Taiko's surprisingly poor customer service

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Jan 23, 2023
Taiko’s customer service has, so far for me, been TERRIBLE, far below an industry leader like Magico. I placed an order with Suncoast, a Taiko dealer in Tampa FL, which may also be part of the problem. Taiko estimated an 8 week wait time, and they shipped out right on time. Then everything fell apart. First Taiko used DHL, which may be carrier of choice overseas, but has less than a third of Fedex’s market share in the USA. Two boxes, an Extreme and an Isolation base, were shipped out from Taiko on the same day, but oddly with the SAME tracking number (two separate piece numbers but that doesn’t seem to matter). Both boxes left Amsterdam Feb 24th. DHL shipped the Extreme through Brussels and was in Atlanta on Feb 25th – where it has been for 14 days (2 weeks – a quarter of the time it took to build the unit). Imagine how many times in two weeks this sensitive piece of equipment has been moved, stacked, and otherwise mishandled. The Isolation base for some unknown reason was shipped through Leipzig Germany and was in Cincinnati on Feb 26th. Why were the two boxes sent to two different locations? Cincinnati is nowhere near Florida.

On Feb 24th (the day the items were shipped from Amsterdam) I received my first text from DHL that estimated a March 1st delivery date and said “Customs clearance status updated. Note - The Customs clearance process may start while the shipment is in transit to the destination”, one text referencing Cincy and one referencing Atlanta. OK fine seems clear enough. Then I get text messages saying there was an Atlanta clearance event and another text that it was processed for clearance. On Feb 27th I received a DHL text indicating Cincy is on hold, but without any reason provided. Two days later I finally get a text from DHL with a link requesting that I (not Taiko, not Suncoast) complete a US Dept of Agriculture form requesting an HTS # (no clue what that is), a plant scientific name, country of harvest, percent recycled etc. Needless to say, I have no idea how to complete this form. I forwarded this text to Suncoast on the same day, and they replied “We’ll get it sorted out. We are on it”. I followed up with a phone call and they (Mike) told me not to worry that Taiko would handle it. Ha! Suncoast also told me the only way they could contact Taiko was by email and that they had sent an email – how strange that the only way a dealer can contact a manufacturer is by email?

On March 3rd I look up an email address on Taiko’s website, explain the problem and get a same day response that they will “dig up the Lacey Act certifications and forward them to me.” It’s March 6th and I still have nothing. Why are they sending these Lacey certifications to me and not DHL or Customs? Why didn’t they provide them before, or with, the shipment? You could say this is my problem because it is a US customs issue, but Taiko accepted my US dollars in payment. Because they didn’t use two different tracking numbers the Extreme has been stuck in Customs for 14 days and counting because of the base? Why did the base go to Cincinatti – which isn’t anywhere near Florida and will probably need to go on another plane. This is a complete customer service fail. I will be traveling, leaving this Friday March 10th, for a week. Is this shipment going to sit on my doorstep for a week – advertising we are not home and susceptible to theft? Unbelievable incompetence. I will never agree to a drop shipment from overseas. Better to have it go to a dealer (but not Suncoast) to avoid this. Is this a harbinger of the support I can expect from Taiko if I ever do receive the unit? Not a promising start for sure.
Hey pain5165, sorry to hear about your experience with DHL. I’ve had similar experiences with them. They do seem to be the carrier of choice for audio equipment coming from Europe.
I’ve been a customer of Suncoast Audio for eight years and have purchased a lot of equipment from Mike. His customer service is second to none. IMHO, it’s entirely inappropriate and inconsiderate to malign Suncoast Audio because the manufacturer chose DHL to ship their products.
Hello @pain5165 ,

Unfortunately we have no direct influence on customs clearance processing. We are in contact with DHL and have submitted the documents they have requested. We have replied to your first e-mail, received Friday at 6:02pm, at 6:43pm and to your second e-mail, received today at 1:57pm at 3:16pm.

