SONY Double Dolby Surround


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2010
Hi everyone,

Double doubly surround always fascinated me. I really wanted to do it on a low budget so I purchased 2 x SONY surround sound processors. One 7.1 SONY STR-DB798 and one 6.2 SONY STR-K1600. Problem was not getting the stuff, was convincing the wife to put 16 speakers in my livingroom (try to make it as your wife ideea, works better from my experience). Somehow was done as ..."experimental" first which become permanent. Every source (DVD or BLU-RAY player) you have has coax as well as optical (or HDMI output). Through trial and error I discovered that both give output same time so connected to the 2 sound processors via different connection (coax and optical). I adjusted each amplifier independent for levels and power one at the time for volume control to set to similar level. When you power both same time...BINGO, you step in a new world. You can try this at home and I promise you, you will never regret it. Ofcource you can run any time only one at the time.
I hope I inspired you for a new project.
That is a pretty interesting way of building a 15+ channel system on the cheap! At least as far as processing and amplification is concerned.

I would think getting all of those speakers to play well together would be hard though. Did you do it for the fun factor or better realism?
So where do the other set of 7.1s go? Are they stacked on the primary set?
Sorry Steve, I have no wide angles but I hope you will get the picture. I posted a front and rear picture. Unfortunatly you can not see teh 2 spakers in middle and the 2 center speakers located behind my TV set. Yes, I am a fan of SONY products also. You also can see my treasures, my REVOXES (too hard to remove for the picture! In the weekend I bought for $40.00 a sound meter which helps a lot in an accurate adjusting of teh 2 systems! I still have to use the 2 systems when wife is not home..hahahahaha.



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