You Are Not Special

"Read, as a matter of principal...." Words like this is why I am an engineer and not a writer. What talent it takes to be so eloquent. So much wisdom parlayed at such an opportune time for the audience members.... Thanks for posting it. Was a wonderful thing to read and take in on this Sunday morning.
Predictably. I disagree. Each and everyone of us is created in the image of god. We have a unique DNA structure. There will be bit one of us throughout infinity. Even the most deformed baby is superior to any being in the universe. The notion that we are not special has led us to be canon fodder, slaves, whores, drug addicts, abused spouses, alcoholics, thieves, cheats, adulterers and,on and on. I suppose then how you view it depends on what side of life you are on. I spent my life convincing people they are special and that there transgressions are not unique.

Those who want to manipulate us often regret that we are to smart or have to much self -esteem to carry out their plans. I think the question is not, are we special. Surely each and everyone of is. Rather what privileges and responsibilities come with being special.

Each and every one of you are special and unique. Don't ever let anyone convince you otherwise. If you do I promise you either they or their proxy will be back to take something from you. History is my proof.

I hope this not too serious for a Monday evening or a hobbyist forum.
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Predictably. I disagree. Each and everyone of us is created in the image of god. We have a unique DNA structure. There will be bit one of us throughout infinity. Even the most deformed baby is superior to any being in the universe. The notion that we are not special has led us to be canon fodder, slaves, whores, drug addicts, abused spouses, alcoholics, thieves, cheats, adulterers and,on and on. I suppose then how you view it depends on what side of life you are on. I spent my life convincing people they are special and that there transgressions are not unique.

Those who want to manipulate us often regret that we are to smart or have to much self -esteem to carry out their plans. I think the question is not, are we special. Surely each and everyone of is. Rather what privileges and responsibilities come with being special.

Each and every one of you are special and unique. Don't ever let anyone convince you otherwise. If you do I promise you either they or their proxy will be back to take something from you. History is my proof.

I hope this not too serious for a Monday evening or a hobbyist forum.

Okay, but I'm not special. I know because my wife tells me so all the time! ;)
Predictably. I disagree. Each and everyone of us is created in the image of god. We have a unique DNA structure. There will be bit one of us throughout infinity. Even the most deformed baby is superior to any being in the universe. The notion that we are not special has led us to be canon fodder, slaves, whores, drug addicts, abused spouses, alcoholics, thieves, cheats, adulterers and,on and on. I suppose then how you view it depends on what side of life you are on. I spent my life convincing people they are special and that there transgressions are not unique.

Those who want to manipulate us often regret that we are to smart or have to much self -esteem to carry out their plans. I think the question is not, are we special. Surely each and everyone of is. Rather what privileges and responsibilities come with being special.

Each and every one of you are special and unique. Don't ever let anyone convince you otherwise. If you do I promise you either they or their proxy will be back to take something from you. History is my proof.

I hope this not too serious for a Monday evening or a hobbyist forum.
Did you watch the video Greg? Because that is not his point. His point is that stop acting like a kid thinking you are great already because your parents praised you and such. He is setting them up to go and work hard from then on to actually become someone special. While this is the tag line for his speech, there is tons more that is unrelated to this point.
Did you watch the video Greg? Because that is not his point. His point is that stop acting like a kid thinking you are great already because your parents praised you and such. He is setting them up to go and work hard from then on to actually become someone special. While this is the tag line for his speech, there is tons more that is unrelated to this point.

To amplify on Amir's insight; from the address:

“But, Dave,” you cry, “Walt Whitman tells me I’m my own version of perfection! Epictetus tells me I have the spark of Zeus!” And I don’t disagree. So that makes 6.8 billion examples of perfection, 6.8 billion sparks of Zeus. You see, if everyone is special, then no one is. If everyone gets a trophy, trophies become meaningless. In our unspoken but not so subtle Darwinian competition with one another–which springs, I think, from our fear of our own insignificance, a subset of our dread of mortality — we have of late, we Americans, to our detriment, come to love accolades more than genuine achievement. We have come to see them as the point — and we’re happy to compromise standards, or ignore reality, if we suspect that’s the quickest way, or only way, to have something to put on the mantelpiece, something to pose with, crow about, something with which to leverage ourselves into a better spot on the social totem pole. No longer is it how you play the game, no longer is it even whether you win or lose, or learn or grow, or enjoy yourself doing it… Now it’s “So what does this get me?” As a consequence, we cheapen worthy endeavors, and building a Guatemalan medical clinic becomes more about the application to Bowdoin than the well-being of Guatemalans.
Okay, but I'm not special. I know because my wife tells me so all the time! ;)
And yet she picked you to spend her life with.:b
Did you watch the video Greg? Because that is not his point. His point is that stop acting like a kid thinking you are great already because your parents praised you and such. He is setting them up to go and work hard from then on to actually become someone special. While this is the tag line for his speech, there is tons more that is unrelated to this point.

