Converting original master tapes to hi res - What are the steps?


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2010
Does anyone know what needs to be done to convert the original master tapes to be available as hi resolution downloads? Thanks
We have been doing this for a long time. We just finished Peter McGrath's master tape transfers.

1. What is the condition of the tapes? If they are late '70s Ampex, they need to be baked to reformulate the binding.

2. If they are fragile and wound tails out, you'll need to hand-wind them to the supply reel, because any tension may break any edit points.

3. You need a good transfer machine. The best are Studer A80/820 or ATR-102, calibrated to the test tones (if included) on the tapes.

4. Next you'll need a great A-D. We use Digital Audio Denmark, EMM Labs and Grimm

5. You'll need something to capture to. Usually this will be a computer with software. We use Sonoma and Pyramix workstations and capture either at DSD or DXD rates.

Did I miss something??
Hey Bruce, by reading your message recalled about the test tone calibration for my RS1700. Will do it upon my return. Found bunch of 24/96, 24/192 on local site here in Russia. Some guys here are doing A-D conversion from LPs and published for free download. Some are my favorites and sound much better that CDs for sure. Though sources and converters are not as good as yours. Cheers!
Hey Andrew, welcome to the forum!! How are you doing in Siberia?

There are a lot of bit torrent high rez from Russia - but most of those are illegal.

Hey Gary, good to hear from you! Yep... I am still in Siberia yet. Will drop you email... :))
We have been doing this for a long time. We just finished Peter McGrath's master tape transfers.

1. What is the condition of the tapes? If they are late '70s Ampex, they need to be baked to reformulate the binding.

2. If they are fragile and wound tails out, you'll need to hand-wind them to the supply reel, because any tension may break any edit points.

3. You need a good transfer machine. The best are Studer A80/820 or ATR-102, calibrated to the test tones (if included) on the tapes.

4. Next you'll need a great A-D. We use Digital Audio Denmark, EMM Labs and Grimm

5. You'll need something to capture to. Usually this will be a computer with software. We use Sonoma and Pyramix workstations and capture either at DSD or DXD rates.

Did I miss something??

Thanks. As a blues junky, I occasionally run into the owner of Alligator records at the shows. He was surprised when I was asking him about making hi rez available for downloads. What are the costs involved? Does one need to purchase a lot of equipment?

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