I fully understand your frustration, rest assured we are doing everything we can, however this is mostly out of our control.
Taiko’s customer service has, so far for me, been TERRIBLE, far below an industry leader like Magico. I placed an order with Suncoast, a Taiko dealer in Tampa FL, which may also be part of the problem. Taiko estimated an 8 week wait time, and they shipped out right on time. Then everything fell apart. First Taiko used DHL, which may be carrier of choice overseas, but has less than a third of Fedex’s market share in the USA. Two boxes, an Extreme and an Isolation base, were shipped out from Taiko on the same day, but oddly with the SAME tracking number (two separate piece numbers but that doesn’t seem to matter). Both boxes left Amsterdam Feb 24th. DHL shipped the Extreme through Brussels and was in Atlanta on Feb 25th – where it has been for 14 days (2 weeks – a quarter of the time it took to build the unit). Imagine how many times in two weeks this sensitive piece of equipment has been moved, stacked, and otherwise mishandled. The Isolation base for some unknown reason was shipped through Leipzig Germany and was in Cincinnati on Feb 26th. Why were the two boxes sent to two different locations? Cincinnati is nowhere near Florida.

On Feb 24th (the day the items were shipped from Amsterdam) I received my first text from DHL that estimated a March 1st delivery date and said “Customs clearance status updated. Note - The Customs clearance process may start while the shipment is in transit to the destination”, one text referencing Cincy and one referencing Atlanta. OK fine seems clear enough. Then I get text messages saying there was an Atlanta clearance event and another text that it was processed for clearance. On Feb 27th I received a DHL text indicating Cincy is on hold, but without any reason provided. Two days later I finally get a text from DHL with a link requesting that I (not Taiko, not Suncoast) complete a US Dept of Agriculture form requesting an HTS # (no clue what that is), a plant scientific name, country of harvest, percent recycled etc. Needless to say, I have no idea how to complete this form. I forwarded this text to Suncoast on the same day, and they replied “We’ll get it sorted out. We are on it”. I followed up with a phone call and they (Mike) told me not to worry that Taiko would handle it. Ha! Suncoast also told me the only way they could contact Taiko was by email and that they had sent an email – how strange that the only way a dealer can contact a manufacturer is by email?

On March 3rd I look up an email address on Taiko’s website, explain the problem and get a same day response that they will “dig up the Lacey Act certifications and forward them to me.” It’s March 6th and I still have nothing. Why are they sending these Lacey certifications to me and not DHL or Customs? Why didn’t they provide them before, or with, the shipment? You could say this is my problem because it is a US customs issue, but Taiko accepted my US dollars in payment. Because they didn’t use two different tracking numbers the Extreme has been stuck in Customs for 14 days and counting because of the base? Why did the base go to Cincinatti – which isn’t anywhere near Florida and will probably need to go on another plane. This is a complete customer service fail. I will be traveling, leaving this Friday March 10th, for a week. Is this shipment going to sit on my doorstep for a week – advertising we are not home and susceptible to theft? Unbelievable incompetence. I will never agree to a drop shipment from overseas. Better to have it go to a dealer (but not Suncoast) to avoid this. Is this a harbinger of the support I can expect from Taiko if I ever do receive the unit? Not a promising start for sure.
Really poor form here.
Taiko Audio is one of the most revered manufactures on WBF and Suncoast is a known great dealer who backs their customers to the max.
You should have taken this up PRIVATELY with Suncoast and Taiko
Yes, this is a DHL problem. I’ve had many DHL problems and can’t say enough bad things about them, which is just reporting the truth. This is likely a DHL USA problem. But the Europeans seem to like them. Clearly third class compared to FedEx or UPS.

Ran a fork tine through a flight case (transformer rusted)
Delayed my Extreme in customs for 16 days
The service center is 98 miles away
Don‘t tell you duty is due on your package until you extract that from their website. Then it is released.
Wait all day at home for them to show up. They don’t. Then they lie and say you weren’t home.
On and on….

