Could 'Gravity' Boldly Go Where No Sci-Fi Film Has Gone Before?

steve williams

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By Tom O'Neil | Gold Derby

Could "Gravity" boldly go where no movie of its genre has gone before at the 86th Academy Awards?
Believe it or not, no sci-fi film has ever won the Oscar for Best Picture and only seven have been nominated: "The Tree of Life" (2011), "Inception" (2010), "Avatar" (2009), "District 9" (2009), "E.T: the Extra-Terrestrial" (1982), "Star Wars" (1977), and "A Clockwork Orange" (1971). Science-fiction films may be among Hollywood's most successful – "Avatar" is the biggest U.S. box-office hit ever – but when it comes to those oft-snooty Academy Awards, voters prefer films about real men ("The King's Speech," "Argo") to those starring little blue ones.

The bias is so extreme that even some of the greatest sci-fi flicks of all time – like "2001: A Space Odyssey" (1968) and "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" (1977) – weren't even nominated. One of the few that did break in – "E.T." – ended up suffering an infamous loss to "Gandhi." What gives?
The answer probably has a lot to do with those green aliens and blue men.

When looking over the list of past Oscar Best Picture winners and nominees, one pattern is clear: Voters prefer movies based upon real-life events like "Titanic" (1997) and "A Beautiful Mind" (2001), or at least films with stories that feel quite real, like "Slumdog Millionaire" (2008) and "Million Dollar Baby" (2004).
"Gravity" feels very real, too, and doesn't showcase lizardlike aliens who gobble up Reese's Pieces. It seems more like "The Right Stuff" (1983) and "Apollo 13" (1995) – Best Picture nominees that were set in outer space, yes, but weren't (for the most part) fictional. Alas, "The Right Stuff" lost its Oscar Best Picture race to "Terms of Endearment," and "Apollo 13" got shot down by "Braveheart."

The same bias against sci-fi films seems to afflict fantasy movies, too. In 2001, "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" entered the Oscar derby as the second-biggest grossing film of the year after "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone," and it led with the most nominations (13), followed by "A Beautiful Mind" (8) and "Moulin Rouge!" (8). After it lost Best Picture to "A Beautiful Mind," the next "Rings" installment ("The Two Towers") lost to "Chicago" a year later, and "Ring" fans were getting furious. It's terrifying to think what they may have done if the Oscars hadn't finally relented in 2003 and crowned "The Return of the King."

Similar resistance was dramatically evidenced in the sci-fi genre the year "Star Wars" lost to "Annie Hall." "Star Wars" was not only the box-office champ of 1977, but it reaped awards validation by being voted Best Picture by the Los Angeles Film Critics Association. Heading into the Oscars, it had 10 nominations compared to 11 for "Julia" and "The Turning Point," and only 5 for "Annie Hall." "Star Wars" fans surely must've been getting their hopes up throughout Oscar night as they heard the film's euphoric theme music again and again as it won category after category. The George Lucas-helmed blockbuster earned six awards that night, but not the biggie.

Looking to the future, sci-fi fans have good reason to be hopeful. Even if "Gravity" fails to win Best Picture, there will be plenty of chances for the genre in the coming years. One strong contender in the next race will be “Interstellar,” which features a bevy of past Oscar winners and nominees, including Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Jessica Chastain, and Michael Caine. It’s directed by Christopher Nolan, who helmed “Inception,” so don't be surprised if it picks up more than a few nominations.
Won't happen. The academy loooooooves to take itself very seriously, and they have better opportunities to do so. They've got aids, slavery, government corruption. A Space Odyssey couldn't win this year...oh wait a minute, it didn't win in '68 either. That would have been that classic we all remember so well and watch in disc every year....Oliver. :)

Won't happen. The academy loooooooves to take itself very seriously, and they have better opportunities to do so. They've got aids, slavery, government corruption. A Space Odyssey couldn't win this year...oh wait a minute, it didn't win in '68 either. That would have been that classic we all remember so well and watch in disc every year....Oliver. :)


I am betting on Alfonso Cuaron for Best Director Tim
Surprisingly, "Gravity" left me a bit cold but it's certainly a technical tour de force. I believe the story and acting in '12 Years A Slave' will carry the day. (I thought Steve McQueen's directing was a little heavy handed.) Twenty years from now, Chiwetel Ejiofor's performance will still be considered a marvel and his win will be in part, for a wonderful career of work.

'12 Years' should win Best Picture, Best Actor and Best Supporting Actress, although I wouldn't be shocked if Matthew McConaughey wins Best Actor. (I think 'Dallas Buyers Club' is building momentum and his star turn in 'True Detective' helps his chances). Appropriately, Cuaron will win Best Director, again a recognition for an already amazing career ('A Little Princess', 'Children of Men', 'Y Tu Mama Tambien').
I am betting on Alfonso Cuaron for Best Director Tim

That coud happen. Betting on Academy leanings, I don't think it has a chance at Best Picture, but I haven't seen it. Is it I good enough to overcome all the period picture gravitas it's up against? There's a first time for everything.

How in the world is "The Tree of Life" classified as science fiction? I opened Gravity last night, and will finish it tonight.
I love Gravity, just watched it last night in 3D on my 4K projector, and man what a ride!

Unlike so many SciFi movies, this one is very 'human', as there are no interstellar vilans, or villans of any type for that matter, it is a straight up adventure that happens in near-earth space. The elements and human frailty are the challenges to overcome. All excellenty produced and delivered.

It has more in common with Apolo 13 than any other SciFi movie. So if you liked that, you'll like Gravity. Highly recommended.

FWIW: the bass in the soundtrack is glorious, it is the 'natural' tumping and sounds of objects being manipulated and carried through the conductance of the suits. I hope your Sub goes deep and clean so you can appreciate that. My InfiniteBaffle amazed us with just how realistic these <30hz sounds were during this movie.
Yes. I have watched it twice now. Great movie. Minor spoiler alert. I loved how they did the weightless scenes. In every other space movie people are just gracefully floating hither and tither. In this movie, the slightest action causes a violent reaction.
Won't happen. The academy loooooooves to take itself very seriously, and they have better opportunities to do so. They've got aids, slavery, government corruption. A Space Odyssey couldn't win this year...oh wait a minute, it didn't win in '68 either. That would have been that classic we all remember so well and watch in disc every year....Oliver. :)



Hollywood also loves to vote for itself- see the Artist and Argo. Shameless!
Good morning all. The wife and I were a little slow to watch this movie and with that, I am a tad ashamed. What a great flick!!! Very well done and I think JonFo summed it up quite nicely. This is definitely not your Star Trek or E.T. type movie. We enjoyed it very much and the details were incredible on Blu-Ray. My hat is off to everybody involved with the making of this film.

Looking at the list of accolades from Gravity, I am not surprised one bit at the sheer amount of wins and nominations.


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