SW1X DAC III Special Listening Test (Video)

It would be interesting to hear the same music through different version of your DAC...particularly the cost differential in the DACs gets pretty extreme all the way up through your DAC V Special. Can that be done?
It would be interesting to hear the same music through different version of your DAC...particularly the cost differential in the DACs gets pretty extreme all the way up through your DAC V Special. Can that be done?
We are in the process of having a DAC V built for a customer. I will ask Dr. Roschkow to do just that and will publish it here.
My upgraded DAC III STD is sitting in a warehouse in England getting ready to fly back to me. I hope to have it back in my system by Friday.

I can only dream of the IV or V level, but I do hope to someday listen to a IV.

We are in the process of having a DAC V built for a customer. I will ask Dr. Roschkow to do just that and will publish it here.
Thank you! Very exciting. Allowing us to hear the 2 videos side by side with the same music should be fun.
SW1X DAC IV. More photos at mono and stereo.com.
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Since the DAC in the video posted in the first post is mine, have jotted down a few thoughts below on my experience so far…

I received the SW1X DAC III Special on 20th Nov 2020, so have used it for about a little more than a month now (for around 175 – 200 hours).

My current system :

SONIC TRANSPORTER i7 Music Server > EtherRegen (Uptone JS2 PSU + Mutec REF 10) > Sonore ultraRendu (Farad PSU ) > Singxer SU1 with SOtM sCLK-EX Upgrade (Final Touch Audio USB + Paul Hynes PSU + Mutec REF 10) > SW1X DAC III Special (Final Touch Audio AES)

Wilson Audio Sophia MK III speakers

Ming Da MC 300 PRE pre-amplifier

PS Audio BHK Signature 250 stereo power amplifier

Sunfire XTEQ12 subwoofer - pair

My Dac III Special has the following upgrades:
  • 2 x Audio Note Copper Foil, Mylar in Oil signal output decoupling capacitors
  • 4 x Black Gate de-coupling capacitors for TDA1541
  • Premium Tung Sol Black Plate 5676 tube form the 60s
  • Additional choke filter for the TDA1541 DEM power supply
  • 2 x Audio Note 2W copper, non-magnetic, tantalum film resistors on plates of the output tube
  • Super HiB Double C core mains transformer
  • Super HiB double C core choke
I was previously using a Holo Audio Spring Level 2 Dac, so all my comparisons are with that as a baseline. Of course, it isn’t fair to compare a $ 1,800 Dac with an $ 8,000+ Dac but I don’t have anything else to compare it with. So with that in mind, my brief subjective notes on the sound are as follows :
  • Better soundstage depth, width, and height, more Holographic / 3D
  • Music has more weight & impact across the frequency spectrum (more meat to the bones)
  • Improved lower bass & mid-bass impact
  • I am very treble sensitive. The Dac III has an extended, clear treble that doesn’t tip over into sibilant territory. Sound is non-aggressive to the ears, I used to get listening fatigue after a couple of hours on quite a number of albums before but can listen longer now.
  • Even albums that sounded ordinary before now sound good
  • Vocals feel more real, firmly placed center stage.
  • Music sounds more enjoyable., engages me more emotionally.
  • All the above are much more apparent on my Headphone system as compared to my speakers (for example. If sound improved by …say...20% on Speakers, on headphones it improved by 30% (Percentages are for just for example))
  • In one of the SW1X DAC reviews, someone else had mentioned this comment - “ I find it necessary to adjust the volume much more frequently than in the past. I believe this is due to more dynamic range though I am hard-pressed to explain the phenomenon”. My experience is similar. I now understand what the term “dynamic range” means.
The DAC shipped with a GE 5R4 rectifier but Dr.Slawa gave me a list of types of rectifiers I can experiment with. After about 2 weeks of burning in, I upgraded the rectifier to KR Audio 274B - HP (white base) & the EL86 tubes to NOS Telefunken tubes. The Rectifier swap added further improvements to soundstage width, depth & layering. The EL86 swap added more resolution, especially with the treble. All my comments/observations above were made after 4 weeks of using the Dac.

Some pics of my system & Dac internals:


The amp is built for 5R4/GZ32 rectifiers which are short in size. As you can see in the picture below, the KR Audio 274B- HP rectifier does not fit inside the case. In order to create some room for the rectifier, have tilted the top of the case up by using some vibration control footers I had. Will have to find someone who can cut a hole in the top of the case for the taller rectifier to fit.
Negatives - well, the packing in which the DAC was sent in, could have definitely been better. The box was a bit crushed & didn’t have enough packing inside, but fortunately, no harm was done.

Dr. Slawa was extremely patient through the whole purchase & build process and answered my numerous questions diligently. I was quite apprehensive about moving from a Dac on which I was upsampling everything to DSD512 , to a DAC that uses an old DAC chip that only does 24/96 max.

Bottom line, quite happy with my Dac purchase.
This is a fantastic DAC, now the DAC III is also extremely good and you wouldn´t wish for anythig more, unless you have listened to the special side by side. I had both playing and have been able to compare side by side, the DAC III special has just that more air, the sounds seems illuminated by comparison, a friend said "it seems to play things in the music that you don´t believe are there", needless to say it is our reference DAC at Sadurni Acoustics and we use it for our speaker developement.
Review of SW1X DAC III (Standard)

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Review of SW1X DAC III (Standard)

This is a wonderful review mainly because he can really describe sound with words

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