My blood boils whenever I learn it’s coming via DHL. Clowns!
Shouldn’t the dealer receive the shipment first from manufacturer and then send it to customer? Why does manufacturer send to customer directly if the order goes through with the dealer? It should be the dealer handling all the custom issues. What is the use of dealer in this case?
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Interesting ... I have better experience with DHL than UPS and FDX, but my experience is anecdotal. When shipping from Europe, I ask that they send it via DHL.
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Issues may be regional. Milwaukee is not a good region. FedEx and UPS run like clockwork here.

I believe DHL is lower cost, and on occasion it works and it’s only three days. In business you are known for your mistakes, not what you have done well. I know DHL as a yellow clown truck.

Had to check if I was in the DHL forum, lol. Whew.

I have another experiment coming in next week from PL. Wish me luck.
My package went 4000km from my house (they processed them to the wrong way) last time, it's just ridiculous.
My feelings about DHL are obvious. So are my feelings about Taiko. I’m sure you won’t regret owning the Extreme or doubt their service.
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I am really close to buying the Taiko extreme but this is really concerning. The OP did not purchase factory direct. He bought it through an official dealer in US. It’s the dealer’s and Taiko’s responsibility to clear customs. Casually blaming US customs and asking customer to fill out forms is very poor customer service.
I am really close to buying the Taiko extreme but this is really concerning. The OP did not purchase factory direct. He bought it through an official dealer in US. It’s the dealer’s and Taiko’s responsibility to clear customs. Casually blaming US customs and asking customer to fill out forms is very poor customer service.
The customer doesn't fill out customs forms. The customer just pays the dealer per usual and waits for delivery. Regardless of the delivery address, the same delays can occur. True, FOB destination is normative. (which means it is the responsibility of the seller to get it to you - the point of transference of ownership).

There are a couple of side considerations.

Sometimes if the delivery is direct, depending on the country of origin, the recipient may need to pay a nominal import duty. This should be in terms of purchase, negotiated prior to ordering.

If shipping to the dealer, the dealer will then need to re-ship. This may add another $400 or so onto the customer's bill. Then there is the state sales tax. The dealer has to add this on if routed through their possession. They may or may not do this anyway.

Of all the foreign goods I have purchased through a dealer, I have never routed the shipment through them. It wastes time and money.

Today I receive a package from Poland. Ordered through the US distributor. This time it was shipped via UPS :). Shipped on Tuesday afternoon, delivers on Friday. As easy as a cross-town Amazon delivery.

Each freight company prepares the customs paperwork prior to routing it through customs. Herein lies the difference in results. If you know what you are doing, it goes smoothly.

Ask your dealer what the cost difference is between direct shipment and through them.
My package went 4000km from my house (they processed them to the wrong way) last time, it's just ridiculous.
And somehow that's Taiko's fault? And that's somehow a reflection on their customer service, which from everyone I've ever talked to, is fantastic? I think you should ask for this post to be deleted.
I am really close to buying the Taiko extreme but this is really concerning. The OP did not purchase factory direct. He bought it through an official dealer in US. It’s the dealer’s and Taiko’s responsibility to clear customs. Casually blaming US customs and asking customer to fill out forms is very poor customer service.
I have received excellent support from Taiko. I purchased the Extreme through an authorized dealer in the USA. The dealer took delivery from Taiko and reshipped the package to me. If there were any customs forms, I was unaware of them. The purchase and delivery to me was seamless and unremarkable. Are you planning to make a substantial purchase decision based on one anecdote describing a problem inherently connected to the performance of a third-party delivery service? If there is any doubt about the dedication of Taiko to its customers, you might consider the other active thread here that is almost 800 pages long. Many of the posts come from Taiko, specifically addressing customer questions.
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And somehow that's Taiko's fault? And that's somehow a reflection on their customer service, which from everyone I've ever talked to, is fantastic? I think you should ask for this post to be deleted.
I don’t think TDX is blaming Taiko Audio.
And somehow that's Taiko's fault? And that's somehow a reflection on their customer service, which from everyone I've ever talked to, is fantastic? I think you should ask for this post to be deleted.
I think you can’t read my post properly, LOL
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