He is not the originator of this line of thought. It took guts to do it at a H.S. Commencementt ceremony.

Rather than make a detailed argument Amiir Google some stats.

H.S. drop out riates
Teen pregnacy rates 39.3 /1000 age 16-19. A CDC study showed that only 50 percent of teen moms will get a high school diploma by the age of 22, HealthPop reported.

Teen drug addiction rates
Juveniles who recieve life without parole snetences
Teens who have HIV
Teens who join gangs because they think gangs are thier family.

I would wager those who completed and excelled in H.S thought they were special and equal to ther task.
I have defended thousand s of person accused of crimes. While not unanaimous the overwhelming number dropped out of school somwhere before high school graduation.

A better approach IMO. You are special. Because you are special much is required of you. It worked for me .
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I like quirky commencement addresses...this one was just given by a writer for "The Simpsons". As a parent preparing to send a child off to college, this gave me a chuckle...

"Thank you, President and Trustees.

I have to confess that coming here to speak today raised a question in my mind: Now that high-school students are so accomplished and work so hard, would I even be admitted today to this eminent liberal arts school, from which I graduated 25 years ago? I was curious enough about this that I contacted an admissions officer here. I asked her to dig up my old application and give me a quick opinion.

This turned out to be a grave mistake. Not only was her answer "absolutely not," but a few days later I received a letter informing me that I had been retroactively denied admission to my own alma mater. To make matters worse, they culled through the entire cabinet of applications from my year and decided to revoke admission for 73% of my classmates.

If that includes any parents here today, I'm really sorry. I've printed out the non-admit list, and after my speech I'll nail it to the door of our 300-year-old memorial church, which has recently been transformed into the student-run coffee shop Jitters and Beans.

If it happens that you're on the list, you will have the opportunity to reapply, so you'll probably want to work on bulking up your application right away. A good start would be to show up tomorrow at 8 a.m. for dorm cleaning crew. And maybe this summer you'll want to get an unpaid internship at the charity that you pretend to care about the most.

My own sudden lack of credentials caused me to reflect on the fact that I—and apparently most of your parents—couldn't hold a candle to you when we were applying to college. So I want to pay tribute to the spectacular collection of new graduates sitting here today.

In high school you were National Merit Scholars, student council presidents and captains of your fencing teams. You took dozens of practice SATs, practiced viola for thousands of hours (violinists are a dime a dozen) and French-braided the hair of homeless veterans.

You masterfully tied together a set of emotional symptoms that looked enough like attention deficit disorder to buy you extra time on all your finals and standardized tests. Plus, you got to take the exams in special quiet rooms, where a test facilitator would sharpen the pencils outside, because the grinding sound triggered your acute sensory overload. (Which somehow didn't preclude your part-time summer job at Blenders Juicery.)

You hired private college advisers to read your essays and hone your interview skills. Just think back to those valuable sessions where you learned to practically leap out of the chair talking about your passion for writing one-act plays in Cherokee, or how your heart raced that summer on the Mongolian steppes when you first spotted an ovoo monitor lizard, once thought to be extinct. And you learned to deftly walk the college interviewer through your many achievements while still showing carefully modulated self-effacement: "Yes, I helped design the CO2 scrubber that will save humanity from global warming, but it was totally a team effort."

Then you arrived at this great institution, where you dabbled in a couple of your passions, only to quit them after freshman year because you found new ones: playing hundreds of rounds of "Settlers of Catan" and having long debates into the night over which Stark son is hotter on "Game of Thrones."

The keys of your $20,000 Powell flute became rusted shut after it was put to use as a bong for the last two years. Your Wilson Pro H22 tennis racquet quickly became a drying rack for your underwear once you found out that the college tennis team was filled with power-hitting recruits from Estonia and the Ukraine who could knock a flash drive off the top of your head with a backhand.

