T.H.E. Show Newport 2015-Who's Going.

steve williams

Site Founder, Site Owner, Administrator
I will only be there this year on the final day as I will be on vacation and don't return until Saturday May 30. I usually host a small get together at my house each year and I would like to do the same this year for any who might be interested. I know it's the final day of the show and everyone might have planes to catch but nonetheless if there is an interest I will make it happen.

Please indicate here if you are interested in coming back to my house. I live 20 minutes from the venue
will be there Saturday and Sunday, Doc. consider me a maybe for your house- might be showing a new audiophile around the Show instead. thanks!
Well, I'll be there all days :)
Just don't know if I'll be able to make it to your house, given that we'll have to break down the rooms, pack everything, etc... But will try!

I am planning on being there all three days and yes Friday is usually much less crowded, Sat and Sun are a zoo.
I plan on being there but must warn you that my trimethylaminuria has proven somewhat off-putting in the past (at least to those within a ten-foot radius). In fact I've actually cleared out rooms at previous shows! Not sure why since it never bothers me in the least.
IMHO if you are going only one day Sunday is almost always the best. Crowds usually comparable or less than Friday, and the exhibitors have had their best chance to correct room and equipment foibles (which are almost universally present on Friday). I have had good (or better) sounding rooms all to myself for prolonged periods on Sunday of every show I have attended.
I plan on being there but must warn you that my trimethylaminuria has proven somewhat off-putting in the past (at least to those within a ten-foot radius). In fact I've actually cleared out rooms at previous shows! Not sure why since it never bothers me in the least.

Guess you're guaranteed the sweet spot then, unless they suffer from anosmia!
Unfortunately, I can't attend this year. My turntable did, however. It's in the Audio Prana room, so try to stop by. It has an Ikeda 12" arm with the new Ikeda cartridge, and I'm told the room sounds pretty good. Also it has a new controller that I truly believe is groundbreaking. One thing that we put in was the ability for the user to upgrade the software with a USB stick. It does a lot more, too. :)
Sonny and I will attend all three days. Hope to see some of you! :cool:
Mostly I'll be hanging out in the UHA/mbl room on the first floor.
Mostly I'll be hanging out in the UHA/mbl room on the first floor.
Didn't see you there in my brief visit a little while ago; it sounded as if MBL needs to work on things a bit, the sound wasn't nearly as good as usual.

I have already run into Sam (c1ferrari) and Gary though
Didn't see you there in my brief visit a little while ago; it sounded as if MBL needs to work on things a bit, the sound wasn't nearly as good as usual.

I have already run into Sam (c1ferrari) and Gary though

Did you drop in and have listen to the Kyron Kronos - impressions from any whom heard. Fremer thinks very highly of them saying they are wonderful and ...
The Kyron sounded good, but not significantly better to me (today) than two other similar but much less expensive dipoles, the Spatial Hologram M3 at $1500 and the new Emerald Physics at $2000. First day impressions only though.

In fact I was most impressed today by relatively inexpensive rooms, often under $10k total. The new Perfect8 Point MkIII at $100k did impress, as did the Nordost room with Magico S5's (don't remember the electronics) and the Light Harmonic room with Pass and Magico S3's. Lots of Wilson and Focal models, none of them sounding particularly good (yet).
Just got back. Crazy day...quite a lot of good rooms though.
Had the real pleasure to finally meet Gary...a true gentleman and a wealth of information. Same for Alexander.

I'm tired, so more tomorrow on my impressions.

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