13 signs that it's time to leave a trade show

Do you mean CES just for audio? Because I heard (though not from an especially reliable source) that the gaming and personal electronics (e.g. cell phones) areas were quite busy this year?

Whether CES will support specialty audio at the show. After all, it was audio that formed the nucleus for CES back in the beginning.

Actually probably one of the biggest growing areas is the use of electronic gadgets, gizmos and whiz bangs in the fitness arena. Huge...
I thought CES is actually held at the Convention Center. The audio part is sponsored by someone else (S'phile)
I thought CES is actually held at the Convention Center. The audio part is sponsored by someone else (S'phile)

No everything at the Venetian is CES. Mirage is outboarders as is The Show.
The Consumer Electronics Show is organized by the Consumer Electronics Association of USA. Where we exhibit is called the High Performance Audio (HPA) Showcase. It is not, and has never been (as far as I know) organized by Stereophile or any of the magazines. T.H.E. Show is a "leech" that piggy-backs off CES by selling rooms at less than half the price of CES, and non-union drayage. When the HPA was in the Alexis Park and THE Show was in the St. Tropez, it was a 5-minute walk and it made sense.

Now, with the HPA up on the 29th floor of The Venetian, and it can take sometimes half an hour to get an elevator to the ground floor, THE Show being at the Flamingo Hotel doesn't make a huge amount of sense. International distributors who may spend 2 to 3 days in the US won't want to take the hour to walk across. When I make an appointment with an International Distributor, we generally will spend up to 40 minutes together (then they take 20 minutes to walk to the next appointment). Hence, the chances of a random guy walking into your room and be impressed enough to want to take on a new product is extremely low.

The problem with CES is that you have to be a long-time member of CEA and have participated continuously in CES to maintain priority in choosing rooms. I can't take a break for a year or try out THE Show, and then come back the next year. You get pushed to the bottom of the ladder and then are left with the dredges of the rooms. However, given the falling exhibitor rates, that might not be too bad.

It would be interesting to see the attendee audit numbers for this year. Last year (CES2013), there were 51,000 exhibitors and 90,000 attendees. Remember - this is a professional show, and all attendees and exhibitors are supposed to represent companies in the CE space. There were 13,000 registered attendees in the High Performance Audio space.

This is slightly down from CES2012 - 51k exhibitors, 93k attendees, 13k HPA.

If the numbers go down even more for CES2014, it might not make sense to exhibit with our own room in CES2015. We might have to figure on sharing a room with another one/two manufacturers at half or 1/3 the cost. Planning for CES needs to start in March with the booking of the rooms (and placing the deposit)..... and it isn't until Oct/Nov when I know whether I will be able to complete a new product to launch, and start inviting international distributors to come and listen. Tough business.
IMO I just don't feel that audio is best shown at CES. There are better shows for audio only. That's why I didn't attend this year

Like the Magico Ultimate 3 on display looking awe so pretty and unplugged ?
Unless you are hi tech mass market crap....CES is a wasted expense from a high end marketing standpoint. Just business 101, IMO
Like the Magico Ultimate 3 on display looking awe so pretty and unplugged ?
Unless you are hi tech mass market crap....CES is a wasted expense from a high end marketing standpoint. Just business 101, IMO

This! I never understood the connection between CES and high end audio.
This! I never understood the connection between CES and high end audio.

High end audio/audio started CES many, many years ago to promote the industry at large. Along the way money talked, times changed and the purview of the show changed. Remember that CES is run by a huge organization CEA:

Thanks !:)
Many times I've watched live converge from CES.... plenty of TV's, personal gadgets and such but no mention at all of anything "high-end audio".
The funny thing is, growing up in Singapore, the dream was always to own a Swiss watch, drink French wines, drive a German car, and own American hifi.

Fascinating...though -- I must concede a predilection for Italian marques :cool: ;)
12. Little New Blood: If every attendee is gray haired and already knows each other,then the show is not going to be sustainable in the long run. (See Sign #8, about Social Media)

That's funny Gary, who do you think is roaming the halls here?