So you relaxed into college life—a well-deserved break after the exhausting race to get here. You've spent four years percolating in a warm stew of beer, gender studies and online pornography—which led to the subject of your senior thesis, "Jacobean Dramatic Tropes in Modern 'Massage Surprise' Videos."

Fortunately, your parents, who had become so accustomed to guiding you through the myriad decisions you had to make to get into this place, have been able to stay in constant smartphone contact. You've been able to call them when you were at the salad bar and couldn't remember which salad dressing you like. You were able to email them your sociology paper—and luckily, Dad's colleague Elliot at the firm had an M.A. in sociology and was able to make a few helpful suggestions, such as the central argument, supporting evidence and the pull-it-all-together conclusion.

Mostly, though, you've spent your last four years being ... well, at home.

When I said goodbye to my son at freshman drop-off day, I was thrown into a black despair over how much I'd miss him. But as it turned out, he had so few weeks of actually being at college that I never had time to miss him. Misty-eyed, when the rest of the family was having dinner, I'd say, "I wonder what Johnny's doing right now," and then I'd hear him call from the family room, "I'm watching 'Arrested Development.'"

But let's not understate the big achievements you've racked up during the 70 or so days you've actually spent on campus. The first, and perhaps finest accomplishment, is having persuaded your parents to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to extend your childhood for four years.

Let's also not forget how hard you've worked to find something to protest against. In my day, it was apartheid in South Africa. In yours, it's championing people who wanted the God-given right to use a gender-neutral bathroom. Thrillingly, you petitioned the President and Trustees and won: Now guys can make both bathrooms on every dorm floor equally disgusting.

But there is another huge achievement that your generation will take away from college. A great stroke of genius that you have collectively devised, marshaling all of the intelligence and drive that got you admitted here in the first place: the hookup culture.

You've had vast amounts of sex—weekends upon weekends of bed-swapping that began on Thursday nights. There is not a single bed, couch, lab counter, library desk, football end zone, university founder's statue, Henry Moore sculpture or monkey research cage on top of which you, the outstanding class of 2013, haven't copulated.

And you young straight men, in particular, have had amazing advantages. This school, like every other liberal arts institution today, is 60% women. Factor in a gay population of 8% to 10%, and the odds were massively, groaningly in your favor.

In my day, the male/female ratio was 50-50. Sadly, it was decades before women saw "The Social Network" and realized that by inviting the awkward kid next to them at the cafeteria's gluten-free station to bed, they could get in on the ground floor of a Zuckerberg or even a Winklevoss.

We didn't have a hookup culture. We had a dating culture. And even that was a culture I was on the periphery of, much like Jane Goodall watching chimpanzees through binoculars—hopeful that the chimps would invite her over but more terrified that they would rip her face off.

So I stand here, looking at this beautiful, 60% female crowd, and wonder what the hookup culture would have meant to me if I'd been in school today. I suspect it would have given me many more opportunities to be the only person not having sex.

I want all of you to take a moment and honor yourselves for this signature sexual revolution. Take heart in the idea that no matter how hard things get, no matter what failures you endure, you will always have the memories of the night when you and a drunk sophomore did it on top of two passed-out lacrosse players.

Unfortunately, those are memories you'll have to cling to a lot, because here is your dilemma: You, the best-prepared college generation ever, have just spent four of the most formative years of your lives in an environment that's the exact opposite of the real world. Every room you've walked into here was filled with ambitious, fascinating people who shared your interests in which pizza places took online orders and what your zombie kill count was in "Call of Duty: Black Ops II."

Your life has been a nonstop ride of work, study and fun. Now, though, you're about to walk out of those iron gates and … what? You're headed into the most challenging labor market of the last 80 years.

Because you're driven and have been told over and over in speeches like this one to follow your passion, you're going to write eye-catching job query letters and send them with bulging resumes to the heads of Greenpeace, the Aspen Music Festival, ESPN, the Clinton Global Initiative, "The Colbert Report" and Tesla Motors TSLA +2.49%.

That will take three days. Then you're going to have months and possibly years of free time ahead of you. Free time that you won't know how to fill, because you've never really had any before.

