DaVa FC-A1 a field coil contender

ti farò un'offerta:

Verrò a casa tua e preparerò il mio per te con il mio alimentatore a valvole per farti divertire per una settimana circa - in cambio sistemami in una bella villa modesta con una bottiglia di vino, formaggio e olive!:)
Thanks kcin. from 26th to 30th June I have the B&B free. I live in the center of Palermo, the B&B is next to my house and it would be a pleasure for me to host you and enjoy a nice long weekend together listening to music, getting around Palermo and also going to my other house to take fantastic baths . Both my wife and I are fantastic cooks and my wine supply is always full. If you tell me I will block reservations for those days. I'm quick to decide because then I don't have a free hole until mid-September
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I will make you an offer:

I will come to your home and set mine up for you with my tube power supply for you to enjoy for a week or so - in exchange just set me up in a nice modest villa with a bottle of wine some cheese and olives! :)

And Italian food
Well I was trying to be funny but you are serious!

I would love to do those dates. However, we are booked for a Canadian West coast vacation right in the middle of that time frame. You know lets take this off line... if I can make September work. Europe would be a nice surprise for my wife!
Sarebbe un piacere per me darti il benvenuto. Inoltre la Sicilia a settembre ha una temperatura spettacolare. sono meno afosi di agosto e Palermo dal punto di vista paesaggistico e monumentale è veramente bella e ha il centro storico più grande d'Europa. a memoria la seconda settimana di settembre dovrebbe essere libera dal 9 al 15
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I will make you an offer:

I will come to your home and set mine up for you with my tube power supply for you to enjoy for a week or so - in exchange just set me up in a nice modest villa with a bottle of wine some cheese and olives! :)
What a generous offer ! :)
Well I was trying to be funny but you are serious!

I would love to do those dates. However, we are booked for a Canadian West coast vacation right in the middle of that time frame. You know lets take this off line... if I can make September work. Europe would be a nice surprise for my wife!
I am sure Leif is willing to sacrifice some of his precious boating time also !:) And he owns every DAVA cartridge ever made ! ;)
If you have the time, spend a few days in Cefalu, try the wines from the Mount Etna region and for dining tutti i frutti del mare...
A thread divergence of the highest caliber — from tongue wagging (keyboard tapping) to invitations for sharing music in a villa in Italy. More threads need to devolve like this!
the funny thing is that I´ve booked a trip with my wife to Taormina, Sicilia for a week in early october :D
for me, as it was in ancient Greece, ξενία (hospitality) is a sacred bond since the stranger who showed up at the door represents a source of cultural enrichment, there is no need to fear what is different from you, because his thought can open you up to new ways of thinking and make you see the world from perspectives you didn't have access to before. if you go to Taormina I recommend you rent a car and go and see places like Noto, Ragusa Ibla and Modica which are true jewels of baroque architecture and why not also Catania. if you then decide to come to Palermo the door of my house is also open.... And no one will take away a dinner based on fantastic delicacies, not to mention an after-dinner based on music and excellent rum
A thread divergence of the highest caliber — from tongue wagging (keyboard tapping) to invitations for sharing music in a villa in Italy. More threads need to devolve like this!
They say do unto others as you would have them do unto you. an excellent example of this way of doing things was Francois Saint-Gerand who just 10 days ago on Sunday hosted me in his atelier making me feel as if I was at home. I correct (I don't have that wonderful array of analogue equipment) better than at home
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@Massimo66 and I have been conversing by PM... Massimo is a true gentleman and enthusiast. It looks like we are going to try to make the DaVa and PSU take a flight to Sicily I am investigating flights and time off work.

While I have met so many nice passionate people in this hobby and I often travel to hear systems- this is the first time I might bounce off NA for a visit!

This is what the hobby is about. Sharing and enjoying.. not the tiresome nattering we often read about in some endless thread... and thanks to Leif for starting it all!
@Massimo66 and I have been conversing by PM... Massimo is a true gentleman and enthusiast. It looks like we are going to try to make the DaVa and PSU take a flight to Sicily I am investigating flights and time off work.

While I have met so many nice passionate people in this hobby and I often travel to hear systems- this is the first time I might bounce off NA for a visit!

This is what the hobby is about. Sharing and enjoying.. not the tiresome nattering we often read about in some endless thread... and thanks to Leif for starting it all!
I truly envy you, not only for the chance to hear Massimo66's system and enjoy his generous hospitality, but to visit Sicily and see its glories past and present. I raise a glass of Tenuta delle Terre Nere to you both. As the French say--profitez bien!
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@Massimo66 and I have been conversing by PM... Massimo is a true gentleman and enthusiast. It looks like we are going to try to make the DaVa and PSU take a flight to Sicily I am investigating flights and time off work.

While I have met so many nice passionate people in this hobby and I often travel to hear systems- this is the first time I might bounce off NA for a visit!

This is what the hobby is about. Sharing and enjoying.. not the tiresome nattering we often read about in some endless thread... and thanks to Leif for starting it all!
thanks Nick for the kind words, after all few of us have what is called absolute pitch and infinite experience to be able to fine-tune our own system, so sharing is the best weapon we have to take those small steps forward which give us so much satisfaction. Hosting another enthusiast of your same hobby is always a great pleasure, if they then bring an object like a DaVa into your home so you can listen to it in your system and give you the opportunity to evaluate the impact that this Cartridge has on your listening environment ... After all, we are all children and a great revolutionary of the past said: "Let the children come to me" and who am I not to follow this magnificent example

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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