Don't just blame CES and no, its not all Bush's fault either. Stop offering the same old, same old, if you're looking for new blood, otherwise for the most part its either the same old greying guys (if they still have any hair left!) who either had it and don't want it anymore or those who wanted it but never can afford it. It was the same even back then in Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. The hi-end dealer/distributors sold to a small network of friendly high net worth individuals with grey hairs and their adult children, but had to make their money selling mass market boutique brands like JBL, BA, etc. to the public. Only unlike a manufacturer they could change brands after a few sales. Things have changed and are evolving, the old business models don't work and if you think 25k is expensive now just wait until obamacare, this admin's energy regulations and the butt end of their fiscal policies hit us in the next couple of years. Vegas is all union and they will drive up all costs, I guarantee at least 40k in expenses for the same deal in 2-3 years for now. Europe went through this phase and became irrelevant, Munich is just emerging as the US is waning following the same socialist policies. I remember spending $100k to $150k in the 90s for some of those European shows before pulling out. I couldn't blame the venue, it wasn't working for us so we changed our marketing strategy and spent those resources on direct, face to face approach which ended up working very well for us.

I don't know what you expect but in every country there's only one or maybe two real major hi-end distributors and they're loaded with products, the rest are hand to mouth operators with small market shares who fall off after a few sales and you're forced to start looking for fresh blood as you put it all over again. Even the many of the old movers and shakers that existed here like Lyric and Singer have gone away or are slowly disappearing. For the most part those who remain have to either compete with some new faces, the importer vendors that know how sell into the audiophile markets at a fraction of the imaginary retail prices or with the manufacturers who need to make a certain amount of direct sales at trade or often at even lower prices just to survive. Maybe you need to take a breath and look for alternatives to CES and the old ways of distribution. At this point you have a number of options open to you.

That's funny Gary, who do you think is roaming the halls here?

Don't just blame CES and no, its not all Bush's fault either. Stop offering the same old, same old, if you're looking for new blood, otherwise for the most part its either the same old greying guys (if they still have any hair left!) who either had it and don't want it anymore or those who wanted it but never can afford it. It was the same even back then in Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. The hi-end dealer/distributors sold to a small network of friendly high net worth individuals with grey hairs and their adult children, but had to make their money selling mass market boutique brands like JBL, BA, etc. to the public. Only unlike a manufacturer they could change brands after a few sales. Things have changed and are evolving, the old business models don't work and if you think 25k is expensive now just wait until obamacare, this admin's energy regulations and the butt end of their fiscal policies hit us in the next couple of years. Vegas is all union and they will drive up all costs, I guarantee at least 40k in expenses for the same deal in 2-3 years for now. Europe went through this phase and became irrelevant, Munich is just emerging as the US is waning following the same socialist policies. I remember spending $100k to $150k in the 90s for some of those European shows before pulling out. I couldn't blame the venue, it wasn't working for us so we changed our marketing strategy and spent those resources on direct, face to face approach which ended up working very well for us.

I don't know what you expect but in every country there's only one or maybe two real major hi-end distributors and they're loaded with products, the rest are hand to mouth operators with small market shares who fall off after a few sales and you're forced to start looking for fresh blood as you put it all over again. Even the many of the old movers and shakers that existed here like Lyric and Singer have gone away or are slowly disappearing. For the most part those who remain have to either compete with some new faces, the importer vendors that know how sell into the audiophile markets at a fraction of the imaginary retail prices or with the manufacturers who need to make a certain amount of direct sales at trade or often at even lower prices just to survive. Maybe you need to take a breath and look for alternatives to CES and the old ways of distribution. At this point you have a number of options open to you.


Spare us the political commentary.
Do you have to politicize everything David? 60 posts on WBF and every single one is about pushing your political agenda.

I'm not American, and this was a discussion about the efficacy of trade shows.

I merely stated some facts Gary in reply to your complaint of rising costs of CES, and its not my political agenda being pushed here. Sorry if that's how you see it.

Here's my point,

There are many more hi-end audio companies than there are competent distributors and with the demise of the traditional high end stores their markets are also shrinking or in flux. Only in China and a few other places that you still see some growth. Maybe that's what's affecting your business more than what CES organizers could ever deliver. The traditional sales chain is changing and the old models aren't working for everyone like they used to. Its a good time to think outside the box.

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