Here's where I'd like to give you some concrete suggestions. One: Write a movie or graphic novel (six months, minimum) and then put it on Kickstarter, asking for $25,000 to put it into production. That will give you another t30 days to track the progress of your contributions from friends and relatives, who secretly hope your goal won't be reached so they won't have to fork over the money, read your book or see your film.

Idea two: On the social media app Foursquare, a person who spends the most time in a venue becomes its "mayor." Achieve this distinction at your local Starbucks, SBUX +0.46%beating out the guy who's constantly on his cellphone trying to sell medical office furniture and the woman in the corner who makes doll house furniture out of wooden coffee stirrers.

Idea three: Constantly monitor news sites for breaking stories and then try to be the first to tweet an edgy joke about what's happening. Speed is of the essence here, because within minutes others will carpet bomb the same territory with comedy, but if you're first out of the gate, you'll get the retweets. This won't land you a job or get you paid, but you can't underestimate bragging rights at friends' engagement parties.

A final idea is to go to the least expensive graduate school you can find and just hunker down. You'll want to look as young as possible when actual good jobs come in three to seven years and you're competing against new grads, so try not to get any wrinkles—stay out of the sun and don't smoke or react facially to anything, even if the Cubs win the World Series or if they find out that Amelia Earhart ate her navigator Fred Noonan.

I know that I haven't given you the keys to happiness in this speech today, but what more can you expect from someone who's just lost his B.A.? I believe that because most commencement speakers have been so successful, they think they can identify the ingredients that led them to success. But they tend to discount the major role that simple good fortune and timing played in their prosperity. So I advise you to ignore all the clichés of the typical commencement speech and do what your generation does best: get lucky."
Predictably. I disagree. Each and everyone of us is created in the image of god. We have a unique DNA structure. There will be bit one of us throughout infinity. Even the most deformed baby is superior to any being in the universe. The notion that we are not special has led us to be canon fodder, slaves, whores, drug addicts, abused spouses, alcoholics, thieves, cheats, adulterers and,on and on. I suppose then how you view it depends on what side of life you are on. I spent my life convincing people they are special and that there transgressions are not unique.

Those who want to manipulate us often regret that we are to smart or have to much self -esteem to carry out their plans. I think the question is not, are we special. Surely each and everyone of is. Rather what privileges and responsibilities come with being special.

Each and every one of you are special and unique. Don't ever let anyone convince you otherwise. If you do I promise you either they or their proxy will be back to take something from you. History is my proof.

I hope this not too serious for a Monday evening or a hobbyist forum.


Thank you. While I'm not sure that the point of his address was to necessarily disagree with your position, I personally needed to be reminded that I am special as are my children and grandchildren and spouse and relatives and ....

Psalm 139:14 says "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, ....."

And If I'm a "wonderful" creation of God, I'm good enough for me.

Thanks again :)
I'm sure there is wisdom in the address or it wouldn't have drawn the attention of such a quality group. But the title stops me dead in my tracks, not because it is unexpected, but because it has become so common. I am confused, alarmed and more than a little disturbed by the current backlash against being kind to our children. Do the people who spout this nonsense really believe that one too many pats on the back, and a plastic trophy for participating in some suburban strip mall martial arts class is going to demotivate a generation? Do they really think this generation lacks the former's 60-hour a week committment to, it's slow climb up career, not because "career" no longer has a committment to them beyond the next round of right-sizing, but because their parents were too nice to them?

No. They really don't. They're not that dumb. And neither are the kids they're talking to. So they should drop the shock and awe. It's no longer shocking and it was never smart, much less awesome. They should cut straigt to the wisdom if they've got any to offer. Put it right in the title. Let me know right off that they've got something to say that's better than "kids these days." Then I'll watch the video.

Wow! This thread has laid dormant for almost a year and like a 100+ year old house undergoing renovations, the spirits have sprung to 'life.' I'm all for building self-esteem in children and not beating them down mentally. I do think there is point where a line is crossed and some parents make their children think they are truly outstanding, superior, and geniuses even when there is nothing to remotely suggest that might be true. At some point in their lives, they will figure out the truth after they have discovered that their false sense of entitlement and superiority has been shattered by the reality of life.
David McCullough's speech was horrible. NOT because he said the students weren't special but because it was simply full of cliches and uninteresting anecdotes.

George Carlin said essentially the same thing in a much more interesting manner:

Warning to those with virgin ears, this contains his usual use of four letter words:

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