Who are the most talented individuals working in the high end audio industry today?

I would say it is Andy Grove at Audio Note UK. No question he is the best transformer designer in the world and with equipment that expensive he probably has a lot of latitude to experiment. The Audio Note equipment with all of the silver is very organic and natural sound.
Have you heard his latest speaker?:rolleyes:

No, I would only have space for his book shelf CRM-2 speakers on my desktop. The issue is they really need some room for the side firing drivers and my desktop is too cramped. I use forward firing JBL's instead. It really gets me because in that system I have a Sunifre TG3 preamp and a Carver AV 505 amp. I would really like to add Sunfire speakers. I just use it for two channel and it sounds great. You can see the processor on the desk that supports my components and the amp with the rack handles on the floor:
Desktop 2.jpg
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DESIGNER(S): Henry Kloss/David Hafler

JOURNALIST: Julian Hirsch :D
My take:

Designer: Jurgen Ries from MBL.

Rationale: I am biased for multi-talented people, and this guy can design great speakers and amplification and digital.

Writing: Valin from TAS.

Rationale: Whereas the vast majority of writers are limited by a poverty of words to describe the experience that High End Audio really is - and fail miserably, Valin is able to cast a spell on his readers that makes them feel the realism and presence of real musicians conjured up by the gear he is writing about. It is really too bad for audio fans that his tastes are analytical/ "transparency to source", which greatly limits his productivity for many fans due to his gear selections. Yet I'm not sure if there is anyone even close in their ability to create this believability and shape the brand story that really helps sell the gear

Business/ Sales/ Marketing: Tie between Alon Wolf and Paul McGowan.

Rationale: Wolf because he has been able to capture the "best engineered speakers" segment of the hobby and McGowan because he is a great salesman/ marketer that has delivered excellent digital, amps, and preamp that is nearly world class at a fraction of the price of what others consider "best there is"

Who do you guys choose? And Why?

Funny how everybody seems to nominate those who have done little (or nothing) to significantly advance the industry's actual performance levels.

Sure those nominated are most/all good-to-excellent designers. But you will not find a name among any of those mentioned in this thread (or any other thread) that has actually stood the industry on its ear from a real performance perspective in the past 40 - 50 years.

IMO, just more evidence that the "high-end" audio industry remains very much in its infancy stages from a performance perspective. And if that is true, is there really any other perspective worth our consideration?
Yes, they may be on to something. But again at this juncture we're talking fidelity (performance), not phenomena. At least I thought we were.

Have you tried it? Does it clearly sound closer to the live performance than your traditional playback system?
No, I did not try it. And it wasn't created to sound closer to the live music experience; a great hi-end sound system @ home can't be beat by a pair of new designed headphones, @ least not yet.

I simply posted it for something new in the audio/music reproduction on the go...the age of our young generation. ...And with a technological touch; from this article: ? https://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/feature/2437811/the-future-of-audio-technology

My first post of this thread remains; there are many great audio designers, speaker builders, subwoofers, and great audio reviewers/writers, and audio strategists marketers pitchers in the last fifty years or so. To just enumerate few wouldn't be representative of all the efforts made by several.

I just give you this for example: Dolby Atmos, DTS:X and Auro-3D for the multichannel movie/music immersive sound experience in just the last couple years.
It was a joint effort by a group of people, working together. To me this is optimized sound improvement, and it opened an amazing amount of higher performing possibilities.
The tools are in place; now the mastering art of real 3D sound immersion is taking ground and sky control with experience, with maitrise.
The music scores and sound effects are in the hands of the sound mixing/recording engineer/acoustician professional craftsmen. It's not only with audio from films but also with audio from music video concerts and music recordings without moving pictures. And it's not only in mono and in stereo but also with 3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12 ...multichannel audio.

The people who mastered the stereo music recordings with high quality sound, who capture the essence of the magic moment on tape, vinyl, CD, hi-res are the ones who also deserved a big chunk of credit in the last ten years or so. The people who produce superior quality music recordings on SACD, DSD, Pure Audio on Blu-ray, XRCD, Japan, Sweeden, Germany, ...and using superior materials and techniques...45 LPs, 180gr vinyls, care in the making, in the machinery, the hand-made, etc.

So it's not just the guys and the gals with good skills in audio engineering, good ears, meticulous designs with the best up-to-date implementations of analog and digital audio components, and mechanical sound reproducers...drivers and speaker enclosures and crossovers and quality audio cables and audio racks and sound treatments and power generators and noise cancelers and isolation platforms and incredible TT designs, cartridges, phono stages, record cleaning machines, DACs, upsamplers, room EQ systems, acoustical optimization, low frequencies balance, ...etc., who contribute to the entire audio chain, but also the music software we play from our source components. ...Yes the music recordings first and foremost...because music matters, because good quality sound matters. And without good artist music players and fine tuning the controls @ the sound mixing control/board, all other parts of the audio chain won't matter much @ the end. The magic starts right there, right here. I know it, you know it, they know it, we all know it.

And tomorrow morning I will be @ the controls of the sound mixing board for my professional musician friend. This is the testing setting rehearsal. And Friday is the real live event. Then I'll be the master volume control adjuster, on Q from the master performer in that venue and its audience of the moment.

...Lots of talented individuals in this all audio love affair.
There are many great people out there helping us all take our systems to much better places.

A couple that seem to be on the crest of the wave...

Alon Wolf for Magico - as both a market and design leader his formula for advancing the state of the art in speaker design has proven fairly remarkable. It's been quite a curvy road but the latest M series speakers surely stand as absolute proof of the value of his ideals.

Lukasz Fikus for Lampizator - once again single minded vision and persistence even though it's such a different approach to Alon Wolf but he certainly has been building a backlog of big wins for both DSD and getting stronger all the time with PCM and bringing the quality right down through the range.
I would choose two guys, whose products I use:

David Berning in the USA: His products exude a certain no nonsense that is altogether swept away when listening to them: Gracious, fast, cheeky, and if driven in Battery mode: Superb.

Serge Schmidlin in Switzerland: Serge exels in integrated thinking. Whoever has heard a system of his will agree. there is nothing missing. I own - again - amplification of his, and would rate it the best in its way. And his ways are certainly completely different!

Both of them have lots of people who simply don't understand what they are on about. Me, I am just a violinist and therefore stick to what I hear.
I would choose two guys, whose products I use:

David Berning in the USA: His products exude a certain no nonsense that is altogether swept away when listening to them: Gracious, fast, cheeky, and if driven in Battery mode: Superb.

Serge Schmidlin in Switzerland: Serge exels in integrated thinking. Whoever has heard a system of his will agree. there is nothing missing. I own - again - amplification of his, and would rate it the best in its way. And his ways are certainly completely different!

Both of them have lots of people who simply don't understand what they are on about. Me, I am just a violinist and therefore stick to what I hear.

Berning is very talented and his gear is terrific.
Berning is very talented and his gear is terrific.

Yep. Berning, Jussi Laako, Damien Plisson, Hiroyuki Yokota, the MBL people, Koch, John Swenson, Thorsten Loesch, the Spectral Audio people, Dietmar Brauer, the Merging people, Vincent Brient, Susumu Sakuma, Lukasz Ficus, Gregor @ Veracity Audio, the Aries Cerat people, Kimura, Kunusoki, Kondo, etc...

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