix, I like them better than the E5. My opinion, of course.
The Endeavor SE‘s are the real deal. Leif has done a tremendous job with these speakers. They punch above their weight class.
Congratulations Albert, Damon, Leif and Kevin - you get the Lukasz Fikus’ 10th anniversary award for best Audio Company in the World.

I was in the room during one of Lukasz's visits. It was Sunday morning when the E-5's were set up. He sat for a while where the chair had been placed in the front row center, listened for a while, and then started moving his chair closer to the speakers until he found a spot he liked. He listened some more, got up, moved the chair back and told Leif that in that position the E-5's sounded as good as the Ultra 11 (or words to that effect).

I still think the E SE's sound better. ;):cool:
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Some do prefer the point source vs concentric away presentation and vice versa. Lucky those that prefer the former, more money for other stuff :D
The Ultra 11s are and were impressive at the FL Expo this past weekend. They were driven by VAC electronics. While they can fill a room, there are two elements that I struggle with this speaker: a very tight sweet spot; and, sometimes instruments sound too large and not real. However, they are impressive.

MJB - Really! You know, I've listened to nearly every VSR/VSA speaker to be released since the mid 1990's, when the original VR-4 was introduced. I've owned eight pair since that time, the VR-4 Gen II - 1997, the VR-4 Gen III - 2001, the VR-4 Gen III SE - 2002, the VR-4 jr - 2004, the VR-5 Anniversary - 2008, the VR-33 - 2010, the VR-55 Aktive - 2014, and I lived with the ULTRA 9's in my 600 ft2 (or some 4300 ft3) room for three months last year while writing the The Absolute Sound review, and am taking delivery on my own set of ULTRA 9's this month.

I’ve heard the ULTRA 11’s, with extended listening time, on at least five occasions (AXPONA ’17, High-End Munich ’17, Capital Audiofest '17, in the amazing Potomac room (50’ by 50’ X 10’ – arguably the best room on the entire annual tour circuit), at AXPONA ‘18, and at Capital Audiofest ‘19). I’ve heard ULTRA 9’s on at least four occasions, (RMAF ‘18, in the Maroon Peak Room (30' x 25' x 10') of the Marriott Convention Center, at AXPONA ’19, at High-End Munich ’19), and for three months in my own listening room just before AXPONA ’19, as mentioned.

Not only have I never, not once, not EVER, heard any model, let alone the ULTRA 11’s, project a tight “sweet spot” like my eight foot tall ELSs did in their day, the entire VSA lineup of products in fact, as a brand, consistently project the most honest and authentic soundstage (with remarkably accurate width, height, and especially depth, even into the rear corners of the stage), with the most realistic and life-sized images of any brand of loudspeaker I’ve heard in the past 35 years, when paired with the right electronics and sources!

In fact, this is what I said about the ULTRA 9’s when they premiered at RMAF in 2018.

“During the product launch, in the Maroon Peak room at RMAF 2018 in Denver, the Ultra 9s were set up along the long wall (the room is 750 square feet, 30' x 25' x 10'). It was while speaking with Kevin Hayes of VAC, sitting against the side wall, at what could only be described as an extreme listening position, about eighteen feet from the front wall, some twelve feet behind the plane of the speakers and roughly eighteen feet from the left, and twenty-five feet from the right speakers, that I heard something that made my jaw drop. Kevin (Hayes of VAC) didn’t miss a beat; he looked at me with that Cheshire-Cat-like smile and said, “You just noticed!”

Normally, in such an extreme off-axis position, you will hear the closest speaker, period. Yet here, I not only heard the proximate left speaker; I also clearly heard the more distant right, and a significantly dimensional soundstage between them. The stage was obviously skewed, with the center being closer to the right speaker, but it had an astonishing degree of depth and instrumental specificity. This was not a one-time fluke experience, as I was able to duplicate this in my room for dozens of visitors during the review period. But it clearly demonstrates and validates the effectiveness of the remarkable capabilities of VSA’s unique Ambient Driver array and dividing network.”

Further, I’ve not heard an even remotely similar remark from anyone, at any showing of any VSA speaker, anywhere, anytime! This leads me to ask, are you sure you were in The Audio Company, VAC, VSA room? ‘Cause if you were, you clearly weren’t paying attention to what was going on in there.

By every account I’ve heard so far, including the beautiful testament from LampizatOr’s Digital Maven, Lucasz Fikus, this system was so clearly best of show, so much more refined, natural, and involving than anything else there, that it knocked everyone out with its authenticity.
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It may be relative Greg. MJB does run omnis after all. U 11s do like some space to the sides, something not possible to the best degree in the FL show. Anyhow, some WBF members were present when Mr. Radialstrahler himself, Wolfgang visited here on his way home to Germany. One of the 5 best he's ever heard was his description of the TechDAS/SAT/Koetsu Singer's Stone Diamond, CH, Ultra 11 system. Considering there are more than 5 X-treme systems, I'll take the compliment LOL. He loved the Francis Albert test pressing by ATI. We listened for almost four hours. Love that guy. Amazing that at over 70 he still races Porches. When I grow up........
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It may be relative Greg. MJB does run omnis after all. U 11s do like some space to the sides, something not possible to the best degree in the FL show. Anyhow, some WBF members were present when Mr. Radialstrahler himself, Wolfgang visited here on his way home to Germany. One of the 5 best he's ever heard was his description of the TechDAS/SAT/Koetsu Singer's Stone Diamond, CH, Ultra 11 system. Considering there are more than 5 X-treme systems, I'll take the compliment LOL. He loved the Francis Albert test pressing by ATI. We listened for almost four hours. Love that guy. Amazing that at over 70 he still races Porches. When I grow up........
You were still vertically bi amping when he visited
I was in the room during one of Lukasz's visits. It was Sunday morning when the E-5's were set up. He sat for a while where the chair had been placed in the front row center, listened for a while, and then started moving his chair closer to the speakers until he found a spot he liked. He listened some more, got up, moved the chair back and told Leif that in that position the E-5's sounded as good as the Ultra 11 (or words to that effect).

I still think the E SE's sound better. ;):cool:
I'm very happy with the ESE
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Yes. It was Annett who got to enjoy her fave opera and orchestra pieces run on Mono mode on her way back from Singapore on to Berlin.

Well, by July..... L10 and M10 monos baby :cool:

Sadly I was working when Lukasz visited Jim. I would have wanted to meet him.
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