Armchair Engineering!

Bruce B

WBF Founding Member, Pro Audio Production Member
Apr 25, 2010
Snohomish, WA
Guess I'm an "Armchair Engineer" now! I've been called worse though. I looked up "Bruce Brown" at All Music and found 9 of us! The version that Chris Connaker gives has 9 entries. Wonder what I've been doing the past 20 years with all that free time? Hell... I did over 2 dozen just for FIM! Too bad All Music dot com is a poor database. Even has me doing mastering in 1983!
A list of some of my clients can be found "HERE". I don't do this for accolades nor to get rich. Sorry it has come to this, but Chris and I had a "disagreement" some time ago and he's been trying to discredit me since. I may not be a Doug Sax or Steve Hoffman, but the dedication and professionalism that I put in my work is beyond reproach.
Guess I'm an "Armchair Engineer" now! I've been called worse though. I looked up "Bruce Brown" at All Music and found 9 of us! The version that Chris Connaker gives has 9 entries. Wonder what I've been doing the past 20 years with all that free time? Hell... I did over 2 dozen just for FIM! Too bad All Music dot com is a poor database. Even has me doing mastering in 1983!
A list of some of my clients can be found "HERE". I don't do this for accolades nor to get rich. Sorry it has come to this, but Chris and I had a "disagreement" some time ago and he's been trying to discredit me since. I may not be a Doug Sax or Steve Hoffman, but the dedication and professionalism that I put in my work is beyond reproach.

Hey Bruce:

Interesting! For the record, it may be true as a database Allmusic leaves something to be desired, but as a music review and reference site, it is pretty hard to beat.

Too bad about you and Connaker. I have never had any interaction with him, but I know he thinks pretty highly of himself and his opinions. Not to say I don't like his site, I

Can you disclose why he had a tizzy fit?
Sounds like an asset to me to be banned from CA

I think the whole idea of an eminent self proclaimed guru ruling over a so called "forum" is a joke.

So it seems membership on some "forums" depends on whether one marches in time with the wholly teachings of the over seer.

A true forum promotes (hopefully) polite but spirited discourse with numerous opposing sides. I always
believe you can learn from people who disagree with you.
---I use a lot in my links ( as well), and I know all the places (websites) where there are music reviews.
This is a general site, an ensemble, and it ain't better or worst than the next one. IMO

* Being banned from certain sites (forums of the Internet) is indeed a high privilege, a beneficial asset. Rejoice, embrace a newer & higher level of true freedom & spirit. :b
...You can now truly advance in life by frequenting better destinations, with better people.
Ya bet! :b

-> My sig is where one of my true good sources is (audaud).
I've been called worse here and elsewhere. Eventually I cool down and realize letting the Internet rule my life, or even my emotions, is ridiculous. My credibility and reputation is founded on far more than a few posts on the 'net. Fortunately!!!

The Internet Experts have infinite time and energy to track down and refute everything you have ever done, argue every point, find and poke microholes in every post. As for me, I have work to do, and need to get back to practicing.
Guess I'm an "Armchair Engineer" now! I've been called worse though. I looked up "Bruce Brown" at All Music and found 9 of us! The version that Chris Connaker gives has 9 entries. Wonder what I've been doing the past 20 years with all that free time? Hell... I did over 2 dozen just for FIM! Too bad All Music dot com is a poor database. Even has me doing mastering in 1983!
A list of some of my clients can be found "HERE". I don't do this for accolades nor to get rich. Sorry it has come to this, but Chris and I had a "disagreement" some time ago and he's been trying to discredit me since. I may not be a Doug Sax or Steve Hoffman, but the dedication and professionalism that I put in my work is beyond reproach.

Bruce, where can I order one of those armchairs? They seem to be working pretty well.
I asked Chris to clarify if he really was calling you an "armchair engineer", he crawfished and denied it. That's Lou/Tex speak for attempting to withdraw oneself from a conversation after putting foot in mouth. :p

I guess everyone else on this forum is the "armchair engineer" and you Bruce are the head "armchair engineer." I'm glad we have that all sorted out. :D

We should form a society called the Armchair Engineering Society (AES for short).
I would join your new AES but I remain quite busy in my Monday Morning Quarterback club.

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